,1. The bfollowing binformation bis brecorded bin bthe bhealth bhistory: b―The bpatient bcompleted b8th
bgrade.bHe bcurrently blives bwith bhis bwife band btwo bchildren. bHe bworks bon bold bcars bon bthe
bweekend. bHe bworks bin ba bglass bfactory bduring bthe bweek.‖
Which bcategory bdoes bit bbelong bto?
A) Chief bcomplaint
B) Present billness
C) Personal band bsocial bhistory
D) Review bof bsystems
Ans: bC
b 01
Page band bHeader: b 6, bThe bComprehensive bAdult bHealth bHistory
Feedback: bPersonal band bsocial bhistory binformation bincludes beducational blevel, bfamily bof borigin,
bcurrent bhousehold bstatus, bpersonal binterests, bemployment, breligious bbeliefs, b military bhistory,
bandblifestyle b(including bdiet band bexercise bhabits; buse bof balcohol, btobacco, band/or bdrugs; band
bsexual bpreferences band bhistory). bAll bof bthis binformation bis bdocumented bin bthis bexample.
2. The bfollowing binformation bis brecorded bin bthe bhealth bhistory: b―I bfeel breally
btired.‖bWhich bcategory bdoes bit bbelong bto?
A) Chief bcomplaint
B) Present billness
C) Personal band bsocial bhistory
D) Review bof bsystems
Ans: bA
b 01
Page band bHeader: b 6, bThe bComprehensive bAdult bHealth bHistory
Feedback: b The bchief bcomplaint bis ban battempt bto bquote bthe bpatient's bown bwords, bas blong bas
bthey bare bsuitable bto bprint. bIt bis bbrief, blike ba bheadline, band bfurther bdetails bshould bbe bsought bin
bthe bpresentbillness bsection. bThe babove binformation bis ba bchief bcomplaint.
3. The bfollowing binformation bis brecorded bin bthe bhealth bhistory: b―Patient bdenies bchest
bpain,bpalpitations, borthopnea, band bparoxysmal bnocturnal bdyspnea.‖
Which bcategory bdoes bit bbelong bto?
A) Chief bcomplaint
B) Present billness
C) Personal band bsocial bhistory
,D) Review bof bsystems
Ans: bD
b 01
Page band bHeader: b 6, bThe bComprehensive bAdult bHealth bHistory
Feedback: bReview bof bsystems bdocuments bthe bpresence bor babsence bof bcommon bsymptoms
brelatedbto beach bmajor bbody bsystem. bThe babsence bof bcardiac bsymptoms bis blisted bin bthe babove
4. The bfollowing binformation bis bbest bplaced bin bwhich
bcategory? b―The bpatient bhas bhad bthree bcesarean bsections.‖
A) Adult billnesses
B) Surgeries
C) Obstetrics/gynecology
D) Psychiatric
Ans: bB
b 01
Page band bHeader: b 9, bPast bHistory
Feedback: bA bcesarean bsection bis ba bsurgical bprocedure. bApproximate bdates bor bthe bage bof bthe
bpatientbat bthe btime bof bthe bsurgery bshould balso bbe brecorded.
5. The bfollowing binformation bis bbest bplaced bin bwhich bcategory?
―The bpatient bhad ba bstent bplaced bin bthe bleft banterior bdescending bartery b(LAD) bin b1999.‖
A) Adult billnesses
B) Surgeries
C) Obstetrics/gynecology
D) Psychiatric
Ans: bA
b 01
Page band bHeader: b 9, bPast bHistory
Feedback: bThe badult billnesses bcategory bis breserved bfor bchronic billnesses, bsignificant
bhospitalizations, bsignificant binjuries, band bsignificant bprocedures. bA bstent bis ba bmajor bprocedure
bbutbdoes bnot binvolve ba bsurgeon.
6. The bfollowing binformation bis bbest bplaced bin bwhich bcategory?
―The bpatient bwas btreated bfor ban basthma bexacerbation bin bthe bhospital blast byear; bthe bpatient bhas
, never bbeen bintubated.‖
A) Adult billnesses
B) Surgeries
C) Obstetrics/gynecology
D) Psychiatric
Ans: bA
b 01
Page band bHeader: b 9, bPast bHistory
Feedback: bThis bis binformation babout ba bsignificant bhospitalization band bshould bbe bplaced bin bthe
badult billnesses bsection. b If bthe bpatient bis bbeing bseen bfor ban basthma bexacerbation, byou bmay
bconsiderbplacing bthis binformation bin bthe bpresent billness bsection, bbecause bit brelates bto bthe bchief
bcomplaint batbthat bvisit.
Bates’ bGuide bto bPhysical bExamination band bHistory bTaking, b12th bEdition
Chapter b2: bClinical bReasoning, bAssessment, band bRecording bYour bFindings
Multiple bChoice
1. A bpatient bpresents bfor bevaluation bof ba bsharp, baching bchest bpain bwhich bincreases bwith
bbreathing.bWhich banatomic barea bwould byou blocalize bthe bsymptom bto?
A) Musculoskeletal
B) Reproductive
C) Urinary
D) Endocrine
Ans: bA
b 02
Page band bHeader: b27, bAssessment band bPlan: bThe bProcess bof bClinical bReasoning
Feedback: bChest bpain bmay bbe bdue bto ba bmusculoskeletal bcondition, bsuch bas bcostochondritis bor
bintercostal bmuscle bcramp. b This bwould bbe bworsened bby bmotion bof bthe bchest bwall. b Pleuritic
bchestbpain bis balso ba bsharp bchest bpain bwhich bincreases bwith ba bdeep bbreath. bThis btype bof bpain bcan
boccur bwith binflammation bof bthe bpleura bfrom bpneumonia bor bother bconditions band bpulmonary