,Inclusive of Chapters 1-15
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CHAPTER 01: The Science of Psychology
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1. Which of the following is the best definition of psychological science?
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A. the study of the brain and its func-
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B. the study of the mind, the brain,
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and thought processes
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C. the study of the mind, the brain,
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and behavior
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D. the study of the mind, the psyche,
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and behavior
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ANS: C q DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology q q q q q q q
MSC: Remembering
2. Psychological science is the study of: q q q q q
A. the mind. q C. behavior.
B. the brain. q D. all of the above.
q q q
ANS: D q DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology q q q q q q q
MSC: Remembering
3. Trying to understand the relationship between the actions of neurons and a
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thought is an example of the connection between:
q q q q q q q q
A. the brain and the
q q q C. genes and the q q
q mind.
B. nature and nur- q q D. the brain and q q
q emotion.
ANS: A q DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
q q q q q q q
MSC: Applying
4. Based on your textbook‘s definition of psychology, which statement best re-
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flects the relationship between the mind and the brain?
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A. The brain is the same thing as the
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B. The brain influences the mind.
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C. The brain is unrelated to the mind.
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, D. The brain reflects the mind.
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ANS: B q DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
q q q q q q q
MSC: Applying
5. Barry and Candace are disagreeing. Barry states that psychology is the study
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of the mind. Candace believes that psychology is the science of behavior.
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Given your knowledge of psychology, how would you resolve this argument?
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A. Barry is correct. Psychology only
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studies the mind.
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B. Candace is correct. Psychology only q q q q
studies behavior.
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C. Both are correct. Psychology studies
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both the mind and behavior.
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D. Both are incorrect. Psychology only
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studies emotions.
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ANS: C q DIF: Difficult REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
q q q q q q q q
MSC: Understanding
6. Allanah is a psychology major. Which of the following best describes what Al-
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lanah will learn about?
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A. the structure and function of the
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B. mental disorders and their treat- q q q q
C. feelings and other subjective states q q q q
D. the mind, the brain, and behavior
q q q q q
ANS: D q DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
q q q q q q q q
MSC: Understanding
7. For much of its history, psychologists focused mostly on:
q q q q q q q q
A. the brain.q C. behaviors.
B. disorders. D. the mind. q
ANS: C q DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science? q q q q q
OBJ: 1.1A
q NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
q q q q q q q q
MSC: Remembering
, 8. Which of the following is an example of a psychologist who is studying the
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A. Dr. Chu, who studies how weather
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influences children‘s actions on the
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B. Dr. Well, who studies neural activity
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during sleep cycles of elderly adults
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C. Dr. Mann, who studies the accuracy
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of traumatic memories over time
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D. Dr. East, who studies the facial ex-
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pressions of relationship partners
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during a fight
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ANS: Cq DIF: Difficult REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
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OBJ: 1.1A
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NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology | APA Goal 5, Professional
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MSC: Applying
9. Which of the following is an example of a psychologist who is studying the
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A. Dr. Fields, who studies the purchas-
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ing habits of impulsive individuals
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B. Dr. Joe, who studies how neural ac-
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tivity changes as newborn babies
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C. Dr. Perez, who studies how our feel-
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ings can influence our thought pro-
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D. Dr. Ladd, who studies the training
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activities of professional athletes
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ANS: Bq DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
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OBJ: 1.1A
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NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology | APA Goal 5, Professional
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MSC: Applying
10. Which of the following is an example of a psychologist who is studying behav-
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A. Dr. Wick, who studies how certain
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smells can trigger certain feelings
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B. Dr. Woods, who studies patterns of
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neural activity related to drug use
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C. Dr. Paul, who studies the thought
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