,Chapter 01: Nursing Today tv tv tv
Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
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1. Which nursing attendant most likely kept records on sanitation techniques and the effects o
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nhealth? tv
a. Florence Nightingale tv
b. Mary Nutting tv
c. Clara Barton tv
d. Lillian Wald tv
Reasoning :- tv
>>> Nightingale was the first practicing nursing attendant epidemiologist. Her statistical an
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alyses connected poor sanitation with cholera and dysentery. Mary Nutting, ClaraBarton, and
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vLillian Wald came after Nightingale, each contributing to the nursing profession in her own
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way. Mary Nutting was instrumental in moving nursing education into universities. Clara Ba
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rton founded the American Red Cross. Lillian Wald helped open the Henry Street Settlement
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DIF:Understand (comprehension) tv
OBJ:Discuss the influence of social, historical, political, and economic changes on nursing practices.
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TOP: Evaluation MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance t v tv tv tv
2. The nursing attendant prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcome. Whic
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hstandard of nursing practice is the nursing attendant following?
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a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
>>In planning, the nursing attendant develops a plan that prescribes strategiesand alternativ
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es to attain expected outcomes. During assessment, the nursing attendant collects comprehe
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nsive data pertinent to the hospital client ’s health and/or the situation. In diagnosis, the nurs
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ing attendant analyzes the assessment data to determine the diagnoses or issues. During impl
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ementation, the nursing attendant implements (carries out) the identified plan. tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
DIF:Understand (comprehension) tv
OBJ:Discuss the development of professional nursing roles. tv tv tv tv tv tv
-Planning MSC: Management of Care
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3. An experienced medical- tv tv
surgical nursing attendant chooses to work in obstetrics.Which level of proficien
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cy is the nursing attendant upon initial transition to the obstetrical floor?
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a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced beginner tv
>>A beginning nursing student or any nursing attendant entering a situation in which ther
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e is no previous level of experience (e.g., an experienced operating room nursingattendant ch
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ooses to now practice in home health) is an example of a novice nursing attendant
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. A proficient nursing attendant perceives a hospital client ’s clinical situation as a whole, is ab
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le to assess an entire situation, and can readily transfer knowledge gained from multiple previ
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ous experiences to a situation. A competent nursing attendant understands the organization
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and specific care required by the type of hospital client s (e.g., surgical, oncology, or orthopedi
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c hospital client s). This nursing attendant is a competent practitioner who is able to anticipat
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e nursing care and establish long-
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range goals. A nursing attendant whohas had some level of experience with the situation is an
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vadvanced beginner. This experience may only be observational in nature, but the nursing att
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endant is able to identify meaningful aspects or principles of nursing care.
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DIF:Apply (application) tv
OBJ:Discuss the development of professional nursing roles. tv tv tv tv tv tv
-Evaluation MSC: Management of Care
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4. A nursing attendant assesses a hospital client ’s fluid status and decides that the hospital client
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needs to drink more fluids. The nursing attendant then encourages the hospital client to drin
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kmore fluids. Which concept is the nursing attendant demonstrating?
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a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
Autonomy is an essential element of professional nursing that involves the initiation of indepe
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ndent nursing interventions without medical orders. To obtain licensure in the United States, t
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he RN candidate must pass the NCLEX-
tv Beyond the NCLEX-
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the nursingattendant REASONING:- tv tv tv tv
>>may choose to work toward certification in a specific area of nursing practice. Accountabilit
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y means that you are responsible, professionally and legally, forthe type and quality of nursing c
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are provided. tv
DIF:Apply (application) tv
OBJ:Discuss the roles and career opportunities for nursing attendant s. tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
-Implementation MSC: Management of Care
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5. A nursing attendant prepares the budget and policies for an intensive care unit. Which role
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is the nursing attendant implementing?
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a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Nursing attendant tv
>>A manager coordinates the activities of members of the nursing staff in delivering nursing
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care and has personnel, policy, and budgetary responsibility for a specific nursing unit or faci
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lity. As an educator, you explain concepts and facts about health, describe the reason for routi
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ne care activities, demonstrate procedures such as self-
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care activities, reinforce learning or hospital client behavior, and evaluate the hospital client ’
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s progress in learning. As a hospital client advocate, you protect your hospital client ’s human
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and legal rights and provide assistance in asserting these rights if the need arises. As a nursin
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g attendant
, you help hospital client s maintain and regain health, manage disease and symptoms, andattai
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n a maximal level function and independence through the healing process.
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DIF:Apply (application) tv
OBJ:Discuss the roles and career opportunities for nursing attendant s. tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
-Implementation MSC: Management of Care
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6. The nursing attendant has been working in the clinical setting for several years as an adv
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anced practice nursing attendant. However, the nursing attendant has a strong desire top
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ursue research and theory development. To fulfill this desire, which program should the
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nursing attendant attend? tv tv
a. Doctor of Nursing Science degree (DNSc) tv tv tv tv tv
b. Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) tv tv tv tv
c. Doctor of Nursing Practice degree (DNP) tv tv tv tv tv
d. Doctor in the Science of Nursing degree (DSN) tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
>>Some doctoral programs prepare nursing attendant s for more rigorous research and the
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ory development and award the research-
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oriented Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing. Professional doctoral programs in nursing
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(DSN or DNSc) prepare graduates to apply research findings to clinical nursing. The DNP i
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s a practice doctorate thatprepares advanced practice nursing attendant s such as nursing att
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endant practitioners. tv
DIF:Understand (comprehension) tv
OBJ:Compare and contrast the educational programs available for professional nursing attendan tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
t(RN) education.
tv TOPIC:-Teaching/Learning
tv MSC: Management of Care t v tv tv
7. A nursing attendant attends a workshop on current nursing issues provided by the
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American Nursing attendant s Association. Which type of education did the nursin
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gattendant receive?
tv tv
a. Graduate education tv
b. Inservice education tv
c. Continuing education tv
d. Nursing attendant education tv tv
>>Continuing education involves formal, organized educational programs offered by univers tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
ities, hospitals, state nursing attendant s associations, professional nursing organizations, an
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d educational and health care institutions. After obtaining a baccalaureate degree in nursing,
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you can pursue graduate education leading to a master’s or doctoral degreein any number of g
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raduate fields, including nursing. In service education programs are instruction or training p
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rovided by a health care facility or institution. Nursing attendant education is the education p
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reparation for an individual intending to be an RN. tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
DIF:Apply (application) tv
OBJ:Compare and contrast the educational programs available for professional nursing attendant (RN)
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