NR 302 Chamberlain Exam One
"A and O" - ANS-alert and oriented
"ABCT" - ANS-appearance, behavior, cognition, thought process
"ICE" - ANS-Impact, Coping, Emotional Response
"OLDCART" - ANS-Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristic symptoms, Aggravating factors,
Relieving factors, Treatment
5 Factors that determine BP - ANS-Cardiac output
Peripheral vascular resistance
Volume of circulating blood
Elasticity of vessel walls
ABCT - ANS-Appearance
Thought processes
Acute Pain - ANS-Short term and self-limiting, often follows a predictable trajectory, and
dissipates after an injury heals. (vitals are elvated)
ADL - ANS-activities of daily living- how you take care of yourself (EVERYDAY)
ADPIE - Nursing Process - ANS-Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Implement, Evaluation
Amplitude (intensity) - ANS-loud or soft sound.
Apical pulse location - ANS-5th intercostal space, left midclavicular line. (heart)
Appearance - ANS-posture, body movements, dress, grooming and hygiene
Assessment should be done in this order: - ANS-1) Inspection
2) Palpation
3) Percussion
Behavior - ANS-level of consciousness, facial expression, speech, mood and affect
, Behavior Assessment? - ANS-facial expression, mood, speech, dress, hygiene.
Bell of stethoscope is used for - ANS-low pressure, low frequency.
Bell vs. Diaphragm for heart sounds - ANS-Bell= murmurs
Diaphragm= "lub dub"
Blunt Percussion - ANS-Place palm on the non-dominant hand flat against the body surface.
(Gallbladder, liver, kidney)
BMI (body mass index) - ANS-a measure of body weight relative to height (in kg)
BP normal range - ANS-120/80
Breakthrough Pain - ANS-Pain that occurs between doses of pain medication
Characteristics of Pain - ANS-Radiating, referred, intractable
Chronic nonmalignant pain - ANS-Often associated with musculoskeletal conditions such as
arthritis, low back pain, and fibromyalgia
Chronic Pain - ANS-episode of pain that lasts for 6 months or longer (vitals are normal)
Cognitive function - ANS-orientation, attention span, recent memory, remote memory, new
Coma - ANS-Completely unconscious with no response to pain or external/internal stimuli.
Cutaneous Pain - ANS-pain originating from skin surface or subcutaneous structures
deep palpation - ANS-assesses an organ or mass deeper in a body cavity
Diaphragm of stethoscope is used for - ANS-heavy/firm pressure, high frequency.
diastolic pressure - ANS-occurs when the ventricles are relaxed.
Direct vs indirect touch - ANS-Direct- directly touching patient
Indirect- hand, finger buffer between you and patient.
Doppler - ANS-used for finding pulses you can't feel.
Dorsal of the hand is used to find what - ANS-temperature
Dullness - ANS-High-pitched, soft, short duration (solid organs).