PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: The Biological Basis for Diseases in
Adults and Children 9th Edition/All Chapters/Complete Guide
, Chapter 1: Cellular Biology
hm hm hm
1. Which statement best describes the cellular function of metabolic absorption?
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a. Cells can produce proteins. hm c. Cells can take in and use nutrients.
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b. Cells can secrete digestive enzymes. hm d. Cells can synthesize fats.
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>>>In metabolic absorption, all cells take in and use nutrients and other substances from
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their surroundings. The remaining options are not inclusive in their descriptions of cellul
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ar metabolic absorption.
hm hm
PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PG 2 h m hm
2. Most of a cell’s genetic information, including RNA and DNA, is contained in the:
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a. Mitochondria c. Nucleolus
b. Ribosome d. Lysosome h m h m
>>>The nucleus contains the nucleolus, a small dense structure composed largely of R
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NA, most of the cellular DNA, and the DNA-
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binding proteins, such as the histones, which regulate its activity. The other options do n
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ot contain most of a cell’s genetic information.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PG 2 h m hm
3. Which component of the cell prodNuUceRsSIhNyGd TroBg. CenO M
hm p eroxide (H2O2) by using oxygen t
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o remove hydrogen atoms from specific substrates in an oxidative reaction?
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a. Lysosomes c. Ribosomes
b. Peroxisomes d. Oxyhydrosomes h m
>>>Peroxisomes are so named because they usually contain enzymes that use oxygen to
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mremove hydrogen atoms from specific substrates in an oxidative reaction that produces
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H2O2, which is a powerful oxidant and potentially destructive if it accumulates or escap
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es from peroxisomes. Ribosomes are RNA-
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protein complexes (nucleoproteins) that are synthesized in the nucleolus and secreted int
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o the cytoplasm through pores in the nuclear envelope called nuclear pore complexes. L
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ysosomes are saclike structures that originate from the Golgi complex and contain more
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than 40 digestive enzymes called hydrolases, which catalyze bonds in proteins, lipids, nu
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cleic acids, and carbohydrates. Oxyhydrosomes are involved in enzyme production.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PG 8 h m hm
4. Which cell component is capable of cellular autodigestion when it is released during ce
hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm
ll injury?
a. Ribosome c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum hm hm
b. Golgi complex hm d. Lysosomes
h m
, Reasoning:-
>>>The lysosomal membrane acts as a protective shield between the powerful digestive
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menzymes within the lysosome and the cytoplasm, blocking their leakage into the cytopla
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smic matrix. Disruption of the membrane by various treatments or cellular injury leads t
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o a release of the lysosomal enzymes, which can then react with their specific substrates
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, causing cellular self-digestion. The other options do not correctly describe this process.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PGs 7-8 h m hm
5. What is the sequence of steps in the development of a digestive enzyme by the pancre
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as cells from the initial transcription to the release from the cell?
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a. The enzyme is transcribed from DNA by RNA in the nucleus, proceeds to t
hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm
he ribosome for synthesis, and is conducted in a secretory vesicle to the cel
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l membrane. hm
b. The enzyme is transcribed from RNA by DNA in the nucleus, proceeds to the l
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ysosome for synthesis, and is conducted in an encapsulated membrane to the cell
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membrane. m
c. The enzyme is transcribed by the mitochondria in the nucleus, proceeds to the
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ribosome for synthesis, and is conducted in a cytoskeleton to the cell membrane.
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d. The enzyme is transcribed from DNA by RNA in the nucleus, proceeds to the
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Golgi complex for synthesis, and is conducted in a cytosol to the cell membrane
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>>>The enzyme is transcribed from DNA by RNA in the nucleus, proceeds to the ribos
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ome for synthesis, and is conducted in a secretory vesicle to the cell membrane. The ot
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her options do not correctly describe this process.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PG 7 | Figure 1-5
h m hm hm hm hm
6. During which phase of the cell cycle is DNA synthesized?
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a. G1 c. G2
b. S d. M h m
>>>The four designated phases of the cell cycle are: (1) the G1 phase (G = gap), which
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is the period between the M phase (M = mitosis) and the start of DNA synthesis; (2) the
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S phase (S = synthesis), during which DNA is synthesized in the cell nucleus; (3) the G
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2 phase, during which RNA and protein synthesis occurs, the period between the comple
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tion of DNA synthesis and the next phase (M); and (4) the M phase, which includes nuc
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lear and cytoplasmic division.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PG 37 h m hm
7. What organic compound facilitates transportation across cell membranes by acting a
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s receptors, transportation/transport channels for electrolytes, and enzymes to drive
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active pumps?
m hm
a. Lipids c. Proteins
b. Proteases d. Carbohydrates h m
, Reasoning:-
>>>Proteins act as (1) recognition and binding units (receptors) for substances moving in
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and out of the cell; (2) pores or transportation/transport channels for various electrically
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mcharged particles called ions or electrolytes and specific carriers for amino acids and mo
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nosaccharides; and hm
(3) specific enzymes that drive active pumps that promote the concentration of certain i
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ons, particularly potassium (K+), within the cell while keeping concentrations of other io
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ns, for example, sodium (Na+), below the concentrations found in the extracellular envi
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ronment. The other options do not correctly describe this process.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PG 13 | PG 15 h m hm hm hm hm
8. Understanding the various steps of proteolytic cascades, such as caspase-
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mediated apoptosis and complement cascades, may be useful in designing drug therap
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y for which human diseases?
hm hm hm hm
a. Cardiac and vascular disorders hm hm hm
b. Autoimmune and malignant disorders hm hm hm
c. Gastrointestinal and renal disorders hm hm hm
d. Endocrine and gastrointestinal disorders hm hm hm
>>>Understanding the various steps involved in this process is crucial for designing dr
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ug interventions. Dysregulation of proteases features prominently in many human diseas
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es, including cancer, autoimmunity, and neurodegenerative disorders. The other options
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do not correctly describe this process.
m hm hm hm hm hm
PTS: h m h m 1 REF: h mh m PG 15 hm
9. Which structure blocks water-
hm hm hm
soluble molecules from entering cells across the plasma
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a. Carbohydrate chains hm c. Membrane channel proteins hm hm
b. Glycoprotein channels hm d. Lipid bilayer
h m hm
>>>The bilayer’s structure accounts for one of the essential functions of the plasma m
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embrane. It is impermeable to most water-
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soluble molecules (molecules that dissolve in water) because the water-
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soluble molecules are insoluble in the oily core region. The bilayer serves as a barrier t
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o the diffusion of water and hydrophilic substances while allowing lipid-
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soluble molecules, such as oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), to diffuse through it
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readily. The other options do not correctly describe this process.
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PTS: h m h m 1 REF: PGs 12-13 h m hm
10. The fluid mosaic model explains:
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a. How a cell membrane functions hm hm hm hm
b. Why our bodies appear to be solid
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c. How tissue is differentiated hm hm hm
d. How fluid moves between the intracellular and extracellular compartments
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>>>The fluid mosaic model accounts for the flexibility of cellular membranes, their
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sealing properties, and their impermeability to many substances. The remaining options
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