CGS 2518 Final, Ch. 5 - 9, FSU Exam
Questions and Answers
The lookup_value of a HLOOKUP function can be a contiguous cell range - Answers -
In a VLOOKUP formula with a TRUE lookup type, the first column of the lookup table
referenced must be in a ascending order to retrieve the correct value - Answers -True
The result_vector of a LOOKUP function must be sorted in ascending order - Answers -
Reference and Lookup functions may not contain nested functions as arguments -
Answers -False
The default range_lookup type for the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions is TRUE -
Answers -False
Excel matches the lookup_value "tom" with the entry "TOM" in a lookup table - Answers
The row and column arguments in the INDEX function can be numeric values, Boolean
values, or text - Answers -False
The formula =INDEX((B2:D7, B12:D17, B22:D17),2,3,1) returns the value in cell D3 -
Answers -True
The formula = AVERAGE(CHOOSE(1,B12:D17,B22:D17)) averages the value 1 with
the values in cells B12 to D17 and B22 to D17 - Answers -False
The formula =MATCH(40,{10,20,40,50},0) returns the value 3. - Answers –True
Which Excel function should you use when you want to look up a value from a two-
dimensional table, where both the columns, and rows can be varied? - Answers -To find
a value in a two-‐dimensional table, use the INDEX function
Write a formula to choose the name of the third day of the week from the list starting
with Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,...Saturday. - Answers -
, What happens when Excel is solving a HLOOKUP formula with a FALSE range_lookup
type and does not find an exact match in the lookup table? - Answers -#N/A
What is the difference between the LOOKUP function and the VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP
function? - Answers -VLOOKUP searches for a value in the leftmost column of a table,
and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify in the table.
HLOOKUP is similar but it searches a horizontal lookup table. The LOOKUP function
looks for a matching value in a range of cells (vertical or horizontal) that you specify and
returns a value. LOOKUP is limited to a single row or column.
What function returns the relative position of an item from a list? - Answers -=MATCH
Write a formula in cell C13 in the Pricing worksheet to determine the total cost of
making copies for this order (275 copies). Write the formula so that it works when
copied into cells C14:C15 - Answers -=VLOOKUP(B13,$B$2:$C$7,2,TRUE)*B13
The delivery charges used in the Delivery worksheet are as follows:
*For orders under $10, there is a $6 delivery fee
*For orders at least $10 but less than $40, there is a $7.50 delivery fee
*For orders over $40, delivery is free of charge
Create a lookup a table in the Delivery worksheet, so that you can use a lookup function
to calculate the delivery cost for each order. Organize the table in a horizontal format,
as shown here... - Answers -....
Write a formula in cell D13 in the Pricing worksheet to look up the correct delivery cost
using the lookup table you created in Question 17. Write the formula so that it can be
copied down the column. - Answers -=VLOOKUP(A2,$A3:$B3,3,True)
As shown in the Grades worksheet, final grades are determined using the following
grading scheme:
• Students earning over 900 points receive an A.
• Students earning less than 900 points but at least 800 points receive a B.
• Students earning less than 800 points but at least 700 points receive a C.
• Students earning less than 700 points but at least 600 points receive a D.
•Students earning less than 600 points receive an F.
Write a formula in cell C3 in the Scores worksheet that determines the final grade for
the first student based on the grading scheme. Use the appropriate Reference and
Lookup function and write the formula so that it can be copied down the column. -
Answers -=HLOOKUP(B3,Grades!A$6:E$7,2,TRUE)
Explain the difference between the lookup table in cells A3:E4 of the Grades worksheet
and the lookup table in cells A6:E7 in the same worksheet. - Answers -The lookup table