term fall 23
nutrition 1
, table of contents
topic: the DRI
topic: food groups
topic: food labels
topic: diet
topic: digestion, absorption, and transport
topic: absorption pathways
topic: digestive disorders
topic: carbohydrates
topic: carbohydrate metabolism
topic: disease
nutrition 2
, topic: lipids
topic: protein and amino acids
topic: energy metabolism
topic: energy balance and body composition
topic: weight management
topic: water soluble vitamins
topic: water soluble vitamins
topic: fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)
topic: water and the other minerals
topic: trace minerals
topic: pregnancy and lactation
topic: infancy to adolescence
topic: adulthood and the later years
topic: diet and health
topic: hunger and the global environment
topic: the DRI
date: 8/29
DRI- four values or standards
energy, nutrients, other dietary components, physical activity
standards set for healthy people
estimated average requirement- sufficient for half the population
recommended dietary allowances- meet needs of most healthy people
AI and UL
adequate intake levels- insufficient evidence to establish EAR
tolerable upper intake levels- point where toxicity occurs, protect against
overconsumption, determine safety of a supplement
either RDA or AI not both
nutrition 3
, UL at edge of marginal
RDA or AI at safety
EAR at marginal
chronic disease risk reduction intakes CDRR- sodium reduction
energy recommendations
estimated energy requirement- EER, maintain energy balance
acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges- AMDR, ensure adequate intake
to reduce risk of disease
45-65% carb 20-35% fat 10-35% protein
350 cho, 1400 cal
120 fat, 1080 cal
60 pro- 240 cal
macro distribution:
1400/2720 x 100= 51.5% (45-65%)
1080/2720 x 100= 39.7% (20-35%)
240/2720 x 100=8.8% (10-35%)
🔚 summary: The DRI contains four measures of value, the RDA, AI, EAR,
and UL. The RDA is the recommended dietary allowance and is sufficient
for most healthy people. This establishes the EAR, or estimated average
requirement which applies to half of the people. The Adequate Intake
levels mean there is not sufficient evidence to establish an EAR. The
tolerable Upper intake Levels establish a point of toxicity in consumption
of nutrients. As for energy recommendations, there is the EER and
AMDR, which focus on balance and reducing risk of disease
nutrition 4