body systems - ✔️✔️skeletal system, muscular system, energy system, nervous
system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system
response to physical activity - ✔️✔️aerobic and resistance training responses
HR, SV, BP responses to PA - ✔️✔️HR: increase
SV: increase then plateau
BP: SBP increase, DBP little increase
basic nutrition components - ✔️✔️carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals,
principles of healthy eating - ✔️✔️veggies/fruits, grain products, meats/alternatives,
what to looks for in eating habits - ✔️✔️disordered eating and ergogenic/thermogenic
healthy sleep assessment - ✔️✔️look at duration, quality, timing
social cognitive theory - ✔️✔️looks at personal, behavioural, environmental factors
affecting behaviour
self-determination theory - ✔️✔️amotivation, external relatedness, introjected
regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation determine basic needs of
automony, competence, relatedness
what is light intensity PA - ✔️✔️children: 1.5-4 METs
adults: 1.5-3 METs
what is moderate intensity PA - ✔️✔️children: 4-6.9 METs
adults: 3-5.9 METs
what is vigorous intensity PA - ✔️✔️children: 7 or more METs
adults: 6 or more METs
what is the reccommended PA - ✔️✔️150 minutes of moderate-vigorous PA per week
what is sedentary behaviour - ✔️✔️waking activity that is less than 1.5METs, should
move for 2 minutes every 20 minutes
, health related physical fitness - ✔️✔️training for general health and fitness; including
body comp, aerobic fitness, muscle strength/endurance
costs of physical inactivity - ✔️✔️increase risk of health conditions and decrease life
benefits of physical activity - ✔️✔️increase factors of health and decrease risk of
barriers to physical activity - ✔️✔️health determinants
active living philosophy - ✔️✔️recognizes health benefits of all kinds of physical activity
types of PA - ✔️✔️occupational, domestic, transportation, leisure-time
performance related physical fitness - ✔️✔️training for specific task; including agility,
balance, coordination, power, speed, RT
anatomical position - ✔️✔️erect, feet forward, arms at side with palms facing forward,
head facing forward
planes - ✔️✔️sagital/medial, frontal/coronal, transverse/horizontal
movements - ✔️✔️flexion/extension
medial/lateral rotation
trans-theoretical model of behavior change - ✔️✔️precontemplation, contemplation,
preparation, action, maintenance
theory of planned behaviour - ✔️✔️behavioural beliefs, normative beliefs, control
health action process approach - ✔️✔️task self-efficacy, outcome expectancies, risk
motivational interviewing components - ✔️✔️self-efficacy sources, open-ended
questions, basics, active listening, elicit change talk, manage sustained talk, develop
discrepancy, self-efficacy, move from why to how