Event Management Quiz 2
Event Operations comes after the... - correct answer theme, design, and venue selection
Developing the plan for an event includes - correct answer Finance, Health Safety and Risk, Human
Resources, Logistics, Legal Environment, Marketing
Legal Environment - correct answer Protect organization, yourself, stakeholders, and financial
Duty of Care - correct answer Who owns the event
Who fits under the category of "duty of care?" - correct answer event manager, organizing body,
event organization, event committee, or client
in regards to the equality acts, what is of #1 concern? - correct answer Disability
What act supports disabilities? - correct answer Title 1 of American Disabilities Act 1999
Sustainable Events - correct answer Financial
What falls under the category of event insurance? - correct answer Cancellation of Event, Venue
Bankruptcy, No-Show of Performers, Venue Damage, Personal Injury
Who should definitely have insurance in regards to an event? - correct answer the contractors
What do insurance policies typically exclude? - correct answer Acts of God and Terrorist Attacks
, Things you need a permit for - correct answer alcohol, food, noise, occupancy, first aid, fire
precautions, environmental,, waste, street closing, street vendors, yard signs
Who are contacts typically between? - correct answer events and various stakeholders
Parties - correct answer between who
offer - correct answer service or product
consideration - correct answer compensation
acceptance - correct answer agree
terms and conditions - correct answer legal names, event details, financial, rider
What is the rider - correct answer what the performer wants
What are clauses? - correct answer Fixed part of the contract
What are some examples of clauses within a contract? - correct answer Cancellation, Force Majeure,
Billing, Insurance, Indemnification
What is the most complex part about operations? - correct answer the venue contracts
what is the largest expense - correct answer the venue
What is included in the entertainment contracts - correct answer no shows, riders
What is included within the sponsor and exhibitor contracts? - correct answer exclusivity, hospitality,
branding on marketing material, cancellation, payment terms, length of contract