EMTB Patient Assessment exam
questions with complete solution 2024
What jare jthe jcomponents jof jevery jpatient jassessment j- jANS✓✓-scene jsize jup,
jprimary jassessment, jsecondary jassessment, jreassessment, jcommunication,
What jare jthe jsteps jof jscene jsize jup j- jANS✓✓-scene jsafety, jBSI/PPE, jMOI/NOI,
jnumber jof jpatients, jadditional jresources, jconsider jc-spine
What jare jthe jsteps jof jprimary jassessment j- jANS✓✓-general jimpression, jmental
jstatus, jairway, jbreathing j(pulse jox), jcirculation, jpatient jpriorities
What jthree jthings jshould jyou jget jduring jgeneral jimpression j- jANS✓✓-first
jimpression jof jappearance jand jenvironment, jstable/unstable, jand jchief
What jis jthe jchief jcomplaint j- jANS✓✓-the jreason jwhy jthe jpatient jcalled jems
What jdo jyou jdo jif jpatient jit jprone j- jANS✓✓-Assess jfor jc-spine jand japply
jneutral jin-line jstabilization jif jnecessary, jthen jlog jroll jto jsupine jposition
What jis jthe jacronym jfor jassessing jmental jstatus j- jANS✓✓-AVPU j(alert, jverbal,
jpain, junresponsive)
How jis jthe jalert jlevel jof jresponsiveness jdefined j- jANS✓✓-patient's jeyes jare
jopen jand jable jto jcommunicate jwith jyou jas jyou japproach
How jis jthe jverbal jlevel jof jresponsiveness jdefined j- jANS✓✓-patient jopens jtheir
jeyes jor jmakes jan jattempt jto jrespond jonly jwhen jspoken jto jor jobeys
How jis jthe jpain jlevel jof jresponsiveness jdefined j- jANS✓✓-patient jresponds jto
jeither jcentral j(trapezius jpinch, jsupraorbital jpressure, jsternal jrub,
jearlobe/armpit jpinch) jor jperipheral j(nail jbed jpressure, jpinching jweb jbetween
jthumb/index jfinger, jpinching jextremity) jpain; jcan jinclude jeither jpurposeful jor
jnon-purposeful jresponse
, What jare jthe jtwo jtypes jof jnon-purposeful jpain jresponse j- jANS✓✓-decorticate
j(flexion) jposturing jand jdecerebrate j(extension) jposturing, jboth jindicate jsevere
jhead jinjury
If ja jpatient jis junresponsive, jthey jare jcategorized jas jwhat jtype jof jtransport jand
jwhy j- jANS✓✓-high jpriority, joften jlose jcough jand jgag jreflexes jwhich jcan jlead
jto jloss jof jcontrol jof jtongue jand jairway jcompromise
How jdo jyou jassess jorientation j- jANS✓✓-do jyou jknow jwhat jyour jname jis,
jwhere jyou jare, jwhat jday jit jis
How jdo jyou jdocument jorientation j- jANS✓✓-a/o jx j1, j2, j3, jor jsometimes j4
What jare jfour jindications jof jpartial jupper jairway jocclusion j- jANS✓✓-snoring,
jgurgling, jcrowing, jstridor
If jsnoring jor jgurgling jis jheard jwhat jshould jbe jdone jimmediately j- jANS✓✓-for
jsnoring, jperform jmanual jmaneuver jand jinsert jOPA/NPA; jfor jgurgling, jsuction
jimmediately jfor j15s jadult/5s jpeds
What jis jFBAO jand jwhat jshould jbe jdone jfor jit j- jANS✓✓-foreign jbody jairway
jobstruction; jperform jmanual jthrusts
What jare jyou jlooking jfor jin jprimary jbreathing jassessment j- jANS✓✓-rate jand
jdepth jof jbreathing; jlook j
and jfeel jfor jinadequacies jor jabnormalities jin jeither, jchest jrise jand jfall, jalso jfor
jretractions, jnasal jflaring, jtripoding, jand/or jcyanosis
Is joxygen jappropriate jif ja jpatient jis jresponsive jand jbreathing jadequately jbut
jhave jexperienced ja jmajor jinjury jor jare jill j- jANS✓✓-it jcan jbe; jstart jwith jnasal
jcannula jbetween j2-4 jlpm, jmove jto jNRM jat j15 jlpm jif jmental jstatus jdeteriorates
jor jother jindications jpresent
When jshould ja jBVM jbe jused j- jANS✓✓-if jrate jor jtidal jvolume jis jinadequate jor
jpatient jshows jextreme jsigns jof jdistress
What jis jthe jminimum jadequate jpulse jox jreading j- jANS✓✓-SpO2 j95% jor jhigher
When jassessing jcirculation jwhat jthree jthings jare jyou jlooking jfor j- jANS✓✓-
pulse, jperfusion j(skin), jand jidentify jany jmajor jbleeding
At jthe jprimary jassessment jstage jwhat jare jyou jlooking jfor jin jpulse j- jANS✓✓-
presence, japproximate jrate, jand jstrength jand jregularity; jNOT jCOUNTING
What jdo jyou jdo jif jyou jfind jany jmajor jbleeding j- jANS✓✓-control jmajor jbleeding
jonly, jexpose jblood jsoaked jarea, jidentify jif jbleeding jis jcapillary, jarterial, jor