Florida Claims Adjuster Practice
Exam Questions With Correct
Answers 2024-2025
Frank cowned ca chome cthat cwas cdestroyed cby ca churricane. cBoth cABC cand cXYZ
cBanks cwere clisted cas cadditional cinterests con chis chomeowner cpolicy. cThe cinsurance
ccompany cwill cmake ca cpayment cto: c
A. cThe cfirst cmortgagee, cABC
B. cThe cInsured
C. cJointly cto cABC cand cXYZ
D. cAll clisted cinterests c- ccorrect canswers✔✔D. cAll clisted cinterests
Remember cthat cthe cinsurer cis cnot cresponsible cto cknow cthe cdegrees cof cinterest. cIn
cthe cevent cof ca closs, cone cpayment cis cmade cby cthe cinsurer cand cit cis cup cto cthe
cadditional cinterests con cworking cout ctheir cshare.
Insurance capplies cseparately cto ceach cinsured cas cif cother cinsureds cdid cnot cexist.
cThis cis cdefined cas:
A. cSeverability
B. cConditional
C. cWarranty
D. cNone cof cthe cabove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. cSeverability
Property cinsurance cpolicies cusually ccontain ca(n) c__________ cclause, cstating cthe
cinsured ccannot cdump cdamaged cproperty con cthe cinsurer cand cdemand cits cfull cvalue:
A. cPro cRata
B. cAbandonment
C. cLiberalization
D. cAll cof cthe cabove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔B. cAbandonment
A(n) c__________ cis cone cwherein ceconomic closs cwould cbe csuffered cfrom can
cadverse chappening cto cthe csubject:
A. cConditional cContract
B. cPersonal cContract
C. cEconomic cContract
D. cInsurable cInterest c- ccorrect canswers✔✔D. cInsurable cInterest
States cthat cif cthe cinsurer cadopts ca crevision cwhich cwould cbroaden ccoverage cwithout
cadditional cpremium cwithin csome cperiod cof ctime cprior cto cthe cpolicy cperiod cor cduring
cthe cpolicy cperiod, cthe cinsured creceives cthe cbenefit cof csuch cbroadened ccoverage.
A. cCancellation cClause
,B. cPolicy cPeriod
C. cPro cRata
D. cLiberalization c- ccorrect canswers✔✔D. cLiberalization
The ctime cframe cis ctypically c60 cdays.
The c__________ cstates cthat cwhen cthere cis can cunbroken cconnection cbetween can
coccurrence cand cdamage cthat cgrows cout cof cthe coccurrence, cthen cthe cresultant
cdamage cis call ca cpart cof cthe coccurrence.
A. cDoctrine cof cProximate cCause
B. cDoctrine cof cPerils c& cHazards
C. cInsurance cPolicy cHandbook
D. cDoctrine cof cProperty cInsurance c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. cDoctrine cof cProximate
For cexample, cif ca cproperty cinsurance cpolicy ccovers cthe cperil cof cfire cbut cfurther
cdamage cis ccaused cby csmoke, cwater cused cto cextinguish, cand cthe cprocess cof
cmoving cproperty caway c- cfire cis cconsidered cto cbe cthe c*proximate ccause* cof call cof
cthe cdamage.
The cLoss cSettlement cValuation cthat csubtracts can callowance cfor cdepreciation cis
cdefined cas?
A. cActual cCash cValue
B. cReplacement cCost
C. c"Old cfor cNew"
D. cNone cof cthe cAbove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. cActual cCash cValue
A cpolicy ccondition, ceither cbased con cinformation cin cthe cinsured's capplication cor
cinserted cby cthe cinsurer, cis cdefined cas:
A. cWarranty
B. cMisrepresentation
C. cConcealment
D. cNone cof cthe cAbove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. cWarranty
The cfollowing care cbasic ccharacteristics cof ca cproperty cor cliability cinsurance ccontract,
A. cPersonal cContract
B. cConditional cContract
C. cLoss cof cSettlement cContract
D. cContract cof cAdhesion c- ccorrect canswers✔✔C. cLoss cof cSettlement cContract
The cInsurer's cresponsibility cto cpay cfor ca cproperty closs cmay cbe cconditioned con cthe
cinsured chaving cused creasonable cmeans cto cavoid cthe closs, cto cprotect cthe cproperty
cagainst cfurther closs, cand cto cgive cthe cinsurer cproof cof cthe closs cis cdefined cas?
A. cConditional cContract
B. cAdhesion cContract
C. cIndemnity cContract
D. cAll cof cthe cAbove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. cConditional cContract
,"may cbe cconditioned"
Which cof cthe cfollowing cis cnot cone cof cthe c"Thresholds" cin cthe c"No-Fault" claw?
A. cDeath cof cthe cInsured
B. cTemporary cInjury cof cthe cInsured
C. cA cpermanent closs cof ca cbodily cfunction
D. cPermanent cscarring con cthe cface cof cthe cinsured c- ccorrect canswers✔✔B.
cTemporary cInjury cof cthe cInsured
Also cincluded: cpermanent cinjury cother cthan cscarring cand cdisfigurement
Under cMechanical cBreakdown cCoverage, cnew ccars care celigible cfor cservice cup cto:
A. c36 cMonths/36,000 cMiles
B. c24 cMonths/36,000 cMiles
C. c12,000 cMonths/12,000 cMiles
D. c12 cMonths/36,000 cMiles c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. c36 cMonths/36,000 cMiles
Used cvehicles: c12 cMonths/12,000 cMiles
If cfinancial cresponsibility cdoesn't cexist cat cthe ctime cof can caccident, cwhich cof cthe
cfollowing cthings cmust chappen cto cavoid cpenalties?
A. cThe clegally cvalid cclaims cof cothers cmust cbe csatisfied c(up cto c10/20/10)
B. cThe cowner cand coperator cmust cprovide ccertification cof cfuture cresponsibility cfor
cfuture caccidents
C. cBoth cA c& cB
D. cNone cof cthe cAbove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔C. cBoth cA c& cB
As cto crequired cproof cfor cfuture caccidents cby cpurchase cof cauto cliability cinsurance,
cthe cinsurer cmust cmake ca cfiling c(Form cSR-22) ccertifying cthat ccoverage cis cin ceffect,
cand cthis ccertification cmust cremain con cfile cfor c__________ cyears: c
A. c1
B. c3
C. c4
D. c2 c- ccorrect canswers✔✔B. c3
The cBusiness cAutomobile cPolicy cincludes call cof cthe cfollowing ccoverage cforms
A. cThe cGarage cCoverage cForm
B. cThe cTrailer cInterchange cCoverage cForm
C. cThe cTruckers cCoverage cForm
D. cThe cBusiness cAuto cCoverage cForm c- ccorrect canswers✔✔B. cThe cTrailer
cInterchange cCoverage cForm
Personal cInjury cProtection, cor cPIP, chas ca c__________ cper cperson, cper caccident
A. c10,000
B. c20,000
C. c1,000
, D. cDepends con cthe cdamaged cproperty c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. c10,000
Used cto cinsure cbusinesses cengaged cin cselling, cservicing, crepairing, cparking cor
cstoring cautomobiles:
A. cServicing cCoverage cForm
B. cGarage cCoverage cForm
C. cTruckers cCoverage cForm
D. cNone cof cthe cAbove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔B. cGarage cCoverage cForm
The cfollowing cexamples care creferred cto cas c__________ cliability climits: c25/50/25 cor
A. cSplit
B. cSingle
C. cStraight
D. cNone cof cthe cAbove c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. cSplit
10/20/10 c= c
10,000 cper cperson cinjured
20,000 call cinjuries ccombined
10,000 cproperty cdamage
Example cof cstraight cliability climit c= c$30,000
Jeremy chas ca cnot cat cfault caccident. cIf che chas cPIP cwith ca c$1,000 cdeductible, chow
cmuch ccan che cexpect chis cPIP ccoverage cto cpay ctoward chis cmedical cbills cthat ctotal
A. c$1,600
B. c$1,000
C. c$2,400
D. c$3,000 c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A. c$1,600
3000 c(bills) c- c1000 c(deductible) c= c
2000 cx c.80 c(eighty cpercent)
Frank chas ca cnot-at-fault caccident, che chas cbasic cPIP, cno cdeductible cand cMed cpay
cof c$5,000. cHow cmuch cwill chis cMed cPay ccontribute cto cmedical cbills cof c$15,000?
A. c$15,000
B. c$5,000
C. c$3,000
D. c$0, cFrank cis cnot-at-fault c- ccorrect canswers✔✔B. c$5,000
Medical cPayment climits capply cper cperson; cFrank cwill creceive cfull camount ctowards
cmedical cbills.
Which cof cthe cfollowing cis cnot cone cof cthe crating cfactors cfor ca cHomeowner's cPolicy?
A. cType cof cConstruction
B. cLocation cof cRisk
C. cAge c& cGender cof cInsured
D. cProximity cto cFire cDepartment c- ccorrect canswers✔✔C. cAge c& cGender cof