What are the greatest risks for transport? - ANSWER-Loss of airway patency, displaced
obstructive tubes lines or catheters, dislodge splinting devices, need to replace or
reinforce dressings, deterioration in patient status change in vital signs or level of
consciousness, injury to the patient and/or team members
According to newtons law which of these two force is greater: size or force? - ANSWER-
Neither. For each force there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What is the relationship between mass and velocity to kinetic energy? - ANSWER-
Kinetic energy is equal to 1/2 the mass multiplied the square of its velocity therefore
when mass is doubled so is the net energy, however, when velocity is doubled energy is
What is tension? - ANSWER-stretching force by pulling at opposite ends
What is compression? - ANSWER-Crushing by squeezing together
What is bending? - ANSWER-Loading about an axis. Bending causes compression on
the side the person is bending toward intention to the opposite side
What is shearing? - ANSWER-Damage by tearing or bending by exerting faucet
different parts in opposite directions at the same time.
What is torsion? - ANSWER-Torsion forces twist ends in opposite directions.
What is combined loading? - ANSWER-Any combination of tension compression torsion
bending and/or shear.
What are the four types of trauma related injuries? - ANSWER-Blunt, penetrating,
thermal, or blast.
What are contributing factors to injuries related to blunt traumas? - ANSWER-The point
of impact on the patient's body, the type of surface that is hit, the tissues ability to resist
(bone versus soft tissue, air-filled versus solid organs), and the trajectory of force.
What are the seven patterns of pathway injuries related to motor vehicle accidents? -
ANSWER-Up and over, down and under, lateral, rotational, rear, roll over, and ejection.
Differentiate between the three impacts of motor vehicle impact sequence. - ANSWER-
The first impact occurs when the vehicle collided with another object. The second
, impact occurs after the initial impact when the occupant continues to move in the
original direction of travel until they collide with the interior of the vehicle or meet
resistance. The third impact occurs when internal structures collide within the body
What are the three factors that contribute to the damage caused by penetrating
trauma's? - ANSWER-The point of impact, the velocity and speed of impact, and the
proximity to the object.
What causes the primary effects of blast traumas? - ANSWER-The direct blast effects.
Types of injuries include last long, tympanic membrane rupture and middle ear damage,
abdominal hemorrhage and perforation, global rupture, mild Trumatic brain injury.
What causes the secondary effects of blast traumas? - ANSWER-Projectiles propelled
by the explosion. Injuries include penetrating or blunt injuries or I penetration.
What causes the tertiary effects of blast traumas? - ANSWER-Results from individuals
being thrown by the blast wind. Injuries include hole or partial body translocation from
being thrown against a hard service: blunt or penetrating trauma's, fractures, traumatic
What are the signs of compensated shock? - ANSWER-Anxiety, confusion,
restlessness, increased respiratory rate, narrowing pulse pressure were diastolic
increases yet systolic remains unchanged, tachycardia with bounding pulses, and
decreased urinary output
What are the signs and symptoms of decompensated shock? - ANSWER-Decreased
level of consciousness, hypertension, narrow pulse pressure, tachycardia with weak
pulses, tachypnea, skin that is cool clammy and cyanotic, base access outside the
normal range, and serum lactate levels greater than two to 4MMOL/L.
What are the signs and symptoms of irreversible shock? - ANSWER-Obtunded
stuporous or comatose state, marked hypertension and heart failure, bradycardia with
possible dysrhythmias, decreased and shallow respiratory rate, pale cool and clammy
skin, kidney liver and other organ failure, severe acidosis, elevated lactic acid levels,
worsening base access on ABGs, coagulopathies with petechiae purpura or bleeding.
What causes quarternary effects of blast traumas? - ANSWER-All explosion related
injuries, illnesses, or diseases not due to the first three mechanisms. Injuries include
external and internal burns, crush injuries, closed and open brain injuries, asthmatic or
breathing problems from dust smoke or toxic fumes, angina, or hyper glycemia and
What causes quinary effects of blasts traumas? - ANSWER-Those associated with
exposure to hazardous materials from radioactive, biologic, or chemical components of
a blast. Injuries include a variety of health effects depending on agent.