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HfCanadian HfHealth HfPromotion HfThroughout Hfthe HfLife
Chapter Hf2: HfDiverse HfPopulations Hfand HfHealth
Dames, HfLuctkar-Flude Hfand HfTyerman: HfEdelman Hfand HfKudzma’s HfCanadian
HfHealth HfPromotion HfThroughout Hfthe HfLife HfSpan, Hf1st HfEdition
1. Which Hfof Hfthe Hffollowing Hfstatements Hfabout Hfthe HfCanadian Hfpopulation Hfis Hfaccurate?
a. It Hfis Hfestimated Hfthat Hfthe Hfpercentage Hfof Hfethnic Hfminorities Hfwill
Hfdecrease Hfduring Hfthe Hfnext Hf30 Hfyears.
b. It Hfis Hfestimated Hfthat Hfby Hf2024, Hfone Hfin Hffive Hfindividuals Hfwill Hfbe Hfaged Hf65
Hfand Hfolder.
c. The Hfincreasing Hfpopulation Hfof Hfrefugees Hfhas Hfbeen Hfa
Hfsignificant Hfcontributor Hfto Hfthe Hfincrease Hfin Hfvisible
d. The Hfincreasing Hfpopulation Hfof Hfvisible Hfminorities Hfhas Hfhelped
Hfdecrease Hfthe Hfhealth Hfdisparities Hffaced Hfby Hfthis Hfpopulation.
It Hfis Hfestimated Hfthat Hfby Hf2024, Hfone Hfin Hffive Hfindividuals Hfin HfCanada Hfwill Hfbe
Hfaged Hf65 Hfand Hfolder. HfThe Hfincreasing Hfpopulation Hfof Hfimmigrants Hfhas Hfbeen Hfa
Hfsignificant Hfcontributor Hfto Hfthe Hfincreasing Hfpopulations Hfof Hfmajor Hfvisible
Hfminority Hfgroups. HfThe Hfincreasing Hfpopulation Hfof Hfvisible Hfminorities Hfis Hfone
Hffactor Hfthat Hfis Hfproducing Hfdisparities Hfin Hfhealth Hfstatus Hfand Hfaccess Hfto Hfthe
Hfhealth Hfcare Hfsystem.
DIF: Cognitive HfLevel: HfUnderstand Hf(Comprehension)
REF: H f H Population HfStatistics Hfand HfDemographic HfTrends
H f H4 HfTOP: H f HAssessment MSC:
f HHealth HfPromotion Hfand HfMaintenance
2. A Hfperson Hfstates, Hf“My Hfgrandmother Hfis Hfthe Hfdecision Hfmaker Hfin Hfour
Hffamily.” HfWhich Hfof Hfthe Hffollowing Hfis Hfbeing Hfdescribed Hfby Hfthe
a. Culture
b. Race
c. Ethnicity
d. Values
Culture, Hfas Hfan Hfelement Hfof Hfethnicity, Hfrefers Hfto Hfintegrated Hfpatterns Hfof Hfhuman
Hfbehaviour Hfthat Hfinclude Hfthe Hflanguage, Hfthoughts, Hfcommunications, Hfactions,
Hfcustoms, Hfbeliefs, Hfvalues, Hfand
institutions Hfof Hfracial, Hfethnic, Hfreligious, Hfor Hfsocial Hfgroups. HfThe Hfterm
Hf“ethnicity” Hfencompasses Hfmore Hfthan Hfa Hfcultural Hfpractice, Hfwhich Hfis Hfwhat Hfthe
Hfperson Hfis Hfdescribing; Hfit Hffocuses Hfon Hfdifferences Hfin Hfmeanings, Hfvalues, Hfand
Hfways Hfof Hfliving. HfThe Hfterm Hf“race” Hfis Hfassociated Hfwith Hfpower Hfand
indicates Hfthe Hfhistory Hfor Hfongoing Hfimposition Hfof Hfone Hfgroup’s Hfauthority Hfover
Hfanother. HfIn HfCanada, Hfthe Hfterm Hf“race” Hfis Hfno Hflonger Hfused, Hfbecause
Hf“racialization” Hfis Hfclosely Hflinked Hfto Hfdiscrimination, Hfthe Hfsystemic Hfinequitable
Hftreatment Hfof Hfindividuals Hfor Hfgroups Hfbased Hfon Hfstratified Hfclassifications.
,HfValues Hfare Hfbeliefs Hfabout Hfthe Hfworth Hfof Hfsomething Hfand Hfserve Hfas Hfstandards
Hfthat Hfinfluence Hfbehaviour Hfand Hfthinking.
DIF: Cognitive HfLevel: HfAnalyze Hf(Analysis)
REF: H f H Culture, HfValues, Hfand HfValue HfOrientation OBJ:
f H 2 HfTOP: H f H Assessment MSC:
f HHealth HfPromotion Hfand HfMaintenance
, DOWNLOAD HfTHE HfTest HfBank Hffor HfEdelman Hfand HfKudzmaÔÇÖs
HfCanadian HfHealth HfPromotion HfThroughout Hfthe HfLife
3. The Hfnurse Hfrecommended Hfto Hfa Hf50-year-old Hfwoman Hfthat Hfshe Hfschedule Hfa Hfroutine
fmammogram. HfWhich Hfof Hfthe Hffollowing Hfwould Hfbe Hfthe Hfmost Hfimportant
Hffactor Hfin Hfthis Hfwoman’s Hfdecision Hfto Hfschedule Hfthis Hfexam?
a. Her Hfspirituality
b. Her Hfethnicity
c. Her Hfcultural Hfvalues
d. Her Hfvalue Hforientation
Cultural Hfvalues Hfguide Hfactions Hfand Hfdecision Hfmaking Hfthat Hffacilitates Hfself-
worth Hfand Hfself-esteem. HfThey Hfshape Hfhuman Hfbehaviours Hfand Hfdetermine Hfwhat
Hfindividuals Hfwill Hfdo Hfto Hfmaintain Hftheir Hfhealth Hfstatus, Hfhow Hfthey Hfwill Hfcare
Hffor Hfthemselves Hfand Hfothers Hfwho Hfbecome Hfill, Hfand Hfwhere Hfand Hffrom
whom Hfthey Hfwill Hfseek Hfhealth Hfcare. HfSpirituality Hfis Hfassociated Hfwith Hfa Hfperson’s
Hfspiritual Hfbeliefs Hfand Hfpractices. HfEthnicity Hffocuses Hfon Hfdifferences Hfin Hfmeanings,
Hfvalues, Hfand Hfways Hfof Hfliving. HfValue Hforientations Hfreflect Hfthe Hfpersonality Hftype
Hfof Hfa Hfparticular Hfsociety.
DIF: Cognitive HfLevel: HfApply Hf(Application)
REF: H H f H Culture, HfValues, Hfand HfValue HfOrientation OBJ: H f H f H2
TOP: H f HImplementation MSC: H f HHealth HfPromotion Hfand HfMaintenance
4. Which Hfof Hfthe Hffollowing Hfactions Hfdemonstrates Hfa Hfhealth Hfcare Hfprovider
Hfwho Hfis Hfproviding Hfculturally Hfcompetent Hfcare?
a. Encouraging Hfthe Hfperson Hfto Hftake Hfmedications Hfas Hfprescribed
b. Asking Hfthe Hfperson Hfto Hfdescribe Hfhis Hftraditional Hfhealing Hfmethods
c. Demonstrating Hfthe Hfproper Hfway Hfto Hfadminister Hfan Hfinsulin Hfinjection
d. Assisting Hfthe Hfperson Hfwith Hfdiscussing Hfhis Hfhealth Hfproblems Hfwith Hfthe Hffamily
It Hfis Hfvery Hfimportant Hffor Hfhealth Hfcare Hfproviders Hfto Hfbe Hfaware Hfof Hfhow
Hfpeople Hfinterpret Hftheir Hfhealth Hfissues Hfor Hfillnesses Hfto Hfbe Hfcapable Hfof
Hfproviding Hfculturally Hfcompetent Hfcare. HfA Hfculturally Hfcompetent Hfhealth Hfcare
Hfprovider Hfshould Hfbe Hfable Hfto Hfconsistently Hfand Hfthoroughly Hfrecognize Hfand
Hfunderstand Hfthe Hfdifferences Hfin Hftheir Hfown Hfculture Hfand Hfthat Hfof Hfthe Hfperson
Hfor Hfan Hfindividual, Hfto
respect Hfthe Hfperson’s Hfvalues Hfand Hfbeliefs, Hfand Hfadjust Hfthe Hfapproach Hfof
Hfdelivering Hfcare Hfto Hfmeet Hfeach Hfperson’s Hfneeds Hfand Hfexpectations. HfAsking
Hfthe Hfperson Hfto Hfdescribe Hfhis Hftraditional Hfhealing Hfmethods Hfis Hfthe Hfonly
Hfaction Hffrom Hfthe Hfoptions Hfpresented Hfthat Hfdemonstrates Hfthe Hfhealth Hfcare
Hfprovider Hfseeking Hfinput Hffrom Hfthe Hfperson Hfinto Hfthe Hfcare Hfthat Hfis Hfreceived.
DIF: Cognitive HfLevel: HfAnalyze Hf(Analysis)
REF: H f H Cultural HfCompetency Hfand HfCultural HfHumility OBJ:
H f H3 HfTOP: H f HAssessment MSC:
f HHealth HfPromotion Hfand HfMaintenance
5. Which Hfof Hfthe Hffollowing Hfnurses Hfis Hfmost Hflikely Hfto Hfprovide Hfculturally Hfcompetent
a. A Hfnurse Hfwho Hfrecognizes Hfand Hfaccepts Hfcultural Hfdiversity
b. A Hfnurse Hfwho Hfis Hfknowledgeable Hfin Hfdisease-specific
Hfepidemiology Hfand Hftreatment Hfefficacy Hffor Hfdifferent Hfpopulation