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PRSA APR Exam Practice Questions – COMPLETE SOLUTION 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers
PRSA APR Exam Practice Questions – COMPLETE SOLUTION 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers
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PRSA APR Exam Practice Questions –
COMPLETE SOLUTION 100 Questions with
100% Correct Answers
You jare jresponsible jfor jan jinternal jemployee jnewsletter. jA jfreelance jphotographer
j provides jseveral jphotos jyou jintend jto juse jin jthe jnext jissue. jYour jsupervisor jquickly
j reviews jand japproves jthe jnewsletter jbefore jleaving jfor jan jextended jvacation. jYou jare
j nearing jyour jdeadline jand jin jfinal jpreparation jof jthe jfiles, jyou jnotice jfine jprint jcopyright
j information jby jthe jphotographer jin jthe jcorner jof jthe jimages. jWhich jone jof jthe jfollowing jis
j the jbest jcourse jof jaction?
A) jThis jis jwork jfor jhire jso jyou jcan jfollow jthe jdirective jof jyour jsupervisor jand jproceed jwith
j publication jof jthe jnewsletter.
B) jContact jthe jfreelance jphotographer jdirectly jto jget jverbal japproval jfor jpublication.
C) jCoordinate jwith jyour jlegal jcounsel jto jreview jthe jcontract jterms jbefore jtaking jfurther
j action.
D) jInclude jthe jcopyright jinformation jfrom jthe jphotographer jin jthe jphoto jcaption jand
j proceed jwith jpublication jof jthe jnewsletter. j- jANS-C) jCoordinate jwith jyour jlegal jcounsel jto
j review jthe jcontract jterms jbefore jproceeding jwith jpublication. j(EPR j10th, jpgs j157-158 jand
j PR: jS&T j10th, jpgs j302-303)
You jare jthe jpublic jrelations jmanager jat ja jautomotive jmanufacturer, jreporting jto jthe
j company jpresident. jYour jcompany jis jabout jto jannounce jan jexpansion, jwhich jwill jbe ja
,j major jeconomic jboost jfor jthe jcommunity, jat ja jpress jconference. jYour jboss jwould jlike jto
j share jsome jadditional jdetails jabout jthe jacquisition j"off jthe jrecord" jwith jseveral
j community jpartners jfollowing jthe jpress jconference jat ja jVIP jevent, jwhich jsome jmedia jmay
j attend. jWhat jcounsel jwould jyou joffer jyour jboss?
1. jWe jtrust jour jpartners jand jthis jwill jimprove jour jcommunity jrelations
2. jIt jis jacceptable jto jshare jthese jdetails jif jwe jinform jthe jaudience jthat jwhat jwe jshare jis joff
j the jrecord
3. jIt jis jacceptable jto jshare jthese jdetails jif jreporters jdo jnot jattend jthe jevent
4. jYou jshould jnever jshare jthings joff jthe jrecord junless jyou jreally jwant jit jt jget jout j- jANS-4.
j You jshould jnever jshare jthings joff jthe jrecord junless jyou jreally jwant jit jt jget jout
(EPR jp.231)
Which jof jthe jfollowing jtwo jstatements jare jcorrect jin jorder jfor jyou jto juse jthese jphotos jin
j ads?
A. jThe jcompany jhired jand jpaid jthe jphotographer jfor jthe jprofessional jevent jphotos jand
j owns jthem jfor jfuture juse. j
B. jThese jphotos jcan jonly jbe jused jif jthe jphotographer jhas jprovided jwritten jpermission jto
j reproduce jthe jevent jphotos jbeyond jthe joriginal jpurpose jof jan jinternal jnewsletter.
,C.The jemployees jand jfamily jmembers jphotographed jmust jhave ja jsigned jconsent jrelease jto
j have jtheir jphotos jused jin jan jad jfor jthe jcompany.
D. jCompany jemployees jare jnot jrequired jto jsign jreleases, jbut jtheir jfamily jmembers jwould
j need jto jhave jsigned jreleases jto jbe jused jin jthe jads j- jANS-B. jThese jphotos jcan jonly jbe jused jif
j the jphotographer jhas jprovided jwritten jpermission jto jreproduce jthe jevent jphotos jbeyond
j the joriginal jpurpose jof jan jinternal jnewsletter.
C.The jemployees jand jfamily jmembers jphotographed jmust jhave ja jsigned jconsent jrelease jto
j have jtheir jphotos jused jin jan jad jfor jthe jcompany.
Reference: jPublic jRelations jStrategies jand jTactics j(10th jed): jPage j298: jPhoto jReleases jand
j Page j302: jPhotography jand jArtwork.
As jthe jinternal jcommunications jofficer jof ja jlarge jcorporation, jYou've jdiscovered jnumerous
j unofficial jnewsletters jbeing jpublished jand jemailed jto j3,000 jemployees jwithout jyour
j knowledge. jOn jfurther jinvestigation jyou jdiscover jin jeach jnewsletter ja jnational jad jappeared
j with jthe jcopyright jsymbol jlisted, jbut jwith jdigital jmodifications jmade jto jeach jad jchanging
j the jcolor jand jsize. jWhat jthree jsignificant jcopyright jlaws jwere jviolated jhere?
A. jDownloading jmaterials jfrom jthe jInternet, jFair jUse, jand jStatutory jCopyright
B. jProduct jPublicity, jPhotography j& jArtwork, jCopyright jAct
D. jCommon jlaw jcopyright, jFair jUse jDoctrine, jand jInfringement
, E. jTrademark jInfringement, jDigital jMillennium jCopyright jAct j(DMCA), jand jCopyright
j Infringement. j- jANS-E. jTrademark, jDigital jMillennium jCopyright jAct j(DMCA), jand
j Copyright jLaw.
(APR jStudy jGuide, jpgs. j105-107)
You jassign jyour jintern jthe jjob jof jfinding ja jroyalty jfree jimage jto jillustrate ja jblog. jShe jbrings
j back ja jgreat jphoto j- jit's jfrom jBING jimages.
What jlaw jdo jyou jtalk jto jher jabout?
A) jCopyright
B) jPlagiarism
C) jSlavish jcopyright
D) jDefamation j- jlibel j- jANS-A. jthe jimage jon jBing jmay jbe jcopyrighted, jyou jneed jto jshow jher
j how jto jcheck. j
Plagiarism jis jwhen jyou jpass joff jsomeone's jelse's jwork jas jyour jown jor jwithout jattribution;
j Slavish jcopyright jis jwhen jyou jcopy jword jfor jword, jand jdefamation-libel jis jwhen jyou
j disseminate ja jpublic jfalsehood jabout ja jperson jor jorganization.
Jonah jLehrer, jthe j31 jyear jold jwunderkind jauthor jof jImagine, jwas jrecently jfired jfrom jthe
j New jYorker. jHe jwas jcaught jfor jseveral jviolations j- jmade jup jquotes jincluding jone jattributed