Sports Management Module 1 || with Error-free Solutions.
in what year did Walter O'Malley from the Brooklyn Dodgers write a letter to Dr. James Mason
at Ohio University inquiring about the status of educational programs for sport administrators
correct answers 1957
when was the creation of the first Master's level sport administration program at Ohio University
correct answers 1966
how many universities worldwide offer undergraduate, masters, and PhD programs in sports
management correct answers over 700
who is considered the "father of sports management" correct answers Earle F. Zeigler
what award is considered the North American Society for Sports Management's (NASSM) most
prestigious award correct answers Zeigler Award
what UGA professor won the Zeigler Award in 2014 correct answers Dr. James Zhang
the purpose of ________ is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study, research, scholarly
writing, and professional development in the area of sport management- both theoretical and
applied aspects correct answers NASSM
what are the conditions for something to be considered a sport correct answers -must be physical
in nature
-requires physical skill
-an element of competition
-institutional conditions (rules, history)
"all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organized participation, aim at
expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or
obtaining results in competition at all levels" or "any activity, experience, or business enterprise
for which the primary focus is fitness, recreation, athletics, and leisure related" correct answers
the study and practice of all people, activities, businesses, or organizations involved in
producing, facilitating, promoting, or organizing any sport-related business or product correct
answers sport management
the name given to many university-level academic programs designed to prepare students to
assume positions in the sport industry correct answers sport management
implies a collection of separate activities (golf, soccer, volleyball), items in a series that are
possible to count correct answers sports
, is an all-encompassing concept; it is a collective noun that includes all sporting activities, not just
those you can place on a list correct answers sport
top level of organization; perform decisive functions; determine objectives and policies; planning
and organizing role correct answers sport administration
middle level executive function; implement polices made by administration; perform motivating
and controlling, "the art of getting things done" correct answers sport management
what are things you could investigate to examine the sports industry correct answers -different
types of sport
-settings in which sport is found
-models of sport industry segments (product type material, economic impact model, sport
activity model)
what are the three broad groups that exist when looking at the perspective of different types of
sports correct answers traditional, emergent sport, and extreme sport
basketball, soccer, football, tennis correct answers traditional
have just appeared on the sport scene as of late (snowboarding, beach volleyball, BMX) correct
answers emergent sport
collection of newer sports involving adrenaline-inducing action, often combining speed, height,
and danger (skydiving, street luge, snow biking) correct answers extreme sport
what are sport settings correct answers single sport, multi-sport, college sport, events, media,
sport sponsors, professional services, facilities, manufacturers/retailers
what are sport sectors correct answers -state or public sector (local or national government
-voluntary sector (community-based sport organization)
-professional or commercial sector (professional leagues, equipment manufacturers, facilities)
what are the different approaches to examine the sports industry correct answers -look at it from
the perspective of the different types of sports found
-examine the many different settings or sectors in which sports activities occur
-look at industry models that have been created to show interrelationships among various
segments of the sports industry
sport performance, sport production, sport promotion correct answers product type model
sport entertainment, sport products, sport support organizations correct answers economic impact