EMTB Signs and Symptoms exam
questions with complete solution 2024
Emphysema- jPathophysiology j- jANS✓✓-most jcommon jform jof jchronic
jobstructive jpulmonary jdisease j(COPD), jand jis jcaused jby jthe joveruse jof jthe
jalveoli. jThe jalveoli jresemble jballoons, jallowing jgas jexchange jin jthe jlungs.
jOnce jthe jalveoli jwear jdown jand jlose jtheir jelasticity, jthe jexhalation jof jair
jbecomes jextremely jdifficult jfor jthe jpatient. jDuring jemphysema, jthe jpatient's
jalveoli jwill jbreak jdown. jWith jlarge jholes jin jthe jalveoli, jthe jresidual jvolume jin
jthe jlungs jincrease, jbecause jthe jlungs jcan't jrid jof jthe jexcess jair jthat jneeds jto
jbe jexhaled. jA jpatient jwith jemphysema jis jcharacterized jwith j"barrel
jchestedness", jbecause jof jthe jincreased jtotal jlung jcapacity, jcaused jby jthe
jexcess jresidual jvolume. jUntreated jemphysema jmay jlead jto jhypoxia, jCO2
jretention, jaltered jlevel jof jconsciousness, jand jloss jof jconsciousness. jMost
jlikely jto jdevelop jin jcigarette jsmokers. jThe jrisk jfor jall jtypes jof jsmokers
jincreases jwith jthe jnumber jof jyears jand jamount jof jtobacco jsmoked.
Emphysema- jSigns jand jSymptoms j- jANS✓✓-"Barrel-chestedness", jshortness
jof jbreath, jshallow jbreathing, jdry jlung jsounds, jpursed jlips,"puffing" jwhile
jtrying jto jbreathe, jbronchoconstriction, jdyspnea jon jexertion, jcyanosis,
jwheezing/decreased jlung jsounds, jgradually jworsening jsymptoms, jtripod
emphysema j- jrisk jfactors j- jANS✓✓-Old jage, jlong-term jsmoking, jinhalation jof
jtoxic jgases jor jparticles, jchronic jcough jChronic jObstructive jPulmonary jDisease
j(COPD)- jLifestyle jOrigin, jChronic jbronchial jobstruction, jBronchial jirritants,
jLung jinfections, jPneumonia, jChronic jbronchitis, jSputum, jExcess jmucus
Emphysema- jEMT jSCOPE jOF jPRACTICE j- jANS✓✓-High jflow joxygen j(10-15
jL/min) jusing jnonrebreathing jmask jwith jreservoir, jstrict jairway jmaintenance,
jEpinephrine j(based jon jlocal jprotocol), jMDI jmedications j(based jon jlocal
jprotocol), jbronchodilators jthat jmay jhave jbeen jprescribed jto jthe jpatient
j(assistance jonly), jimmediate jtransport jin jhigh jFowler's jposition jor jposition jof
Simple jPnuemothorax-Pathophysiology: j- jANS✓✓-an jacute jcondition jthat
jdevelops jbecause jof ja jcollapsed jlung. jAir jbuilds jup jinto jthe jchest jcavity,
jpreventing jthe jlung jfrom jexpanding jagain. jThis jpressure jincreases jgreatly jon
,jthe jmediastinum. jIf jnot jtreated, jpneumothorax jcan jbe jfatal. jThe jpressure jon
jthe jlungs jwill jalso jcause jincreased jcompression jon jthe jsuperior jand jinferior
jvena jcava, jsignificantly jreducing jblood jflow jback jto jthe jheart. jIf jpneumothorax
jis jnot jtreated, jdangerous jthings jlike jhypoxia jand jobstructive jshock jcan joccur.
jIn jaddition, jthe jheart jmay jstop jbeating, jresulted jfrom jincreased jpressure.
Simple jPnuemothorax-Signs jand jSymptoms: j- jANS✓✓-Cyanosis, jSudden jchest
jpain, jlow jblood jpressure, jincreased jtidal jvolume j(inadequate jrise jand jfall jof
jthe jchest), janxiety, jdyspnea j(shortness jof jbreath), jdecreased jlung jsounds jon
jone jside jof jthe jchest, jeespiratory jrates jdrop, jpulse jrates jdrop, jtracheal
jdeviation j(trachea jshifts jto jopposing jside jof jconflict), jwound jsites,
jsubcutaneous jemphysema, jbulging jintercostal jmuscles jand jmuscles jin
jsupraclavicular, jsucking jsound jduring jinhalation, jrushing jair jduring jexhalation
Simple jPneumothorax-Risk jFactors: j- jANS✓✓-Acute jCondition- jDeveloped jor
jsudden, jlung jtissue jdamage,chest jinjury,pulmonary jtrauma j(contusions jand
jhemorrhages), jpneumonia,cystic jfibrosis, jmechanical jventilation j(increased
jpressure jon jthe jlungs), jChronic jObstructive jPulmonary jDisease j(COPD), jgreat
jpressures jon jthe jlung, jpulmonary jEmbolism
Simple jPneumothorax- jEMT jScope jof jPractice: j- jANS✓✓-Loosely jbandage
jchest jwounds jto jprevent jfurther jinfections j(if jany), jsupplemental joxygen jvia
jnonrebreathing jmask jwith jreservoir, jbe jcareful jto jnot jincrease jpressure jon jthe
jaffected jside jof jthe jlung, jImmediate jtransport jin jhigh jFowler jposition jor
jposition jof jcomfort
Asthma j-Pathophysiology: j- jANS✓✓-Asthma jis ja jcondition jwhere jsudden
jspasms jof jthe jbronchioles jwill jcause jdyspnea janddifficulty jbreathing. jAsthma
jpatients jalso jhave jdifficulty jbreathing jbecause jof jexcess jmucus
jproduction,and jswelling jof jrespiratory jpassages jthat jare jlined jwith jmucus.
jAsthma jis ja jcritical jcondition jthat jshouldbe jtreated jright jaway, jor jcyanosis
jand jrespiratory jdistress jmay jdevelop. jA jprolonged jasthma jattack(status
jasthmaticus) jmay jdevelop jif juntreated jfor jtoo jlong. jPeople jwho jdevelop
jasthma jtypically jhave ja jparent jwith jasthma, jhave ja jsevere jrespiratory jinfection
jas ja jchild, jhave jan jallergic jcondition, jor jwere jexposed jto jcertain jchemical
jirritants jor jindustrial jdusts jin jthe jworkplace
Asthma jSigns jand jSymptoms: j- jANS✓✓-wheezing jon
jinspiration/expiration,bronchospasm,slightly jincreased jblood jpressure,alternate
jwith jmucus jsuction jand jhigh jflow joxygen,slow jand jgentle jventilations,normal
jor jelevated jpulse jrate
Asthma-Risk jFactors: j- jANS✓✓-Congenital jOrigin j,respiratory jinfection,partial
jor jcomplete jlower jairway jobstruction,emotional jstress,exercise, jexcessive
jmucus jproduction, jirritated jbronchioles, jallergic jreaction
, Asthma-EMT jScope jof jPractice: j- jANS✓✓-High jflow joxygen, jimmediate
jtransport jin jhigh jFowler's jposition jor jposition jof jcomfort, jassist jwith
jprescribed jMDI j(ex. jalbuterol jor jepinephrine) jif javailable,give jbronchodilators
jaccording jto jlocal jprotocols, jconsider jcalling jALS
Pneumonia- jPathophysiology j- jANS✓✓-Pneumonia jis jan jinfectious jdisease jthat
jaffects jgas jexchange jbetween jthe jcapillaries jandalveoli jin jthe jlungs. jUsually,
jpneumonia jis ja jsecondary jinfection, jwhich jmeans jit joccurs jafter jan
jupperrespiratory jtract jinfection jlike ja jcold jor jsore jthroat. jPneumonia jis
jparticularly jdangerous jfor jinfants,because jthey jneed jmore joxygen, jand jthey
jhave jless jair jstored jin jthe jlung. jMany jdifferent jthings jcancause jpneumonia,
jfrom jaccidently jallowing ja jsubstance jto jenter jthe jlungs, jor jinjury jto jthe jlungs
jduringdrowning. jPneumonia jcan jbe jcaused jby jbacteria j,fungus, jor jviruses,
jhowever jviral jinfections jare jmorecommon. jViral jinfections jare jmore jgradual
jand jless jsevere, jwhereas jbacteria jinfection jare jmore jsuddenand jmore jserious.
Pneumonia-Signs jand jSymptoms: j- jANS✓✓-Cough, jrapid jbreathing, jgrunting,
jnasal jflaring, jtachypnea, jHypothermia, jchills, jfever, jDyspnea, jgreen, jred, jor
jrust jcolored jsputum, junilateral jdiminished jbreathing jsounds, jwheezing,
jcrackling jsounds jin jaffected jlobes jof jthe jlungs
Pneumonia-Risk jFactors: j- jANS✓✓-developed jorigin,Young jage,Fall jand jwinter
jmonths, jDirect jlung jinjuries, jDrowning jaccident, jChronic jor jterminal jillness,Old
jage, jBedridden jpatients, jImmunodeficiency,cystic jfibrosis, jany jsubstances jin
jthe jlungs, jsmoking, jtaking jdrugs jwith jimmunosuppressants, jincreased jmucus
Pneumonia-EMT jScope jof jPractice: j- jANS✓✓-Because jpneumonia jis jan
jinfectious jdisease, juse jPPE jfor jpersonal jprotection jand jplace ja jsurgical jmask
jon jthe jpatient. jMonitor jand jmaintain jairway, jhigh jflow joxygen j(10-15 jL/min,
jassist jwith jbronchodilators j(by jprotocol),Immediate jtransport jvia jhigh jFowler's
jposition jor jposition jof jcomfort
Pulmonary jEdema-Pathophysiology: j- jANS✓✓-Pulmonary jedema jis jan jacute
jcondition jwhere jtoo jmuch jfluid jis jreserved jbetween jthe jcells jin jthe jlungs,
jcausing jswelling. jThis jcondition jputs jthe jpatient jat jrisk jfor jcardiogenic jshock,
jbecause jthe jswelling jand jfluid jwill jplace jexcessive jpressure jon jthe jheart.
jUsually joccurring jafter jheart jconditions, jthe jheart jworks jat ja jdifferent jpace
jthan jthe jlungs. jThe jheart jcan't jpump jblood jfrom jthe jlungs jinto jthe jleft jatrium
jfast jenough, jso jblood jaccumulates jin jthe jlung jtissue jbetween jalveoli jand
jpulmonary jcapillaries. jThe jfluid jacts jas ja jphysical jbarrier jto jprevent jeffective
jgas jexchange jbetween jthe jalveoli jandpulmonary jcapillaries.
Pulmonary jEdema-Signs jand jsymptoms: j- jANS✓✓-Excessive juse jof jmuscles jto
jbreaths, jRespiratory jdistress j(rapid jand jshallow jrespirations),Occurs jduring
jsleep jin ja jreclined jposition j(fluid jin jlungs),Increased jrespiratory jrate, jClear