Chapter 01: History of Massage: Prehistoric Times to the Modern Era, and
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Professional Societies, Organizations, and Associations
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Salvo: Massage Therapy 7th Edition
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1. Which method is defined as manual manipulation of soft tissue using pressure and traction fo
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r therapeutic, palliative, and recreational purposes?
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a. Acupunctur
gigig i
b. Ayurvedgigig i
c. Polarity therap
gigig i gi
d. Massage therap
gigig i gi
ANS: gig i
Massage therapy is as a method of manipulating soft tissue using pressure and traction for
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therapeutic, palliative, and recreational purposes.
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2. Which origin for the word massage is Greek?
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a. Mashes gigig i
b. Masso gigigi gi
c. Masser gigigi gi
d. Makeh gigig i
ANS: gig i
The origin of the word massage is unclear, but can be traced to numerous sources: the Hebrew
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mashesh, the Greek masso and massin, the Latin massa, the Arabic mass’h, the Sanskrit
makeh, and the French masTsE
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3. When is the earliest the term massage was used by most European-based cultures?
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a. 1600s gigigi gi
b. 1700s gigigi g
c. 1800s
i gigigi g
d. 1900
i gigig i
ANS: gig i
By the early 1800s, the term massage was used by most European-
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based cultures. Historically, massage was referred to by its techniques such as friction or
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simply rubbing. gi
4. The first written records of massage date back to 3000 BC in which country?
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
a. Indi gigig i
b. gigig i China gi
c. gigig i Egypt gi
d. gigig i Greec
ANS: gig i
Early records have revealed that the practice of massage goes back to China, as early as 3000
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BC. Acupuncture was not mentioned in Chinese writings until 90 BC.
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5. Which work is commonly referred to as the classic scripture of traditional Chinese medicine?
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
a. Tao Te Chin
gigig i gi gi
b. gigig i Nei Ching gi
c. gigig i Ayur-Veda
d. gigig i Corpus Hippocraticum gi
ANS: B gig i
At the time of Hwang Ti, various ideas and beliefs were compiled under the name of the Yell
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ow Emperor (died in 2599 BC) which became the classic scripture of traditional Chinese med
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icine known as the Nei Chang. The Nei Chang was written about 2760 BC, and this work con
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tains detailed descriptions of massage procedures as well as herbal medicines.
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6. What is the original massage technique in China and the precursor to manual and energeti
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c therapies?
a. Polarity
gigig i
b. Shiatsu
gigig i
c. Acupuncture
gigig i
d. Amma
gigig i
ANS: D gig i
Amma is regarded as the original massage technique and precursor to all other Chinese
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therapies, manual and energetic.
gi gi gi gi
7. Which healing method is based on Hindu tradition?
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
a. Ayurveda
gigig i
b. Shiatsugigigi gi
c. Amma gigig i gi
d. Polaritgigig i
ANS: A gig i
Knowledge of amma massage traveled to the subcontinent of India from China and massage
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became part of Hindu tradition. Massage is described in India’s first great medical works, the
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Veda books of wisdom (about 1800 BC) and recommend it as an almost indispensable healin
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g procedure.
8. Which method is Japanese but based on Chinese medicine concepts, and uses applied pressur
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
e of the thumbs, elbows, and other parts of the body?
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a. Ayurveda
gigig i
b. Shiatsu
gigig i
c. Massage
gigig i
d. Amma
gigig i
ANS: B gig i
Shiatsu is a Japanese method based on the same traditional Chinese medicine concepts as a
gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
cupuncture. Acupuncturists use needles at specific points to balance the flow of energy; shi
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atsu therapists use their fingers, thumbs, forearms, and elbows, and even their knees and fe
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9. Who is generally recognized as the father of modern Western medicine?
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
a. Galen gigig i gi
b. Celsus gigigi gi
c. Rhaze gigig i
d. gigig i Hippocrates
ANS: D gig i
Hippocrates was known to be a fine clinician, founder of a medical school, author of
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numerous books, and advocated the use of massage or ―rubbing.‖ His works are collectively
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known as the Corpus Hippocraticum, and summarized much of what was known about
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disease and medicine in the ancient world. Hippocrates is generally recognized as the father of
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modern Western medicine, and he believed that physicians should avoid causing harm to pati
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10. Who wrote the Canon of Medicine, the most famous book in the history of medicine in bot
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
h the East and the West?
gi gi gi gi gi
a. Rhazes gigig i
b. Celsus gigig i
c. Avicenna
gigig i
d. Hippocrates
gigig i
ANS: C gig i
A text entitled
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or Canon of Medicine was written by one of the greatest Persian physicians of his era, Avic
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enna (980- gi
1037). He was also known as Ibn Sina. The Canon of Medicine is the most famous book in t
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he history of medicine in both the East and the West.
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11. Which individual discussed the effects of massage and used friction on joints in the 1500s?
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a. Paré gigig i
b. Harvey gigig i
c. Galen gigig i
d. Mezger gigig i
ANS: A gig i
Ambroise Paré (1515- gi gi
1590) was a famous French surgeon who was among the earliest individuals in this era
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to discuss the effects of massage. He also used friction to treat dislocated joints and ot
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her orthopedic conditions.
gi gi
12. Who was the first known scientist to demonstrate that blood circulation due to muscula
gigig i gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi
r contraction of the heart?
gi gi gi gi
a. Paré gigig i
b. Galen gigig i
c. Harvey gigig i
d. Mezger gigig i
ANS: C gig i
English scientist William Harvey (1578–
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1657) discovered the circulation of blood in 1628. Harvey observed the hearts of living ani
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mals and determined that muscular contraction
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(systole) pumped blood through arteries and veins. This discovery enhanced the acceptance of
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massage as a therapeutic measure.
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13. Who developed the Swedish Movement Cure, which included the use of massage?
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a. Johann Mezger gigig i gi
b. Pehr H. Ling gigig i gi gi
c. George Henry Taylor
gigig i gi gi
d. John Harvey Kellogg
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