, TB Introduction To Statistical
h g h g h g
h g Investiga- t ionsb 2nd Edition Beth g
h h g h g h g
L.Chance h g
Chapter 1 h g
Introduction hgto hgStatistical hgInvestigations hgTest hgBank
Note: h g TE h g = h g Text hgentry TE-N hg= hgText hgentry hg-
hg Numeric hgMa h g = h g Matching MS h g = h g Multiple hgselect hg
MC h g = h g Multiple hgchoice TF hg= hgTrue-
False hgE hg= hgEasy, hgM hg= hgMedium, hgH hg= hgHard hg
hg hg hg
CLO1-1: hgUse hgthe hgchance hgmodel hgto hgdetermine hgwhether hgan hgobserved hgstatistic hgis hgunlikely
hg to hgoccur. hgCLO1-2: hgCalculate hgand hginterpret hga hgp-value, hgand hgstate hgthe hgstrength hgof
evidence hgit hgprovides hgagainst hg
the hgnull hghypothesis. hg
CLO1-3: hgCalculate hga hgstandardized hgstatistic hgfor hga hgsingle hgproportion hgand hgevaluate hgthe
hgstrength hgof hgevidence hgit hgprovides hgagainst hga hgnull hghypothesis. hg
CLO1-4: hgDescribe hghow hgthe hgdistance hgof hgthe hgobserved hgstatistic hgfrom hgthe hgparameter hgvalue
hgspecified hgby hgthe hgnull hghypothesis, hgsample hgsize, hgand hgone- hgvs. hgtwo-sided hgtests
hgaffect hgthe hgstrength hgof hgevidence hgagainst hgthe hgnull hghypothesis. hg
CLO1-5: hgDescribe hghow hgto hgcarry hgout hga hgtheory-based, hgone-proportion hgz-test. hg
Section 1.1: Introduction to Chance Models
hg hg hg hg hg
LO1.1-1: hgRecognize hgthe hgdifference hgbetween hgparameters hgand hgstatistics. hg
LO1.1-2: hgDescribe hghow hgto hguse hgcoin hgtossing hgto hgsimulate hgoutcomes hgfrom hga hgchance hgmodel
hgof hgthe hgran- hgdom hgchoice hgbetween hgtwo hgevents. hg
LO1.1-3: hgUse hgthe hgOne hgProportion hgapplet hgto hgcarry hgout hgthe hgcoin hgtossing hgsimulation. hg
LO1.1-4: hgIdentify hgwhether hgor hgnot hgstudy hgresults hgare hgstatistically hgsignificant hgand hgwhether hgor
hgnot hgthe hgchance hgmodel hgis hga hgplausible hgexplanation hgfor hgthe hgdata. hg
LO1.1-5: hgImplement hgthe hg3S hgstrategy: hgfind hga hgstatistic, hgsimulate hgresults hgfrom hga hgchance
hgmodel, hgand hgcomment hgon hgstrength hgof hgevidence hgagainst hgobserved hgstudy hgresults
hghappening hgby hgchance hgalone. hg
LO1.1-6: hgDifferentiate hgbetween hgsaying hgthe hgchance hgmodel hgis hgplausible hgand hgthe hgchance
hgmodel hgis hgthe hgcorrect hgexplanation hgfor hgthe hgobserved hgdata. hg
, 1-2 Test hgBank hgfor hgIntroduction hgto hgStatistical hgInvestigations, hg2nd hgEdition hg
Questions hg1 hgthrough hg4:
Do hgred hguniform hgwearers hgtend hgto hgwin hgmore hgoften hgthan hgthose hgwearing hgblue
hguniforms hgin hgTaekwondo hgmatches hgwhere hgcompetitors hgare hgrandomly hgassigned hgto
hgwear hgeither hga hgred hgor hgblue hguniform? hgIn hga hgsample hgof hg80 hgTaekwondo hgmatches,
hgthere hgwere hg45 hgmatches hgwhere hgthe hgred hguniform hgwearer hgwon. hg
1. What hgis hgthe hgparameter hgof hginterest hgfor hgthis hgstudy? hg
A. The hglong-run hgproportion hgof hgTaekwondo hgmatches hgin hgwhich hgthe hgred hguniform
hgwearer hgwins hg
B. The hgproportion hgof hgmatches hgin hgwhich hgthe hgred hguniform hgwearer hgwins hgin hga
hgsample hgof hg80 hgTaekwondo hg matches hg
C. Whether hgthe hgred hguniform hgwearer hgwins hga hgmatch hg
D. h g 0.50 hg
Ans: hgA; hgLO: hg1.1-1; hgDifficulty: hgEasy; hgType: hgMC
2. What hgis hgthe hgstatistic hgfor hgthis hgstudy? hg
A. The hglong-run hgproportion hgof hgTaekwondo hgmatches hgin hgwhich hgthe hgred hguniform
hgwearer hgwins hg
B. The hgproportion hgof hgmatches hgin hgwhich hgthe hgred hguniform hgwearer hgwins hgin hga
hgsample hgof hg80 hgTaekwondo hg matches hg
C. Whether hgthe hgred hguniform hgwearer hgwins hga hgmatch hg
D. h g 0.50 hg
Ans: hgB; hgLO: hg1.1-1; hgDifficulty: hgEasy; hgType: hgMC
3. Given hgbelow hgis hgthe hgsimulated hgdistribution hgof hgthe hgnumber hgof hg―red hgwins‖ hgthat hgcould
hghappen hgby c g hance hgalone hgin hga hgsample hgof hg80 hgmatches. hgBased hgon hgthis hgsimulation,
hgis hgour hgobserved hgresult hgstatistically hgsignificant? hg
A. Yes, hgsince hg45 hgis hglarger hgthan hg40. hg
B. Yes, hgsince hgthe hgheight hgof hgthe hgdotplot hgabove hg45 hgis hgsmaller hgthan hgthe
hgheight hgof hgthe hgdotplot hgabove hg40. hg
C. No, hgsince hg45 hgis hga hgfairly hgtypical hgoutcome hgif hgthe hgcolor hgof hgthe hgwinner‘s
hguniform hgwas hgdetermined hgby hgchance hgalone. hg
, Introduction hgto hgFinancial hgStatements 1-3
D. No, hgsince hgwe hgcould hghave hgobserved hga hgvalue hggreater hgthan hg45 hgjust hgby hgrandom
hgchance. hg
Ans: hgC; hgLO: hg1.1-4; hgDifficulty: hgMedium; hgType: hgMC
4. What hgcan hgwe hgconclude hgfrom hgthe hgresults hgof hgthis hgstudy? hgSelect hgall hgthat hgapply. hg
A. The hgresults hgof hgthis hgstudy hgare hgsomething hgthat hgcould hgeasily hghave
hghappened hgif hgthe hgcolor hgof hgthe hgwinner‘s hguniform hgwas hg determined hgby
hgchance hgalone. hg
B. We hgdo hgnot hghave hgconvincing hgevidence hgagainst hgthe hg―by-chance-alone‖ hgmodel. hg
C. The hgresults hgof hgthis hgstudy hgprove hgthat hgthe hgcolor hgof hgthe hgwinner‘s
hguniform hgwas hgdetermined hgby hgchance hgalone. hg
D. We hgdo hgnot hghave hgconvincing hgevidence hgthat hgred hguniform hgwearers hgtend hgto
hgwin hgmore hgoften hgthan hgthose hgwearing hgblue hguniforms. hg
Ans: hgA, hgB, hgD; hgLO: hg1.1-6; hgDifficulty: hgHard; hgType: hgMS
Questions hg5 hgthrough hg8:
Suppose hgyou hgare hgtesting hgto hgsee hgif hgyour hgdog, hgHope, hgunderstands hgpointing hgtowards hgan
hgobject. hgYou hgplace hgtwo hgobjects hgabout hg2.5 hgmeters hgaway, hgthen hgyou hgpoint hgtowards hgone hgof
hgthe hgobjects. hgIn hg20 hgtrials, hg
Hope hggoes hgto hgthe hgcorrect hgobject hg13 hgtimes hg(or hg65%). hg
5. Fill hgin hgthe hgblanks hgwith hgthe hgcorrect hgOne hgProportion hgapplet hginputs hgto hgcarry hgout hgan
hgappropriate hgsimulation hgof hgthis hgprocess, hgif hgHope hgdoes hgnot hgunderstand hgpointing
hgtowards hgan hgobject hgand hgis hgjust hgguessing. hg
Probability hgof hgsuccess: hg hg hg
hgSample hgsize: hg hg hg hg
Number hgof hgsamples: hg hg hg hg
Ans: hg0.5 hg(Tol: hg0), hg20 hg(Tol: hg0), hgAny hginteger hgas hglarger hgor hglarger hgthan
hg1000; hgLO: hg1.1-3;D g ifficulty: hgEasy; hg Type: hgTE-N
6. Match hgthe hgparts hgof hgthe hgreal hgstudy hgcorresponding hgto hgthe hgphysical hg(coin-flipping)
hgsimulation: hg
Coin hgflip hg= hg hg hg hg hg A. 0.5, hgprobability hgof hgHope hggoing hgto
hgthe hgcorrect hgobject hg
Heads hg= hg hg hg
hg hg hg hg hg
hg hg B. Hope hggoing hgto hgthe hgcorrect hgobject hg
hg hgTails hg= hg hg hg hg
C. Hope hggoing hgto hgthe hgincorrect hgobject hg
Chance hgof hgheads hg= hg hg hg hg hg hg hg hg hg
D. One hgset hgof hg20 hgattempts hgby hgHope hg
One hgrepetition hg= hg hg hg
hg hg hg hg hg hg hg hg
E. Hope hggoing hgto hgan hgobject hg
Ans: hgE, hgB, hgC, hgA, hgD; hgLO: hg1.1-2; hgDifficulty: hgMedium; hgType: hgMa