Test Bank For Policy Politics In Nursing And Health Care 8th Edition By
Elizabeth Lynne Mason, Diana J.; Perez, Adrianna; Mclemore, Monica R.;
Dickson, All Chapters ||Complete A+ Guide
Mason Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care, 8th Edition
f f f f f f f f f f
Chapter 01: Introduction
f f
1. Which fof fthe ffollowing fis fan fexample fof ftertiary fprevention?
a. Vaccination ffor frotavirus ffor fchildren fyounger fthan fthe fage fof f1 fyear
b. Surgical famputation fof fan fextremity fwith fosteosarcoma f(bone fcancer)
c. Screening ffor fgestational fdiabetes fafter f24 fweeks fof fpregnancy
d. Sexual feducation fprogram fin felementary fschools
e. Increasing ftaxes ffor fbuying fcigarettes
f ANS: fB
Surgical famputation fof fan fextremity fwith fosteosarcoma f(bone fcancer) fis fan fexample fin
fwhich fwhen fa fdisease fis fpresent fthe ftreatment f(amputation) fis fdone fto freduce fthe fimpact fof
fdisease fby fpreventing fthe ftumor ffrom fdissemination. fVaccination ffor frotavirus ffor fchildren
fyounger fthan fthe fage fof f1 fyear, fsexual feducation fprogram fin felementary fschools, fand
fincreasing ftaxes ffor fbuying fcigarettes frepresent fexamples fof fprimary fprevention. fScreening
ffor fgestational fdiabetes fafter f24 fweeks fof fpregnancy fis fan fexample fof fsecondary fprevention.
2. This fhistoric fcharacter fobserved fthat fchildbed ffever fmortality fwas fmore fcommon
famong fwomen ftreated fby fphysicians fand fmedical fstudents fcompared fwith fwomen ftreated
fby fmidwives. fBased fon fhis fobservations, fhe fimplemented fa fhand fwash fpolicy fthat fresulted
fin fa fdecrease fin fmortality. fName fthe fcharacter fthat fwe fare ftalking fabout.
a. John fSnow
b. Edward fJenner
c. D.A. fHenderson
d. Leon fGordis
e. Ignaz fSemmelweis
f ANS: fE
Ignaz fSemmelweis fidentified fthat fmedical fstudents fand fphysicians ftransmitted fthe fdisease
fby fnot fwashing ftheir fhands fafter fexamining fbodies fat fautopsies fand fconducting fmultiple
fexaminations fin fthe fclinic.
3. Thanks fto fthe fcontributions fof fEdward fJenner, fthe ffollowing fdisease fwas feradicated
flater fby fefforts forganized fby fD.A. fHenderson:
a. Cholera
b. Smallpox
c. Chickenpox
d. Polio
e. Zika
,Test fBank 1-2
Smallpox fwas feradicated fin f1980. fEdward fJenner fvaccinated fJames fPhipps fin f1796
fagainst fsmallpox. fAlmost f200 fyears flater, fthe fWorld fHealth fOrganization f(WHO)
D.A. fHenderson fto flead fthe fefforts fto feradicate fthe fdisease.
4. Over fthe fpast fcentury, fa fmarked fdecline fin fthe fmortality frates fof fmany finfectious
fdiseases fhas fbeen fobserved. fWhich fof fthe ffollowing fis fthe fmost flikely freason ffor fthe
fobserved fdecline fin fmortality frates ffrom fcommon finfectious fdiseases?
a. Development fof fpenicillin
b. Development fof finsulin
c. Development fof fvaccines
d. Improvement fin fsocial fconditions
e. Worse fsanitation fand funsafe fwater
f ANS: fD
Although fmedical ftreatments fpotentially fhelped fin fthe fdecrease fof finfectious fdiseases, fthe
fadvancement fin fsocial fconditions fplayed fa fmajor frole. fThese fimprovements finclude
fbetter fsanitation, fsafe fdisposal fof fwaste, fbetter fnutrition, fand fimprovement fin fhousing
Chapter f02: fThe fDynamics fof fDisease fTransmission
Test fBank
1. Which fterm fmost faccurately fdescribes fthe ffollowing fdefinition? f“The foccurrence fin fa
fcommunity for fregion fof fcases fof fan fillness, fspecific fhealth-related fbehavior, for fother
fhealth- frelated fevents fclearly fin fexcess fof fnormal fexpectancy.” f[Porta fM, fed. fA fDictionary
fof fEpidemiology. fNew fYork: fOxford fUniversity fPress; f2014.]
a. Endemic
b. Epidemic
c. Pandemic
d. Attack frate
e. Incubation fperiod
f ANS: fB
An fepidemic fis fthe foccurrence fof fhealth-related fevents fin fa fcommunity for fregion, fin fclear
fexcess fof fnormal fexpectation. fEndemic fis fnot ftrue fbecause fit fis fdefined fas fthe fconstant
foccurrence fof fa fdisease, fdisorder, for fnoxious finfectious fagent fin fa fgeographic farea for
Copyright f© f2020 fby fElsevier, fInc. fAll frights
, Test fBank 1-3
fpopulation fgroup. fPandemic fis fnot ftrue fbecause fit fis fdefined fas fan fepidemic foccurring fover
fa fvery fwide farea, fcrossing finternational fboundaries, fand fusually faffecting fa flarge fnumber
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