US intervention in Latin America - ANSWER Early 20th century, frequently justified by
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Long-term presence of Marines in Cuba,
Honduras, Panama, Haiti, Nicaragua, etc to safeguard customs revenues that were the
cause of local civil wars Tried to shore up Latin Am states to keep the peace in the
Western Hemisphere and to keep European powers out
US intervention in Asia - ANSWER Late 19th, early 20th century, organized eight nation
alliance to put down the Boxer Rebellion in China and toppled Qing army. Conquered the
Philippines in the Span-Am war and annexed it after putting down an insurgency.
Intervened partly bc of economic reasons
Progressive Movement - ANSWER Need for efficiency, science, and greater democratic
control over all parts of society. Worked for worker compensation, improved child labor
laws, minimum wage, limited workweek, graduated income tax, women's suffrage,
greater education, anti-prostitution, prohibition. Regulate large corporations, divided
btw trustbusting and regulation.
Red Scare (1920s) - ANSWER period of wide-spread fear of far-left movements,
especially Communism and anarchism. People were concerned about the implications
of radical political agitation and the supposed diffusion of Socialism, Communism, and
anarchism into the labor movement. People very afraid and was overriding explanation
for challenges to the social order, Palmer and co carried out a lot of illegal raids and
Harding Admin - ANSWER Thought govt should aid business as much as possible, ended
hostilities formally with the Central Powers, poured money into infrastructure
Coolidge Admin- ANSWER Handled Harding scandals, succeeded to presidency after
Harding's death and won a full term in 1924. Reputation of a small-govt conservative,
sought to shrink govt's regulatory roll, three major tax cutes, govt debt shrank by a
quarter. Signed bill to restrict immigration, kept US out of League of Nations, supported
disarmament agreements. Supported racial equality
,Hoover Admin - ANSWER Opposed to direct role of govt in econ but wanted to have
govt, business, and labor work together. Heightened the fed enforcement of Prohibition
despite public sentiments, favored the policy of noninterventionism and disarmament.
Attempted the solution to GD through co-operation with businesses and local
government, signed a major public works bill finally but also raised taxes to balance the
budget. Lost to Roosevelt since he didn't solve the depression
Causes of the Great Depression - ANSWER 1. Stock Market Crash of 1929
2. Bank Failures (panics)
3. Reduction in Purchasing Across the Board
4. reduced international lending and tariffs
5. Drought Conditions
Hoover's reaction to GD - ANSWER Attempted to alleviate GD by collaborating with
businesses and local govt. signed a major public works bill but eventually also raised
taxes to balance the budget. Signed protective tariffs to protect Am industry, hurt Am
and global economy. Philosophy of "rugged individualism," hands off approach at first.
Dispersed the Bonus Army. Lost to Roosevelt because he failed to fix the depression
New Deal - ANSWER 1933-1938, programs; public works, financial reforms and
regulations enacted. Included CCC, WPA, FSA, and SSA to provide support for farmers,
unemployed, youth, elderly. Focused on relief, recovery, and reform (to prevent another
depression). Made Democratic party the majority, Republicans were split and some
formed the New Deal coalition with the Democrats that dominated presidential elections
into the 1960s.
Containment - ANSWER Aka the Truman Doctrine, US would support democratic
countries threatened by communism politically, militarily, and economically to keep
communism contained
Domino Theory - ANSWER Popularized by Eisenhower, suggested that if a country
turned communist all the surrounding countries would eventually follow. Heightened the
cost of becoming chummy with Communist China, kept US involved militarily in
Southeast Asia
, Camp David Accords - ANSWER 1978, political agreement btw Egypt (Pres. Anwar
Sadat) and Israel (PM Menachem Begin) witnessed by Carter. Consisted of two
frameworks, one of which lead to a 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. Sadat and Begin
shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. The second framework dealt with the Palestinian
territories that was written without the Palestinians and condemned by the UN.
Iranian Hostage Crisis - ANSWER 1979, Iranian Muslim students stormed the US
embassy and took over 50 hostages in Teheran. Sparked a diplomatic standoff for over
a year. Viewed by the US as a violation of international law, by Iranians as act against
the US, which they thought was undermining the Iranian Rev and supporting the Shah of
Iran, overthrown in 1979. Major factor in continuing downfall of Carter's admin and his
huge loss in 1980 election. Weakened ties btw the countries
Persian Gulf War-ANSWER 1990-91, coalition vs Iraq. Saddam Hussein invaded and
occupied Kuwait, annexed it, invaded bc of oil markets. Largest military alliance since
WWII. Coalition won decisively
Afghanistan War - ANSWER (2001-2021) to find/kill Osama Bin Laden, destroy Al Qaeda,
remove the Taliban from power and; help build a nation. Direct response to 9/11 attacks,
international military coalition led by US as part of the war on terror. Toppled Al-Qaeda
and established Islamic Republic
Iraq War - ANSWER 2003-2011, US-led coalition overthrew Saddam Hussein. Much of
the war was insurgency that opposed the coalition and the coalition-supported conflict.
Part of Bush's war on terror, rationale for invasion was claim that Iraq had WMDs and
was a threat and supported Al Qaeda. No evidence of first and third points found, heavy
criticism in US and around the world, war hurt the reputation of the US globally and of
Bush domestically
Truman's Fair Deal - ANSWER Domestic agenda of Truman admin 1945-1953, wanted to
continue New Deal Liberalism, but conservative coaltion controlled Congress, so not
much passed. Aimed at aiding education, national health insurance, fair employment
practices commission, and repeal of Taft-Hartley
Ike's Modern Republicanism - ANSWER "Be conservative when it comes to money,