Lower Ivy SSAT words
Colleague - answer co-worker or fellow classmate
Compatible - answer Capable of getting along with other people or things
Accommodations - answer To be agreeable, acceptable, suitable.
To adapt
Amiable - answer Friendly, kind, likeable
Congenial - answer Friendly, kind, likeable
Aloof - answer Emotionally distant
Nonchalant - answer Casual, concerned, calm
Apathetic - answer Showing no interest or concern
Indifferent - answerShowing no interest or concern
Sentimental - answerOverly emotional
Hysterical - answerHaving excessive and uncontrollable emotion
Benevolent - answerKind, generous
Compassionate - answerKind, sympathetic
Empathy - answerUnderstanding another's feelings
Charismatic - answerCharming
Engaging - answerInteresting, charming, attractive
Gracious - answerCharming, generous, polite
Courteous - answerPolite
Cordial - answerPolite, friendly
,Tact - answerConsideration and sensitivity when dealing with others
Emulate - answerTo copy or imitate, to look up
Flatter - answerTo praise excessively or dishonestly
Fidelity - answerFaithfulness, loyalty
Steadfast - answerDetermined, loyal, steady
Fickle - answerNot reliable or dependable, changing opinions frequently
Headstrong - answerStubborn, disobedient
Obstinant - answerStubborn, disobidient
Exasperate - answerTo annoy, irritate
Infuriate - answerTo anger or enrage
Indignant - answerOutraged, angry at something unjust
Mock - answerTo ridicule or make fun of
Malicious - answerIntending to harm or cause suffering
Exploit - answerTo take advantage of. A bold action or deed
Belittle - answerTo put someone down to express a negative opinion
Jeer - answerTo laugh at with scorn
Snub - answerTo behave coldly towards, to ignore
Condescend - answerTo look down on, to display arrogance.
Disdain - answerArrogance, scorn
Hypocrite - answerSomeone who says one thing and does another
Admonish - answerTo scold or warn strongly
Reprimand - answerTo scold or warn strongly. A strong warning
Vivacious - answerLively, spirited
, Animated - answerLively, spirited
Extrovert - answerA sociable, outgoing person
Inteovert - answerA person who has a quiet, reserved personality
Reserved - answerQuiet, shy, not showing ones feelings.
Timid - answerShy, lacking confidence
Meek - answerHumble, tame
Docile - answerObedient, tame
Subdued - answerQuiet, low-key, hushed
Submissive - answerGiving in to orders, obedient
Passive - answerLacking in energy or will, submissive
Cynical - answerBelieving the worst about people or events
Dejected - answerDepressed, sad
Initiate - answerTo begin
Fatigue - answerExhaustion, tiredness.
Feeble - answerWeak, faint lacking strength
Diligent - answerSteadily persevering to complete a task
Industrial - answerDiligent hardworking . Relates to making goods and services.
Valiant - answerShowing courage or determination
Resolute - answerDetermines, fíen, unyielding
Empathetic - answerForceful, spoken with emphasis
Endeavor - answerTo make an attempt
Endure - answerTo suffer, to put up with something unpleasant
Withstand - answerTo resist, to stabd up to something