AHIMA CCA: Exam Questions With
Crrect Answers 100%Verified
A 65-year-
old white male was admitted to the hospital on 1/15 complaining of abdominal pain. The att
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ending physician requested an upper GI series and laboratory evaluation of CBC and UA.
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The x- p
ray revealed possible cholelithiasis, and the UA showed an increased white blood cell cou
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nt. The patient was taken to surgery for an exploratory laparoscopy, and a ruptured appen
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dix was discovered. The chief complaint was:
p p p p p p
a. Ruptured appendix
p p
b. Exploratory laparoscopy
p p
c. Abdominal pain
p p
d. Cholelithiasis - correct answer...✔✔c. Abdominal pain
p p p p p p
The nature and duration of the symptoms that caused the patient to seek medical attention
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as stated in the patient's own words (Odom-Wesley et al. 2009, 331).
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84. An individual stole and used another person's insurance information to obtain medical
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care. This action would be considered:
p p p p p
a. Violation of bioethics
p p p p
b. Fraud and abuse
p p p
c. Medical identity theft
p p p p
d. Abuse - correct answer...✔✔c. Medical identity theft
p p p p p p p p
Correct Answer: 84. c. Medical identity theft occurs when someone uses a person's name
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and sometimes other parts of their identity without the victim's knowledge or consent to obt
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ain medical services or goods (Johns 2011, 773).
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Identify the ICD-9- p p
CM diagnostic code(s) for acute osteomyelitis of ankle due to Staphylococcus.
p p p p p p p p p p
,a. 730.06
b. 730.07
c. 730.07, 041.1
p p
d. 730.07, 041.10 - correct answer...✔✔d. 730.07, 041.10
p p p p p p p
Correct Answer: D Index Osteomyelitis, acute or subacute. Refer to the table in the Index f
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or the fifth digit 5, ankle and foot. Infection, staphylococcal NEC (Schraffenberger 2012, 30
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A system that provides alerts and reminders to clinicians is a(n):
p p p p p p p p p p
a. Clinical decision support system
p p p p
b. Electronic data interchange
p p p
c. Point of care charting system
p p p p p
d. Knowledge database - correct answer...✔✔
p p p p p
Correct Answer: A Clinical decision support includes providing documentation of clinical fi
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ndings and procedures, active reminders about medication administration, suggestions for
p p p p p p p p p
prescribing less expensive but equally effective drugs, protocols for certain health mainten
p p p p p p p p p p p p
ance procedures, alerts that a duplicate lab test is being ordered, and countless other deci
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sion-making aids for all stakeholders in the care process (Johns 2011, 138).
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What does an audit trail check for?
p p p p p p
a. Unauthorized access to a system
p p p p p
b. Loss of data
p p p
c. Presence of a virus
p p p p
d. Successful completion of a backup - correct answer...✔✔Correct Answer: A
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Audit trails can provide tracking information such as who accessed which records and for
p p p p p p p p p p p p p p
what purpose (Johns 2011, 403).
p p p p
This is a condition with an imprecise diagnosis with various characteristics. The condition
p p p p p p p p p p p p p
may be diagnosed when a patient presents with sinus arrest, sinoatrial exit block, or persist
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ent sinus bradycardia. This syndrome is often the result of drug therapy, such as digitalis, c
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,alcium channel blockers, beta-
p p p
blockers, sympatholytic agents, or antiarrhythmics. Another presentation includes recurre
p p p p p p p p
nt supraventricular tachycardias associated with bradyarrhythmias. Prolonged ambulatory
p p p p p p p
monitoring may be indicated to establish a diagnosis of this condition. Treatment includes i
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nsertion of a permanent cardiac pacemaker.
p p p p p
a. Atrial fibrillation (427.31)
p p p
b. Atrial flutter (427.32)
p p p
c. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (427.0)
p p p p
d. Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) (427.81) - correct answer...✔✔
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d. Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) (427.81)
p p p p p
Correct Answer: D SSS is the imprecise diagnosis with various characteristics treated with
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the insertion of a permanent cardiac pacemaker. The other three conditions are treated wit
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h cardioversion and different pharmacological therapy (Schraffenberger 2012, 194-195).
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Identify the ICD-9-CM diagnostic code for primary localized osteoarthrosis of the hip.
p p p p p p p p p p p
a. 715.95
b. 715.15
c. 721.90
d. 715.16 - correct answer...✔✔b. 715.15
p p p p p
Correct Answer: B Index Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary. For category 715, refer to the t
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able for the fifth digit of 5 for pelvic region and thigh (Schraffenberger 2012, 303-304).
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A health record with deficiencies that is not complete within the timeframe specified in the
p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p
medical staff rules and regulations is called a(n):
p p p p p p p
a. Suspended record
p p
b. Delinquent record
p p
c. Pending record
p p
d. Illegal record - correct answer...✔✔Correct Answer: B
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, An incomplete record not rectified within a specific number of days as indicated in the medi
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cal staff rules and regulations is considered to be delinquent (Johns 2011, 412).
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A hospital HIM department wants to purchase an electronic system that records the locatio
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n of health records removed from the filing system and documents the date of their return t
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o the HIM department. Which of the following electronic systems would fulfill this purpose?
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a. Chart deficiency system
p p p
b. Chart tracking system
p p p
c. Chart abstracting system
p p p
d. Chart encoder - correct answer...✔✔Correct Answer: B
p p p p p p p p
With an automated tracking system, it is easy to track how many records are charged out of
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the system, their location, and whether they have been returned on the due dates indicate
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d (Johns 2011, 402).
p p p
Identify the appropriate ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for Lou Gehrig's disease.
p p p p p p p p p
a. 335.20
b. 334.8p
c. 335.29
d. 335.2 - correct answer...✔✔Correct Answer: A
p p p p p p p
Index Disease, Lou Gehrig's or Lou Gehrig's disease. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is anot
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her name for Lou Gehrig's disease. Many diseases carry the name of a person or an epony
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m. The main terms for eponyms are located in the Alphabetic Index under the eponym or th
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e disease, syndrome, or disorder (Schraffenberger 2012, 13).
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In the laboratory section of CPT, if a group of tests overlaps two or more panels, report the
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panel that incorporates the greatest number of tests to fulfill the code definition. What woul
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d a coder do with the remaining test codes that are not part of a panel?
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a. Report the remaining tests using individual test codes, according to CPT.
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b. Do not report the remaining individual test codes.
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c. Report only those test codes that are part of a panel.
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