1. Chapter h 01-01 hHematology his
hthe hstudy hof:
*a. hblood hcells.
b. serum helectrolytes.
c. plasma hhormone hlevels.
d. bacteria hin hthe hblood.
General hFeedback:
Hematology his hthe hstudy hof hblood hcells—red hblood hcells, hwhitehblood hcells, hand
hplatelets. hPlasma hand hserum helectrolytes hand hhormone hlevels hare hevaluated hin hvarious
hsubdivisions hof hclinical hchemistry, handh
bacteria hare hevaluated hin hclinical hmicrobiology.
2. Chapter h01-02
The hmorphology hof hblood hcells his himportant hto hevaluate:
a. every htime ha hcomplete hblood hcount h(CBC) his hrequested hon hahpatient.
b. when han hinstrument-generated hflag his hobtained.
*c. hwhen ha hprofiling hinstrument hresult his habnormal.
d. hwhen hthe hwhite hcount his helevated.
General hFeedback:
Every hlaboratory hmust hdetermine—based hon hits hinstrumentation,hneeds hof hthe
hclinician hand hother hparameter hflags hthat halert hthe hmedicalh laboratory hscientist hto hthe hnecessity
hfor hfurther hevaluation—when hit hish necessary hto hevaluate hcell hmorphology. hMany hinstrument-
generated hflags,halthough huseful, hmay hnot hrequire hreview. hIf han hautomated hCBC hdoes hnot hsuggest
hthe hneed, hno hreason hexists hto hevaluate hthe hblood hfilm, heven hif hthe hwhite hcount his helevated.
3. Chapter h01-03
Who his hultimately hresponsible hfor hdetermining hthe hspecimen hintegrityhbefore hanalysis?
*a. hMedical hlaboratory hprofessional
b. Nursing hstaff
c. Phlebotomist
d. Specimen-processing hpersonnel
General hFeedback:
The hmedical hlaboratory hscientist his hresponsible hfor hensuring hthe hintegrity hof ha
hspecimen hbefore hanalysis. hOnly hhe hor hshe hcan hjudge hwhether hthe hspecimen his hacceptable hso
hthat hvalid hresults hcan hbe hobtained. hAcceptable hcriteria hinclude hsuch hthings has htype hof hspecimen
hfor hthe htest hordered h(e.g., hblood, hserum, hurine); happropriate hadditive hpresent h(if hneeded) hand
hamount hof hspecimen hrelative hto hthe hadditive; htime hinterval hsince hobtained; hand hpresence hor
habsence hof hhemolysis, hlipemia, hand hother hsimilar hconditions. hNone hof hthe hother hpersonnel
hnamed hhave hthe heducation hand hunderstanding hto hfully hmake hthat hjudgment.
4. Chapter h01-04 hHematocrit his
halso hcalled:
a. white hcell hcount.
b. bone hmarrow hexamination.
c. red hblood hcell h(RBC) hcount.
*d. hpacked hred hcell hvolume.
General hFeedback:
Historically hthe hhematocrit hwas hdetermined hby hcentrifuging hanhaliquot hof
hanticoagulated hwhole hblood hunder hspecified hconditions h(e.g.,h centrifugal hforce, hcapillary htube
hlength, hand hbore hdiameter) hand hthen hdetermining hthe hratio hof hthe hspace hoccupied hby hthe
hpacked hred hcells hcompared hwith hthat hof hthe hentire hblood hvolume hin hthe hcapillary htube, hoften
hexpressed has ha hpercentage. hHence, hit his halso hcalled hthe hpacked hred hcell hvolume.
5. Chapter h01-05
The hprimary hfunction hof hplatelets his hto:
a. defend hthe hbody hagainst hbacterial hinvasion.
b. carry hoxygen hto htissues.
*c. hfacilitate hblood hclotting.
d. hregulate hacid-base hbalance.
General hFeedback:
Whenever hdisruption hoccurs hto ha hblood hvessel hso hthat hbleedinghresults, hplatelets
hrespond hinitially hto hstop hthe hbleeding hin hsmall hvessels; hthey halso hplay han hintegral hrole hin
hfacilitating hthe hformationh of ha hblood hclot. hWhite hcells hdefend hagainst hbacterial hinvasion; hred hcells
h(i.e., hhemoglobin) hcarry hoxygen hto htissues; hand ha hcomplex hinteraction hof hplasma helectrolytes,
hproteins, hand hcarbon hdioxide hparticipates hin hacid-base hbalance.
6. Chapter h01-06
Which hof hthe hfollowing hcan hbe hevaluated honly hthrough hthe hmicroscopichexamination hof ha hstained
hblood hfilm?
a. White hblood hcell h(WBC) hcount
b. Reticulocyte hcount
c. Hemoglobin hconcentration
*d. hPresence hor habsence hof hcytoplasmic hinclusions
General hFeedback:
Making hand hstaining ha hblood hfilm hand hthen hplacing hit hunder hahmicroscope hallow hthe
hmedical hlaboratory hscientist hto hevaluate hthe hmorphology hof hblood hcells hand hexamine hthem hfor
hthe hpresence hor habsenceh of hblood hcell hinclusions. hThese hinclusions hare himportant hfor hcell
hidentification hand, hwhen habnormal hinclusions hare hpresent, hsometimes hprovide h“clues” has hto hthe
hcause hof hdisease. hAll hthe hother hparameters hmentioned hare hor hcan hbe hperformed husing han
hautomated hhematology hinstrument, hincluding hreticulocyte hcounting.
7. Chapter h01-07
Upon hcentrifugation hof ha hblood hspecimen, hthe hlayer hbetween hthe hredhblood hcells hand hplasma his
hcalled hthe:
a. hhematocrit.
*b. hbuffy hcoat.
c. hserum.
d. hplatelet hpellet.
General hFeedback:
When hblood his hcentrifuged, hthe hlayer hbetween hthe hred hcells handhplasma his hcalled hthe
h buffy h coat. h This h layer h consists h of h both h white hblood h cells h and h platelets. h The h hematocrit h is h the
h packed h cell h volume hthat hreflects hthe hnumber hof hred hblood hcells. hThe hserum his hthe hliquid hportion
hof hthe hblood hformed hfrom ha hclotted hblood hsample. hThe hplatelet hpellet his ha hspecial hlayer hof
hplatelets hthat his hrequired hfor hplatelet hfunction h studies. h This h layer h of h platelets h is h prepared h from
h a h whole hblood hspecimen husing hspecific hcentrifugation htime hand hspeed.
8. Chapter h01-08
Select hthe hterm hthat hdescribes ha hlow hwhite hblood hcell hcount.
*a. hLeukopenia
b. Leukocytosis
c. Neutropenia
d. Leukemia
General hFeedback:
The hterm hleukopenia hrefers hto ha hlow htotal hwhite hblood hcell hcount. hLeukocytosis his ha
hterm hthat hdescribes han hincrease hin hwhite hbloodh cell hcount. hNeutropenia his ha hlow hcell hcount hthat
his hspecific hto hthe hneutrophils. hLeukemia his hcancer hof hthe hblood hcells, hmost hoften hwhite hblood
2. Chapter h02-02
A hpatient’s hwhite hblood hcells h(WBCs) hare hcounted hon han hautomated hcellhcounter h10 htimes. hThe
hmean hwhite hcount his h8000/mL, hand hthe hstandard hdeviation h(SD) his h300. hWhat his hthe hcoefficient
hof hvariation h(CV)?
a. h0.04%
b. h2.6%
*c. h3.8%
d. h26%
General hFeedback:
% hCV h= h(SD/mean) h× h100 h= h(300/8000) h× h100 h= h3.8%.
3. Chapter h02-03
What hdoes hthe hCV hcalculated hin hQuestion h2 hdescribe habout hthe hwhite hcellhcounts?
a. Accuracy
b. Reliability
c. Proper hcalibration
*d. hPrecision
General hFeedback:
The hCV his ha hmeasure hof hprecision, hor hhow hwell ha hresult hcan hbehreproduced. hIt
hallows hcomparisons hof hassays hwith hdifferent hmeans hand hish a hunitless hnumber, halthough husually
hexpressed has ha hpercentage. hAccuracyh is hhow hclose ha hresult his hto hthe htrue hvalue; hproper
hcalibration his hrequired hto hobtain haccuracy. hReliability his hhow hwell ha hmethod hholds hboth
haccuracy hand hprecision hover htime.
4. Chapter h02-04
A hpatient hspecimen his hanalyzed hon han hinstrument hknown hto hbe hin hcontrolhfrom hprevious hassays
hperformed hon ha hcalibrated hinstrument hand hgives ha hhemoglobin hresult hof h13.2 hg/dL. hTwo hhours
hlater hit his hevaluated hon hanother hinstrument hthat his hbeing hevaluated hfor hpurchase hby hthe
hlaboratory. hThe hresult his h11.8 hg/dL. hThis hresult, hwhen hcompared hwith hthe hfirst, his:
a. acceptable hagreement.
b. reportable.
c. precise hagreement.
*d. hinaccurate.
General hFeedback:
This hresult his hinaccurate hcompared hwith hthe hfirst hbecause hithis hsignificantly
hdifferent. hPrecision his hnot hknown, hbecause hmultiple hresults hare hneeded hto hdetermine hprecision;
hin haddition, hprecision hmusth be hdetermined husing hthe hsame hinstrument, hnot hbetween hinstruments.
Because hit his hnot haccurate, hit hcannot hbe hreported.
5. Chapter h02-05
Which his htrue hregarding hreference hranges?