Mark Scheme (Results)
., .,
November 2020 .,
Pearson Edexcel GCSE ., .,
In Religious Studies B (1RB0)
., ., ., .,
Paper 3: Area of Study 3 – Religion, Philosophy
., ., ., ., ., ., ., .,
andSocial Justice
., ., .,
Option 3G Sikhism ., .,
,Edexcel .,and .,BTEC .,Qualifications
Edexcel .,and .,BTEC .,qualifications .,are .,awarded .,by .,Pearson, .,the .,UK’s .,largest .,awarding .,body. .,We
.,provide .,a .,wide .,range .,of .,qualifications .,including .,academic, .,vocational, .,occupational .,and
.,specific .,programmes .,for .,employers. .,For .,further .,information .,visit .,our .,qualifications
.,websites .,at ., .,or ., .,Alternatively, .,you .,can .,get .,in .,touch .,with
.,us .,using .,the .,details .,on .,our .,contact .,us .,page .,at .,
Pearson: .,helping .,people .,progress, .,everywhere
Pearson .,aspires .,to .,be .,the .,world’s .,leading .,learning .,company. .,Our .,aim .,is .,to .,help .,everyone
.,progress .,in t., heir .,lives .,through .,education. .,We .,believe .,in .,every .,kind .,of .,learning, .,for .,all .,kinds .,of
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Autumn .,2020
Publications .,Code .,1RB0_3G_2011_MS
All .,the .,material .,in .,this .,publication .,is .,copyright
© .,Pearson .,Education .,Ltd .,2020
, General .,Marking .,Guidance
All .,candidates .,must .,receive .,the .,same .,treatment. .,Examiners
.,must .,mark .,the .,first .,candidate .,in .,exactly .,the .,same .,way .,as
.,they .,mark .,thel., ast.
Mark .,schemes .,should .,be .,applied .,positively. .,Candidates
.,must .,be .,rewarded .,for .,what .,they .,have .,shown .,they .,can
.,do .,rather .,than .,penalised .,for .,omissions.
Examiners .,should .,mark .,according .,to .,the .,mark .,scheme
.,not .,according .,to .,their .,perception .,of .,where .,the .,grade
.,boundaries .,mayl., ie.
There .,is .,no .,ceiling .,on .,achievement. .,All .,marks .,on .,the .,mark
., hould .,be .,used .,appropriately.
All .,the .,marks .,on .,the .,mark .,scheme .,are .,designed .,to .,be
.,awarded. .E
, xaminers .,should .,always .,award .,full .,marks .,if
.,deserved, .,i.e. .,if .,the .a
, nswer .,matches .,the .,mark .,scheme.
.,Examiners .,should .,also .,be .,prepared .,to .,award .,zero .,marks
.,if .,the .,candidate’s .,response .,is .,not .,worthy .,of .,credit
.,according .,to .,the .,mark .,scheme.
Where .,some .,judgement .,is .,required, .,mark .,schemes .,will
.,provide t., he .,principles .,by .,which .,marks .,will .,be .,awarded .,and
., ay .,be .,limited.
When .,examiners .,are .,in .,doubt .,regarding .,the .,application
.,of .,the .,mark .,scheme .,to .,a .,candidate’s .,response, .,the .,team
.,leader .,must .,bec
., onsulted.
Crossed .,out .,work .,should .,be .,marked .,UNLESS .,the
.,candidate .,hasr
., eplaced .,it .,with .,an .,alternative .,response.