NU629/ NU 629 EXAM 2: (NEW 2024/
2025 UPDATE) | QS & AS| GRADE A| 100%
Stress - ANS ✓Potential threat to mental health and physical well-being.
Illnesses related to stress - ANS ✓cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
gastrointestinal disorders, as well as depression, poor sleep patterns, and
inability to carry out daily activities at an efficient level
External stressors (events & situations that happen to individuals) include:
- ANS ✓1. Some events may be happy ones such as marriage, birth of a child, and
a new home while some may be negative such is the death of a loved one, loss of
a job and an unplanned pregnancy. Stress results from both positive and negative
2. The interaction between the individual and the environment involves
subjective perception of and assessment of stressors. Common events - such as a
barking dog, a crying baby, and extreme weather conditions - may cause stress.
3. Much of life is unpredictable, and one's personality influences responses to
change and unplanned events. Unpredictable event including dealing with
unexpected house guests, increased rent, or a sick child.
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4. Family stressors include conflicts and arguments between children and
spouses, issues resulting from the health problems of family members, and
multigenerational households.
5. Common stressors in the workplace include long working hours, difficult co-
workers, and urgent deadlines.
6. Social stressors include commitments to family, friends, and organizations
balanced with the need for downtime for oneself, and pressure from peers.
Internal stressors (self-induced thoughts and feelings that lead to unrest
and anxiety) includes: - ANS ✓1. Common fears such as flying, heights, and
public speaking.
2. The inability to predict behaviours such as the use of alcohol and not knowing
the outcome of medical tests.
3. Attitudes and expectations exhibited toward job loss or unexpected guests.
Is there a difference in how vulnerable vs. non-vulnerable people would be
affected? - ANS ✓Assessing a person's vulnerability to stress and strength to
cope provides an essential measure of mental and physical well-being.
Social Support Systems - ANS ✓Such things as the client's culture, age, social
context (school, home, work) and role context (parent, student, professional)
influence perceived and received support.
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Support Systems Review - ANS ✓Ask client to list individuals who provide
informational, emotional, appraisal, or instrumental support and their
What helps to determine how family members cope with health concerns
and challenges? - ANS ✓Health-promoting as well as health-damaging
behaviours and lifestyles learned and reinforced within the context of the family.
Role women carry within the process of family members coping? - ANS
✓The major responsibility for health decision making and health education for
the family.
Assessment of the Family - ANS ✓The contemporary family and the reciprocal
influence of family health on individual family members reconfirm the family as
the primary social structure for health promotion.
Main components of the Family Assessment - ANS ✓Nutrition; Physical
Activity; Stress Control and Management; Health Responsibility; Family
Resilience & Resources; and Family Support
Clients must be active participants in planning and interpreting assessment
data. Client _______________ with the nurse promotes _____________________ of worth
and affirms the ability of ________________, _________________, ______________________ to
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