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Test Bank for A Concise Introduction to Logic 13th Edition by Patrick Hurley A+ $17.99
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Test Bank for A Concise Introduction to Logic 13th Edition by Patrick Hurley A+

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  • A Concise Introduction To Logic

Test Bank for A Concise Introduction to Logic 13th Edition by Patrick Hurley A+

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  • November 17, 2024
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  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
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  • A Concise Introduction to Logic
  • A Concise Introduction to Logic
,Chapter il1 ilTest ilA


INSTRUCTIONS: ilThe ilfollowing ilselections ilrelate ilto ildistinguishing ilarguments ilfrom
ilnonargumentsliand ilidentifying ilconclusions. ilSelect ilthe ilbest ilanswer ilfor ileach.

1. There ilappears ilto ilbe ila ilgrowing ilhappiness ilgap ilbetween ilmen iland ilwomen. ilWomen iltoday
ilare ilworkinglimore iland ilrelaxing illess, ilwhile ilmen ilare ilworking illess iland ilrelaxing ilmore.
ilForty ilyears ilago ila iltypical ilwoman ilspent il40 ilminutes ilmore ilper ilweek ilthan ilthe iltypical
ilman ilperforming ilan ilactivity ilconsidered ilunpleasant. ilToday, ilwith ilmen ilworking illess, ilthe
ilgap ilis il90 ilminutes iland ilgrowing.
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilToday il... ilthe ilgap ilis il90 ilminutes iland ilgrowing.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilForty ilyears ilago il... ilan ilactivity ilconsidered ilunpleasant.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThere ilappears ilto ilbe il... ilbetween ilmen iland ilwomen.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilWomen iltoday ilare ilworking ilmore iland
ilrelaxing illess.lA
i NS: i l D PTS: i l 2

2. Lead ilis iltoxic, ilbut ildo ilyou ilknow ilwhy? ilLead ilis iltoxic ilmainly ilbecause ilit ilpreferentially
ilreplaces ilother ilmetals ilin ilbiochemical ilreactions. ilIn ilso ildoing ilit ilinterferes ilwith ilthe ilproteins
ilthat ilregulate ilblood ilpressureli(which ilcan ilcause ildevelopment ildelays ilin ilchildren iland ilhigh
ilblood ilpressure ilin iladults), ilheme ilproductionli(which ilcan illead ilto ilanemia), iland ilsperm
ilproduction. ilLead ilalso ildisplaces ilcalcium ilin ilthe ilreactions ilthat iltransmit ilelectrical ilimpulses
ilin ilthe ilbrain, ilwhich ildiminishes ilthe ilability ilto ilthink iland ilrecall ilinformation.
Anne ilMarie ilHelmstine, il"Your ilGuide ilto ilChemistry"
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIt ilinterferes ilwith ilthe ilproteins il... iland ilsperm ilproduction.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilLead ilis iltoxic.
c. Nonargument.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIt ilpreferentially ilreplaces ilother ilmetals ilin ilbiochemical ilreactions.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilLead ilalso ildisplaces ilcalcium il... ilrecall
i NS: i l C PTS: i l 2

3. Aristotle ilfocused ilon ilclarifying ilthe ilconcept ilof ilvirtue ilitself. ilHe ilargued ilthat ilit ilwas ilvirtuous
ilto ilchoose ilthelp
i roper ilamount ilof ilemotion iland/or ilaction ilcalled ilfor ilin ila ilparticular ilsituation
iland ilthat ilextremes ilof ilemotion iland ilaction ilwere ilvices. ilIn ilall ilcommunities ilthere ilare ilsome
ilmen ilof ilpractical ilwisdom ilwho ilhave ilthe ilcapacity ilto iljudge ilwisely. ilAristotle ilargued ilthat
ilthey ilhave ilthe ilcapacity ilto ilfollow ilthe il"right ilrule" ilwhatever ilthe ilsituation.
David ilCooper, ilValue ilPluralism iland ilEthical ilChoice
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIn ilall ilcommunities il... ilcapacity ilto iljudge ilwisely.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilAristotle ilfocused ilon ilclarifying ilthe ilconcept ilof ilvirtue ilitself.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThey ilhave ilthe ilcapacity ilto ilfollow il... ilthe ilsituation.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilHe ilargued ilthat ilit ilwas ilvirtuous il... ilwere ilvices
e. Nonargument.
ANS: i l E PTS: i l 2

4. Illegal ilimmigrants ilpay illocal ilsales iltaxes, iland ilmany ilof ilthem ilalso ilpay ilstate, illocal, iland
ilfederal ilincome iltaxla
i nd ilSocial ilSecurity iltax. ilThey ilalso ilpurchase ilitems ilfrom illocal ilmerchants,
ilincreasing ilthe ilamount ilthese ilmerchants ilpay ilin iltaxes. ilIn iladdition, ilthey ilwork ilfor illow
ilsalaries, ilwhich ilincreases ilthe ilearnings ilof iltheir ilemployers iland ilthe ilamount ilof iltaxes ilthese
ilemployers ilpay. ilThus, ilit ilis ilnot ilcorrect ilto ilsay ilthat ilillegal ilimmigrants ilcontribute ilnothing ilto
ilthe ilcommunities ilin ilwhich ilthey illive.
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIt ilis ilnot ilcorrect ilto ilsay il... ilcommunities ilin ilwhich ilthey illive.


, b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThey ilwork ilfor illow ilsalaries il... ilthese ilemployers ilpay.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIllegal ilimmigrants ilpay il... ilSocial ilSecurity iltax.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThey ilalso ilpurchase ilitems il... ilpay ilin iltaxes.
e. Nonargument.
ANS: i l A PTS: i l 2

5. Numerous ilstudies ilhave ilindicated ilthat ilwomen ilof ilcolor, ilblack ilwomen ilin ilparticular, ilare
ilover-arrested, ilover-indicted, iland ilover-sentenced. ilAfrican-American ilwomen ilare ilseven iltimes
ilmore illikely ilto ilbe ilarrested ilfor ilprostitution ilthan ilwomen ilof ilother ilethnic ilgroups. ilBlack
ilwomen ilhave ilreceived ilsignificantlylilonger ilsentences ilfor ilcrimes ilagainst ilproperty iland ilserved
illonger ilperiods ilin ilprison. ilFor ilboth ilmurder ilandlidrug iloffenses, ilEuroamerican ilwomen ilended
ilup ilserving ilone-third illess iltime ilfor ilthe ilsame iloffenses ilthan ilblack ilwomen.
Nancy ilKurshan, il"Women iland ilImprisonment ilin ilthe ilU.S."
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilAfrican-American ilwomen il... ilother ilethnic ilgroups.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilFor ilboth ilmurder iland ildrug iloffenses il... ilblack ilwomen.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilNumerous ilstudies ilhave ilindicated il... ilover-sentenced.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilBlack ilwomen ilhave ilreceived il... illonger ilperiods ilin
i NS: i l B PTS: i l 2

6. It's ileven ilmore ilimportant ilthese ildays ilthat ilyour ilcomputer ilbe ilprotected ilby ila ilfirewall. ilThere
ilare ilcriminal ilelements illurking ilin ilthe ilshadows ilof ilcyberspace ilwho ilsend ilout ilprobes ilto
ildetect ilunprotected ilPCs. ilOnce ilalivulnerable ilcomputer ilis ilfound, ilthese ilcriminals ilinstall
ilsoftware ilthat ilassists ilthem ilin ilcommitting ilidentity iltheft iland ilfencing ilstolen ilIDs. ilThey ilalso
ildefraud ilonline iladvertisers ilby ilusing ilthese ilzombie ilcomputers iltolivisit ilpay-per-click ilads.
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThere ilare ilcriminal ilelements il... ilto ildetect ilunprotected ilPCs.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilOnce ila ilvulnerable ilcomputer il... ilfencing ilstolen ilIDs.
c. Nonargument.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThey ilalso ildefraud il... ilto ilvisit ilpay-per-click ilads.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIt's ileven ilmore ilimportant il... ilprotected ilby ila
i NS: i l E PTS: i l 2

7. The ilearth ilis ilof ilinterest ilto ilastronomy ilfor ilmany ilreasons. ilNearly ilall ilobservations ilmust ilbe
ilmade ilthrough ilthe ilatmosphere, iland ilthe ilphenomena ilof ilthe ilupper ilatmosphere iland ilthe
ilmagnetosphere ilreflect ilthe ilstate ilofliinterplanetary ilspace. ilThe ilearth ilis ilalso ilthe ilmost ilimportant
ilobject ilof ilcomparison ilfor ilplanetologists.
Hannu ilKarttunen, ilet ilal., ilFundamental ilAstronomy
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThe ilphenomena il... ilstate ilof ilinterplanetary ilspace.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThe ilearth ilis ilalso il... ilfor ilplanetologists.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThe ilearth ilis ilof ilinterest ilto ilastronomy.
d. Nonargument.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilNearly ilall ilobservations il... ilthrough ilthe
i NS: i l C PTS: i l 2

8. If ilthe iltrade ilin iltiger ilproducts ilis ilbanned, iltiger ilreserves ilare ilguarded ilby ilwell ilequipped ilstaff,
ilcommunitiesliabutting iltiger ilhabitat ilare ilgiven ila ilstake ilin ilprotecting iltigers, iland ilthe ilmakers ilof
iltraditional ilmedicines ilcanlibe ilpersuaded ilthat iltiger ilparts ilare ilnot ilneeded, ilthen iltiger ilpoaching
ilwill ilbe ilhalted, ilhabitat iland illife ilsustaining ilprey ilwill ilbe ilrestored, iland ilthe ilimmanent
ilextinction ilof iltigers ilin ilthe ilwild ilwill ilbe ilaverted.
a. Nonargument.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThe iltrade ilin iltiger ilproducts ilis ilbanned.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilTiger ilpoaching ilwill ilbe ilhalted.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThe ilmakers ilof iltraditional ilmedicines il... ilnot ilneeded.


, e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilTiger ilpoaching ilwill ilbe ilhalted il... ilwill ilbe
i NS: i l A PTS: i l 2

9. Humans ilare ilbiological ilorganisms. ilTo ilunderstand ilour ilbehavior iland ilmental ilprocesses, ilwe
ilneed ilto ilunderstand iltheir ilbiological ilunderpinnings, ilstarting ilwith ilthe ilcellular illevel, ilthe
ilneuron. ilHow ilwe ilfeel, illearn, ilremember, iland ilthink ilall ilstem ilfrom ilneuronal ilactivity. ilSo,
ilhow ila ilneuron ilworks iland ilhow ilneuronslicommunicate ilare ilcrucial ilpieces ilof ilinformation ilin
ilsolving ilthe ilpuzzle ilof ilhuman ilbehavior iland ilmental ilprocessing.
Richard ilGriggs, ilPsychology: ilA ilConcise ilIntroduction
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilTo ilunderstand ilour ilbehavior il... ilthe ilneuron.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilHumans ilare ilbiological ilorganisms.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilHow ilwe ilfeel il... ilneuronal ilactivity.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilHow ila ilneuron ilworks il... ilmental ilprocessing.
e. Nonargument.
ANS: i l D PTS: i l 2

10. Viruses ilare ilacellular ilentities iltoo ilsmall ilto ilbe ilseen ilwith ila illight ilmicroscope. ilThey ilare
ilcomposed ilof ila ilnucleic ilacid iland ila ilfew ilproteins. ilViruses ilreplicate ilthemselves iland ildisplay
ilother ilproperties ilof illiving ilorganisms ilonly ilwhen ilthey ilhave ilinvaded illiving ilcells. ilIndeed,
ilsome ilviruses ilcan ilbe ilcrystallized iland ilstored ilin ila ilcontainer ilon ila ilshelf ilfor ilyears, ilbut ilthey
ilretain ilthe ilcapacity ilto ilinvade ilcells iland ilcause ildisease.
Jacquelyn ilC. ilBlack, ilMicrobiology: ilPrinciples iland ilExplorations
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilThey ilare ilcomposed ilof ila ilnucleic ilacid iland ila ilfew ilproteins.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilViruses ilare ilacellular ilentities il... ilmicroscope.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIndeed, ilsome ilviruses ilcan ilbe ilcrystallized il... ilcause ildisease.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilViruses ilreplicate ilthemselves il... ilinvaded illiving
i NS: i l B PTS: i l 2

11. Harnessing ilthe ilclean, ilabundant ilenergy ilof ilthe ilsun iland ilwind ilis ilcritical ilto ilsolving ilthe
ilglobal ilwarming ilproblem. ilTechnological iladvances ilhave ilbrought ilthe ilcost ilof ilelectricity
ilgenerated ilby ilthe ilwind ildown ilbyli82 ilpercent ilsince il1981. ilSolar ilenergy iltechnology ilhas ilmade
ilremarkable ilprogress ilas ilnew ilphotovoltaic ilcells ilhave ilbeen ildeveloped ilto ilconvert ileven
ilgreater ilamounts ilof ilsunlight ildirectly ilinto ilelectricity. ilTodaylithe ilcosts ilof ilwind iland ilsolar
ilpower ilare ilbecoming ilcompetitive ilwith ildirty ilcoal-fired ilplants.
Sierra ilClub, il"Global ilWarming ilSolutions"
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilToday ilthe ilcosts ilof ilwind il... ildirty ilcoal-fired ilplants.
b. Argument; ilconclusion: ilTechnological iladvances il... ilby il82 ilpercent ilsince il1981.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilHarnessing ilthe ilclean il... ilthe ilglobal ilwarming ilproblem.
d. Nonargument.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilSolar ilenergy iltechnology il... ildirectly ilinto
i NS: i l D PTS: i l 2

12. It ilis illikely ilthat ilinnocent ilprisoners ilin ilthis ilcountry ilhave ilbeen ilexecuted ilfor ilcrimes ilthey ildid
ilnot ilcommit. ilFrom il1973 iluntil il2007, il124 ildeath ilrow ilinmates ilhave ilbeen ilexonerated. ilIn ilmany
ilof ilthese ilcases ilDNA ilevidence ilplayed ila ilcrucial ilrole. ilYet, ilin ilthat ilsame iltime ilframe, ilmore
ilthan il1000 ilprisoners ilwere ilexecuted. ilFor ilmany ilof ilthese ilprisoners ilno ilDNA ilevidence ilwas
ilavailable. ilIf ilsuch ilevidence ilhad ilbeen ilavailable, ilhowlimay ilmore ilwould ilhave ilbeen ilexonerated?
a. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIn ilmany ilof ilthese ilcases il... ilplayed ila ilcrucial ilrole.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; ilconclusion: ilFrom il1973 il... ilhave ilbeen ilexonerated.
d. Argument; ilconclusion: ilFor ilmany ilof ilthese ilprisoners il... ilwas ilavailable.
e. Argument; ilconclusion: ilIt ilis illikely ilthat ilinnocent ilprisoners il... ilthey ildid ilnot ilcommit.


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