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Test Bank For A Concise Introduction to Logic 14th Edition By Patrick J. Hurley, All Chapters ||Complete A+ Guide $17.99
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Test Bank For A Concise Introduction to Logic 14th Edition By Patrick J. Hurley, All Chapters ||Complete A+ Guide

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Test Bank For A Concise Introduction to Logic 14th Edition By Patrick J. Hurley, All Chapters ||Complete A+ Guide

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  • November 17, 2024
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  • A Concise Introduction To Logic
  • A Concise Introduction To Logic
A Test Bank For Concise Introduction to Logic 14th Edition By Patrick
J. Hurley

,Chapter f1 fTest fA


INSTRUCTIONS: fThe ffollowing fselections frelate fto fdistinguishing farguments ffrom
fnonargumentsfand fidentifying fconclusions. fSelect fthe fbest fanswer ffor feach.

1. There fappears fto fbe fa fgrowing fhappiness fgap fbetween fmen fand fwomen. fWomen ftoday fare
fworkingfmore fand frelaxing fless, fwhile fmen fare fworking fless fand frelaxing fmore. fForty fyears fago

fa ftypical fwoman fspent f40 fminutes fmore fper fweek fthan fthe ftypical fman fperforming fan factivity

fconsidered funpleasant. fToday, fwith fmen fworking fless, fthe fgap fis f90 fminutes fand fgrowing.

a. Argument; fconclusion: fToday f... fthe fgap fis f90 fminutes fand fgrowing.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fForty fyears fago f... fan factivity fconsidered funpleasant.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fThere fappears fto fbe f... fbetween fmen fand fwomen.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fWomen ftoday fare fworking fmore fand frelaxing
f less.fANS: f D PTS: f 2

2. Lead fis ftoxic, fbut fdo fyou fknow fwhy? fLead fis ftoxic fmainly fbecause fit fpreferentially freplaces fother
fmetals fin fbiochemical freactions. fIn fso fdoing fit finterferes fwith fthe fproteins fthat fregulate fblood

fpressuref(which fcan fcause fdevelopment fdelays fin fchildren fand fhigh fblood fpressure fin fadults), fheme

fproductionf(which fcan flead fto fanemia), fand fsperm fproduction. fLead falso fdisplaces fcalcium fin fthe

freactions fthat ftransmit felectrical fimpulses fin fthe fbrain, fwhich fdiminishes fthe fability fto fthink fand

frecall finformation.

Anne fMarie fHelmstine, f"Your fGuide fto fChemistry"
a. Argument; fconclusion: fIt finterferes fwith fthe fproteins f... fand fsperm fproduction.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fLead fis ftoxic.
c. Nonargument.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fIt fpreferentially freplaces fother fmetals fin fbiochemical freactions.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fLead falso fdisplaces fcalcium f... frecall
f information.fANS: f C PTS: f 2

3. Aristotle ffocused fon fclarifying fthe fconcept fof fvirtue fitself. fHe fargued fthat fit fwas fvirtuous fto fchoose
fthefproper famount fof femotion fand/or faction fcalled ffor fin fa fparticular fsituation fand fthat fextremes fof

femotion fand faction fwere fvices. fIn fall fcommunities fthere fare fsome fmen fof fpractical fwisdom fwho

fhave fthe fcapacity fto fjudge fwisely. fAristotle fargued fthat fthey fhave fthe fcapacity fto ffollow fthe f"right

frule" fwhatever fthe fsituation.

David fCooper, fValue fPluralism fand fEthical fChoice
a. Argument; fconclusion: fIn fall fcommunities f... fcapacity fto fjudge fwisely.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fAristotle ffocused fon fclarifying fthe fconcept fof fvirtue fitself.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fThey fhave fthe fcapacity fto ffollow f... fthe fsituation.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fHe fargued fthat fit fwas fvirtuous f... fwere fvices
e. Nonargument.
ANS: f E PTS: f 2

4. Illegal fimmigrants fpay flocal fsales ftaxes, fand fmany fof fthem falso fpay fstate, flocal, fand ffederal fincome
ftaxfand fSocial fSecurity ftax. fThey falso fpurchase fitems ffrom flocal fmerchants, fincreasing fthe famount

fthese fmerchants fpay fin ftaxes. fIn faddition, fthey fwork ffor flow fsalaries, fwhich fincreases fthe fearnings

fof ftheir femployers fand fthe famount fof ftaxes fthese femployers fpay. fThus, fit fis fnot fcorrect fto fsay fthat

fillegal fimmigrants fcontribute fnothing fto fthe fcommunities fin fwhich fthey flive.

a. Argument; fconclusion: fIt fis fnot fcorrect fto fsay f... fcommunities fin fwhich fthey flive.


, b. Argument; fconclusion: fThey fwork ffor flow fsalaries f... fthese femployers fpay.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fIllegal fimmigrants fpay f... fSocial fSecurity ftax.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fThey falso fpurchase fitems f... fpay fin ftaxes.
e. Nonargument.
ANS: f A PTS: f 2

5. Numerous fstudies fhave findicated fthat fwomen fof fcolor, fblack fwomen fin fparticular, fare fover-
arrested, fover-indicted, fand fover-sentenced. fAfrican-American fwomen fare fseven ftimes fmore flikely
fto fbe farrested ffor fprostitution fthan fwomen fof fother fethnic fgroups. fBlack fwomen fhave freceived

fsignificantlyflonger fsentences ffor fcrimes fagainst fproperty fand fserved flonger fperiods fin fprison. fFor

fboth fmurder fandfdrug foffenses, fEuroamerican fwomen fended fup fserving fone-third fless ftime ffor fthe

fsame foffenses fthan fblack fwomen.

Nancy fKurshan, f"Women fand fImprisonment fin fthe fU.S."
a. Argument; fconclusion: fAfrican-American fwomen f... fother fethnic fgroups.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fFor fboth fmurder fand fdrug foffenses f... fblack fwomen.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fNumerous fstudies fhave findicated f... fover-sentenced.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fBlack fwomen fhave freceived f... flonger fperiods fin
f prison.fANS: f B PTS: f 2

6. It's feven fmore fimportant fthese fdays fthat fyour fcomputer fbe fprotected fby fa ffirewall. fThere fare
fcriminal felements flurking fin fthe fshadows fof fcyberspace fwho fsend fout fprobes fto fdetect funprotected

fPCs. fOnce fafvulnerable fcomputer fis ffound, fthese fcriminals finstall fsoftware fthat fassists fthem fin

fcommitting fidentity ftheft fand ffencing fstolen fIDs. fThey falso fdefraud fonline fadvertisers fby fusing

fthese fzombie fcomputers ftofvisit fpay-per-click fads.

a. Argument; fconclusion: fThere fare fcriminal felements f... fto fdetect funprotected fPCs.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fOnce fa fvulnerable fcomputer f... ffencing fstolen fIDs.
c. Nonargument.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fThey falso fdefraud f... fto fvisit fpay-per-click fads.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fIt's feven fmore fimportant f... fprotected fby fa
f firewall.fANS: f E PTS: f 2

7. The fearth fis fof finterest fto fastronomy ffor fmany freasons. fNearly fall fobservations fmust fbe fmade
fthrough fthe fatmosphere, fand fthe fphenomena fof fthe fupper fatmosphere fand fthe fmagnetosphere freflect

fthe fstate foffinterplanetary fspace. fThe fearth fis falso fthe fmost fimportant fobject fof fcomparison ffor


Hannu fKarttunen, fet fal., fFundamental fAstronomy
a. Argument; fconclusion: fThe fphenomena f... fstate fof finterplanetary fspace.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fThe fearth fis falso f... ffor fplanetologists.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fThe fearth fis fof finterest fto fastronomy.
d. Nonargument.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fNearly fall fobservations f... fthrough fthe
f atmosphere.fANS: f C PTS: f 2

8. If fthe ftrade fin ftiger fproducts fis fbanned, ftiger freserves fare fguarded fby fwell fequipped fstaff,
fcommunitiesfabutting ftiger fhabitat fare fgiven fa fstake fin fprotecting ftigers, fand fthe fmakers fof

ftraditional fmedicines fcanfbe fpersuaded fthat ftiger fparts fare fnot fneeded, fthen ftiger fpoaching fwill fbe

fhalted, fhabitat fand flife fsustaining fprey fwill fbe frestored, fand fthe fimmanent fextinction fof ftigers fin fthe

fwild fwill fbe faverted.

a. Nonargument.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fThe ftrade fin ftiger fproducts fis fbanned.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fTiger fpoaching fwill fbe fhalted.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fThe fmakers fof ftraditional fmedicines f... fnot fneeded.


, e. Argument; fconclusion: fTiger fpoaching fwill fbe fhalted f... fwill fbe
f averted.fANS: f A PTS: f 2

9. Humans fare fbiological forganisms. fTo funderstand four fbehavior fand fmental fprocesses, fwe fneed fto
funderstand ftheir fbiological funderpinnings, fstarting fwith fthe fcellular flevel, fthe fneuron. fHow fwe

ffeel, flearn, fremember, fand fthink fall fstem ffrom fneuronal factivity. fSo, fhow fa fneuron fworks fand fhow

fneuronsfcommunicate fare fcrucial fpieces fof finformation fin fsolving fthe fpuzzle fof fhuman fbehavior

fand fmental fprocessing.

Richard fGriggs, fPsychology: fA fConcise fIntroduction
a. Argument; fconclusion: fTo funderstand four fbehavior f... fthe fneuron.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fHumans fare fbiological forganisms.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fHow fwe ffeel f... fneuronal factivity.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fHow fa fneuron fworks f... fmental fprocessing.
e. Nonargument.
ANS: f D PTS: f 2

10. Viruses fare facellular fentities ftoo fsmall fto fbe fseen fwith fa flight fmicroscope. fThey fare fcomposed fof fa
fnucleic facid fand fa ffew fproteins. fViruses freplicate fthemselves fand fdisplay fother fproperties fof fliving

forganisms fonly fwhen fthey fhave finvaded fliving fcells. fIndeed, fsome fviruses fcan fbe fcrystallized fand

fstored fin fa fcontainer fon fa fshelf ffor fyears, fbut fthey fretain fthe fcapacity fto finvade fcells fand fcause


Jacquelyn fC. fBlack, fMicrobiology: fPrinciples fand fExplorations
a. Argument; fconclusion: fThey fare fcomposed fof fa fnucleic facid fand fa ffew fproteins.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fViruses fare facellular fentities f... fmicroscope.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fIndeed, fsome fviruses fcan fbe fcrystallized f... fcause fdisease.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fViruses freplicate fthemselves f... finvaded fliving
f cells.fANS: f B PTS: f 2

11. Harnessing fthe fclean, fabundant fenergy fof fthe fsun fand fwind fis fcritical fto fsolving fthe fglobal
fwarming fproblem. fTechnological fadvances fhave fbrought fthe fcost fof felectricity fgenerated fby fthe

fwind fdown fbyf82 fpercent fsince f1981. fSolar fenergy ftechnology fhas fmade fremarkable fprogress fas

fnew fphotovoltaic fcells fhave fbeen fdeveloped fto fconvert feven fgreater famounts fof fsunlight fdirectly

finto felectricity. fTodayfthe fcosts fof fwind fand fsolar fpower fare fbecoming fcompetitive fwith fdirty fcoal-

fired fplants.
Sierra fClub, f"Global fWarming fSolutions"
a. Argument; fconclusion: fToday fthe fcosts fof fwind f... fdirty fcoal-fired fplants.
b. Argument; fconclusion: fTechnological fadvances f... fby f82 fpercent fsince f1981.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fHarnessing fthe fclean f... fthe fglobal fwarming fproblem.
d. Nonargument.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fSolar fenergy ftechnology f... fdirectly finto
f electricity.fANS: f D PTS: f 2

12. It fis flikely fthat finnocent fprisoners fin fthis fcountry fhave fbeen fexecuted ffor fcrimes fthey fdid fnot
fcommit. fFrom f1973 funtil f2007, f124 fdeath frow finmates fhave fbeen fexonerated. fIn fmany fof fthese

fcases fDNA fevidence fplayed fa fcrucial frole. fYet, fin fthat fsame ftime fframe, fmore fthan f1000 fprisoners

fwere fexecuted. fFor fmany fof fthese fprisoners fno fDNA fevidence fwas favailable. fIf fsuch fevidence fhad

fbeen favailable, fhowfmay fmore fwould fhave fbeen fexonerated?

a. Argument; fconclusion: fIn fmany fof fthese fcases f... fplayed fa fcrucial frole.
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; fconclusion: fFrom f1973 f... fhave fbeen fexonerated.
d. Argument; fconclusion: fFor fmany fof fthese fprisoners f... fwas favailable.
e. Argument; fconclusion: fIt fis flikely fthat finnocent fprisoners f... fthey fdid fnot fcommit.


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