1. For which reasons would a nurse review infant mortality statistics in the United States?
(Select all that apply.)
A) Measures the quality of pregnancy care
B) Reviews information on overall nutrition
C) Compares health with those of other states
D) Determines infant health and available care
E) Provides an index of the country's general health
Ans: A, B, D, E
Infant mortality statistics provide an index of a country's general health, measures the
quality of pregnancy care, provides information on overall nutrition, and determines
infant health and available care. Infant mortality statistics compares the health with
those of other countries and not with those of other states.
2. The nurse is providing care in an organization that supports the maternal and child care
continuum. Which type of patient care area is an example of this approach?
A) Primary care
B) Team nursing
C) Case management
D) Family-centered care
Ans: D
Keeping the family at the center of care is important because the level of a family's
functioning is important to the health status of its members. A healthy family establishes
an environment conducive to growth and health-promoting behaviors to sustain family
members during crises. A family-centered approach enables nurses to better understand
individuals and their effect on others and, in turn, to provide more holistic care. Primary
nursing, team nursing, and case management do not necessary take into consideration
the maternal and child care continuum.
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3. Which actions should the nurse perform when supporting the goals of maternal and
child health care? (Select all that apply.)
A) Advocates protecting the rights of the mother and fetus
B) Teaches family members interventions to improve health
C) Adheres to principles that focus on the needs of the mother
D) Encourages maternal hospitalization to regain strength and stamina
E) Assesses family members for strengths and specific needs or challenges
Ans: A, B, E
Actions that the nurse should perform when supporting the goals of maternal and child
health care include advocating the rights for the mother and fetus, teaching health
promotion interventions, and assessing the family for strengths and specific needs or
challenges. Adhering to principles that focus on the needs of the mother and
encouraging maternal hospitalization to regain strength and stamina are not actions that
support the goals of maternal and child health care.
4. The nurse is reviewing the 2020 National Health Goals and notes that which is a focus
of these goals?
A) Health promotion and disease prevention
B) Early diagnosis of chronic health problems
C) Effective use of medication to treat disease
D) Reduce the cost of health care and medications
Ans: A
The 2020 National Health Goals are intended to help citizens more easily understand the
importance of health promotion and disease prevention and to encourage wide
participation in improving health in the next decade. These goals do not focus on the
early diagnosis of chronic problems, use of medications to treat disease, or reduce the
cost of health care and medications.
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5. The nurse has noticed a change in the type of care needed to support maternal and child
health issues. What does the nurse realize as reasons for the changes in care? (Select all
that apply.)
A) Smaller families
B) Less domestic violence
C) More employed mothers
D) Stable home environments
E) More single-parent families
Ans: A, C, E
Nursing care for maternal and child is changing because families are smaller, more
mothers are employed out of the home, and there are more single-parent families. There
is an increase in domestic violence, and families are less stable and more mobile, which
influences homelessness.
6. During an assessment, the nurse asks a patient from a non-English-speaking culture
which types of home remedies and herbs the patient uses for health care. What is the
purpose of asking the patient this question?
A) Analyze for herb–drug interactions
B) Understand the patient's philosophy of alternative health care
C) Determine the types of medications the patient will need to be prescribed
D) Explain to the physician the patient's preference for nontraditional medicine
Ans: A
Assessing what alternative measures are being used is important because the action of
an herb can interfere with prescribed medications. Assessing the use of herbal remedies
is not done to understand the patient's philosophy of alternative health care, determine
the types of medications the patient will need to be prescribed, or explain the patient's
preferences for nontraditional medicine approaches to the physician.
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7. The onurse onotes othat ostatistics oon omaternal omortality ohad oimproved obut oare
oagain obecoming oelevated. oWhat odoes othe onurse orealize oas oa oreason ofor othis
ochange oin omaternal omortality orates?
A) Earlier oprenatal ocare
B) Gestational ohypertension
C) Increased ovaginal odeliveries
D) Treatment ofor ochronic
odiseases oAns: oB
This oincreasing orate oin omaternal omortality ois oassociated owith omore ocesarean obirths,
omore ogestational ohypertension orelated oto opreexisting ohypertensive odisorders, oand
olack oof ohealth oinsurance ofor omany oAmericans. oThis oincrease ois onot obecause oof
oearlier oprenatal ocare, oincreased ovaginal odeliveries, oor otreatment ofor ochronic
8. A onew omother oasks othe onurse oif oall oof othe onew obaby's oinjections ocan obe ogiven
oin oone ovisit obecause othe omother ois olosing oincome ofrom omissing owork obecause
oof othe ooffice ovisits. oWhat odoes othis onew omother's oissue oindicate oto othe onurse?
A) The omother oneeds oto ofind oan oalternative oemployer.
B) The omother's oincome ois omore oimportant othat othe obaby's ohealth.
C) Missing owork odoes onot osupport othe obaby's ohealth omaintenance ovisits.
D) The ofederal ogovernment oneeds oto odo omore oto osupport owell-baby
ovisits. oAns: oC
An oarea othat oneeds oadditional oresearch ois ofinding oeffective ostimuli oto oencourage
owomen oto obring ochildren ofor ohealth omaintenance ovisits. oThe omother olosing
oincome obecause oof omissing owork ofor owell-baby ovisits owill odeter ohealth
omaintenance ovisits ofor othe obaby ogoing oforward. oThis omother's oissue odoes onot
oindicate othat othe omother oneeds oto ofind oanother ojob, othat othe omother's oincome ois
omore oimportant othat othe obaby's ohealth, oor othat othe ofederal ogovernment oneeds oto
odo omore oto osupport owell-baby ovisits.
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