Organisation - ANSWER A systematic arranged framework relating to
peoples needs, knowledge, and technologies, in a design intended to achieve
specific goals.
Sensemaking - ANSWER The ongoing, retrospective, development of
plausible images that rationalise what people are doing.
Paradigm - ANSWER a coherent set of assumptions, concepts, values and
practices that a way of viewing reality.
Framing Managing - ANSWER The process of communicating, coordinating,
and acomplishing actions in the pursuit of organisational objective. The
process of managing relationships with stakeholders, technologies, and other
artefacts both within and in-between organisations.
Bureaucracy - Weber - ANSWER A form of organisational design, where
action is a result of rule based procedures.
Scientific Management - Taylor - ANSWER The systematic study of the
relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the
work process for higher efficiency.
Human Relations Management - Mayo - ANSWER Management that explores
the idea that productivity is increased when workers form social relations.
McDonalisation - ANSWER An idea developed by George Ritzer to mean the
application of goal-orientated rationality to all areas of human life. This
,approach focus' in efficiency, calculability, predicability and control,
therefore it's highly standardised.
Human Resource Management - ANSWER The process and practice of
managing and advising management on the recruitment, selection, retention,
and development of staff.
Recruitment - ANSWER The process and practices used to attract suitable
employees to the organisation.
Selection - ANSWER The tools, methods, and criteria upon which people will
be, and are, selected for a given position.
Retention - ANSWER The practices and processes used to retain staff, and
often includes development.
Development - ANSWER The processes, procedures, and policies designed
and implemented to enhance and update the skills, knowledge, and
capabilities of staff in relation to their careers and their jobs.
Hard Human Resource Management - ANSWER People are resources and if
not managed and controlled effectively will work to rule. The aim is efficiency
and performance by matching people to task.
Soft Human Resource Management - ANSWER People are more that
resources, and seek fulfilment and meaning in work. The Aim is performance
and engagement by matching jobs to people.
Theory X - ANSWER Managerial orientation that views employees as lazy,
self-interested, and requiring control and coordination.
Theory Y - ANSWER Managerial orientation that views employees as
motivated by feelings of self-worth, and seek autonomy, fulfilment, and
, meaningfulness at work.
Generations - ANSWER A postmodern idea in that it states that the values,
beliefs, aptitudes, and cultural norms of a society are fragmented and
centred on time and space
Diversity - ANSWER Variety in people based on geography, culture, gender,
spirituality, language, disability, sexuality, and age
Equity - ANSWER Diversity is valued and protected and people from diverse
are treated equitably and fairly
Affirmative Action - ANSWER Policies that address institutionalised
discrimination against people of diverse backgrounds by discriminating in
favor of people perceived as belonging to categories that are disadvantaged
Occupational Health and Safety - ANSWER Legislation, policies, acts,
practices, and processes that are aimed at protecting all workers from injury
and death in the workplace
Industrial Relations - ANSWER The relations between employers and
Unions - ANSWER An association of wage-earning employees mobilised and
organised in order to represent its constitutes interests
Individual Agreement - ANSWER A form of employment relations
underpinned by a belief in the market mechanism
Collective Agreement - ANSWER Interventionist ideology in which a union or
a collective negotiates a common agreement between employees and