Immunology FIT Board Review: Abbas 7th Ed
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1. C, page 9 One general property of cy-
Cytokines are not usually stored as pre- tokines is:
formed molecules, and their synthesis A. They are stored as pre-
is initiated by new gene transcription formed molecules primed for
as a result of cellular activation. Such rapid release.
transcriptional activation is transient, and B. They are constitutively tran-
the messenger RNAs encoding most cy- scribed and released.
tokines are unstable and often rapidly de- C. They can act on many differ-
graded, so cytokine synthesis is also tran- ent kinds of cells.
sient. Once synthesized, cytokines are D. They have strictly local (au-
rapidly secreted, resulting in a burst of tocrine or paracrine) biologic
release when needed... Cytokines share effects.
many other general properties. One cy-
tokine can act on diverse cell types and
have multiple biologic effects, a proper-
ty that is referred to as pleiotropism...
Most cytokines act close to where they
are produced, either on the same cell that
secretes the cytokine (autocrine action)
or on a nearby cell (paracrine action).
.. When produced in large amounts, cy-
tokines may enter the circulation and act
at a distance from the site of production
(endocrine action). Tumor necrosis f
2. C, page 11 The number of naive lympho-
Because the number of naive lympho- cytes specific for a given anti-
cytes specific for any antigen is very gen is on the order of
small (on the order of 1 in 105 or 106 lym- A. <100
phocytes) and the quantity of the avail- B. 10^2-10^3
able antigen may also be small, special C. 10^5-10^6
mechanisms are needed to capture mi- D. 10^8-10^9
crobes, to concentrate their antigens in
the correct location, and to deliver the
antigens to specific lymphocytes.
3. D, page 11: See legend to figure 1-6 The main mechanism by which
The response contracts (declines) as anti- contraction of the immune re-
gen-stimulated lymphocytes die by apop- sponse occurs is: A. Differenti-
, Immunology FIT Board Review: Abbas 7th Ed
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tosis, restoring homeostasis, and the ation
antigen-specific cells that survive are re- B. Clonal expansion
sponsible for memory. C. Clonal selection
D. Apoptosis
4. B, page 12 One important effect of IL-2 is
One of the earliest responses of CD4+ A. It serves as a growth factor
helper T cells is secretion of the cy- for naive lymphocytes. B. It dri-
tokine interleukin-2 (IL-2). IL-2 is a growth ves clonal expansion.
factor that acts on the antigen-activated C. It stimulates production of
lymphocytes and stimulates their prolif- IgE antibodies.
eration (clonal expansion)... Other CD4+ D. It prevents complement acti-
effector T cells secrete cytokines that vation on host cells.
stimulate the production of a special
class of antibody called immunoglobu-
lin E (IgE) and activate leukocytes called
eosinophils, which are able to kill para-
sites that may be too large to be phago-
5. A, page 2 A vaccine has been devel-
Mechanisms for defending the host oped for elm trees that pre-
against microbes are present in some vents infection with the fun-
form in all multicellular organisms. These gus that causes Dutch elm dis-
mechanisms constitute innate immuni- ease. The vaccine contains a
ty. The more specialized defense mecha- non-pathogenic fungus of a dif-
nisms that constitute adaptive immunity ferent species. What is the like-
are found in vertebrates only. ly mechanism of action for this
A. Enhancement of innate im-
mune mechanisms.
B. Induction of an anti-fungal
antibody response.
C. Induction of a memory T cell
D. Passive transfer of immunity.
6. A, page 13 In order to respond to protein
The response of B cells to protein anti- antigen, additional help from
, Immunology FIT Board Review: Abbas 7th Ed
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gens requires activating signals ("help") what cell type is required?
from CD4+ T cells (which is the his- A. CD4+ T cells
torical reason for calling these T cells B. CD8+ T cells
"helper" cells). B cells can respond to C. NK cells
many non-protein antigens without the D. NKT cells
participation of other cells.
7. C, pages 4-5 A 42 year-old male arrives to
Immunity can be conferred on an individ- the emergency room of his lo-
ual by transferring serum or lymphocytes cal hospital after having re-
from a specifically immunized individual, ceived a deep laceration to his
a process known as adoptive transfer hand while working in his back-
in experimental situations. The recipient yard. The physician on duty de-
of such a transfer becomes immune to cides to administer tetanus im-
the particular antigen without ever having mune globulin as part of treat-
been exposed to or having responded to ment. This is an example of
that antigen. Therefore, this form of immu- which type of immunity?
nity is called passive immunity. Passive A. Innate immunity
immunization is a useful method for con- B. Active immunity
ferring resistance rapidly, without having C. Passive immunity
to wait for an active immune response D. Cell-mediated immunity
to develop. Passive immunization against
toxins by the administration of antibodies
from immunized animals is a lifesaving
treatment for potentially lethal infections,
such as tetanus, and snake bites.
8. B, page 13 Polysaccharides and lipids
Polysaccharides and lipids stimulate se- stimulate secretion mainly of
cretion mainly of the antibody class called which antibody class?
IgM. Protein antigens induce the produc- A. IgA
tion of antibodies of functionally different B. IgM
classes (IgG, IgA, IgE). C. IgG
D. IgE
9. D, page 6 Immune responses are specif-
Immune responses are specific for dis- ic even for different portions of
tinct antigens and, in fact, for different a complex antigen. The parts of
portions of a single complex protein, poly- such complex antigens specif-
, Immunology FIT Board Review: Abbas 7th Ed
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saccharide, or other macromolecule (Fig. ically recognized by individual
1-4). The parts of such antigens that are lymphocytes are called what?
specifically recognized by individual lym- A. Induction points
phocytes are called determinants or epi- B. Adjuvants
topes. C. Expanders
D. Epitopes
10. C, page 3, Table 1-2, Which of the following is a
Diversity in innate immunity is limited and distinguishing characteristic of
is germline encoded. Somatic recombi- the innate, as opposed to the
nation increases the diversity of adap- adaptive, immune system?
tive immunity. Both the innate and adap- A. More diverse.
tive immune system have mechanisms to B. Non-reactive to self.
avoid self-reactivity. C. Germline-encoded.
D. Diversity produced by so-
matic recombination
11. B, page 19 Which of the following state-
Basophils are derived from bone marrow ments about basophils is true?
progenitors (a lineage different from that A. They are not normally found
of mast cells), mature in the bone marrow, in the circulation but are con-
and circulate in the blood. Although they stitutively present in healthy tis-
are normally not present in tissues, ba- sues.
sophils may be recruited to some inflam- B. They are derived from a
matory sites. Basophils contain granules bone marrow lineage different
that bind basic dyes. Like mast cells, ba- from that of mast cells.
sophils express IgG and IgE receptors. C. Mature basophils express
IgM and IgD receptors.
D. Their granules contain basic
proteins that bind acidic dyes.
12. A, page 18 Alternative activation of
Macrophages can acquire distinct func- macrophages promotes what
tional capabilities, depending on the function(s)?
types of activating stimuli. The clear- A. Tissue modeling and repair.
est example of this is the response of B. Efficient ingestion and killing
macrophages to different cytokines made of microbes.
by subsets of T cells. Some of these cy- C. Killing cells infected with
tokines activate macrophages to become viruses or intracellular bacte-