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Test Bank - Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, 6th Edition (Woo, 2024), Chapter 1-57 | All Chapters
Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse
Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse
Test Bank - Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, 6th Edition (Woo, 2024), Chapter 1-57 | All ChaptersTest Bank - Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, 6th Edition (Woo, 2024), Chapter 1-57 | All Chapters
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Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse
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, Pharmacothe rapeutics oo foroo Advancedoo Practice oo Nurse oo Prescribers oo 5thoo Editionoo Woooo Robinsonoo Test
oo Bank
Chapteroo1.ooThe ooRole ooofoothe ooNurse ooPractiti
oneroo Multiple oo Choice
Identifyoo theoochoiceoothat oobest oo completesootheoostatementooorooanswersoo theoo question.
1. Nurseoo practitioneroo prescriptiveoo authorityoo isoo regulatedo o by:
1. Theoo Nationaloo Counciloo ofoo Stateoo Boardsoo ofoo Nursing
2. Theoo U.S.oo Drugoo Enforcementoo Administration
3. Theoo Stateoo Boardoo ofoo Nursingoo foroo eachoo state
4. Theoo Stateoo Boardoo ofoo Pharmacy
2. Theoo benefitsoo tooo theoo patientoo ofoo havingooanoo Advancedoo Practiceoo Registeredoo Nurseoo (APRN
)oo prescriberoo include:
1. Nursesooknowoo moreoo aboutoo Pharmacologyoothanoo otheroo prescribersoobecauseoo th
eyootakeooitoo bothoo inoo theiroo basicoo nursingoo programoo andoo inoo theiroo APRN oo pro
2. Nursesoo careooforoo theoo patientoo fromooaoo holisticoo approachoo andoo includeoo th
eoo patientoo inoo decisionoo makingoo regardingoo theiroo care.
3. APRNsoo areoo lessoo likelyoo tooo prescribeoo narcoticsoo andoo otheroo controlledoo substances.
4. APRNsooareooableootooo prescribeooindependentlyooinoo alloo states,oowhereasoo aoo p
hysician’soo assistantoo needsoo tooo haveoo aoo physicianoo supervisingoo theiroo pract
3. Clinicaloo judgmentoo inoo prescribingo o includes:
1. Factoringoo inoo theoo costoo tooo theoo patientoo ofoo theoo medicationoo prescribed
2. Alwaysoo prescribingoo theoo newestoo medicationoo availableoo foroo theoo diseaseoo process
3. Handingoo outoo drugoo samplesoo tooo pooroo patients
4. Prescribingoo alloo genericoo medicationsoo tooo cutoo costs
4. Criteriaoo foroo choosingoo anoo effectiveoo drugoo foroo aoo disordero o include:
1. Askingoo theoo patientoo whatoo drugoo theyoo thinkoo wouldoo workoo bestoo foroo them
2. Consultingoo nationallyoo recognizedoo guidelinesoo foroo diseaseoo management
3. Prescribingoo medicationsoo thatoo areoo availableoo asoo samplesoo beforeoo writingoo aoo prescription
4. FollowingooU.S.oo Drugoo Enforcementoo Administrationoo guidelinesoo foroo prescribing
5. Nurseoo practitioneroo practiceoo mayoothriveoo underoo health-careoo reformoo becauseoo of:
1. Theoodemonstratedoo abilityooofoonurseoo practitionersoo tooocontroloocostsooandoo impro
veoo patientoo outcomes
2. Theoo factoo thatoo nurseoo practitionersoo willoo beoo ableoo tooo practiceoo independently
3. Theoofactoo thatoonurseoopractitionersoo willoo haveoo fullooreimbursementoo underoo h
ealth-careoo reform
4. Theoo abilityoo tooo shiftoo accountabilityoo foroo Medicaidoo tooo theoo stateoo level
,Chapteroo1.ooThe ooRole ooofoothe ooNurse ooPractiti
oneroo Answeroo Section
1. ANS: 3 PTS:o o 1
2. ANS: 2 PTS:o o 1
3. ANS: 1 PTS:o o 1
4. ANS: 2 PTS:o o 1
5. ANS: 1 PTS:o o 1
Chapteroo2.ooReviewooofooBasicooPrinciples ooofooPharmacolog
yoo Multiple oo Choice
Identifyoo theoochoiceoothat oobest oo completesootheoostatementooorooanswersootheoo question.
o o 1.oo Aoopatient’soo nutritionaloo intakeoo andoo laboratoryooresultsoo reflectoo hypoalbuminemia.oo Thiso
o isoo criticaloo tooo prescribingoo because:
1. Distributionoo ofoo drugsoo tooo targetoo tissueoo mayoo beoo affected.
2. Theoo solubilityoo ofoo theoo drugoo willoo notoo matchoo theoo siteoo ofoo absorption.
3. Thereoo willoo beoo lessoo freeoo drugoo availableoo tooo generateoo anoo effect.
4. Drugsoo boundoo tooo albuminoo areoo readilyoo excretedoo byoo theoo kidneys.
oo 2.oo Drugsoo thatoo haveoo aoo significantoo first-passo o effect:
1. Mustoo beoo givenoo byoo theoo enteraloo (oral)oo routeoo only
2. Bypassoo theoo hepaticoo circulation
3. Areoo rapidlyoo metabolizedoo byoo theoo liveroo andoo mayoo haveoo littleoo ifoo anyoo desiredoo action
4. Areoo convertedoo byoo theoo liveroo tooo moreoo activeoo andoo fat-solubleoo forms
oo 3.oo Theoo routeoo ofoo excretionoo ofoo aoo volatileoo drugoo willoo likelyoo beo o the:
1. Kidneys
2. Lungs
3. Bileoo andoo feces
4. Skin
oo 4.ooMedroxyprogesteroneoo (DepoooProvera)oo isooprescribedoo intramuscularlyoo(IM)oo tooocreat
eoo aoostorageoo reservoiroo ofoo theoo drug.oo Storageoo reservoirs:
1. Assureoo thatoo theoo drugoo willoo reachoo itsoo intendedoo targetoo tissue
2. Areoo theoo reasonoo foroo givingoo loadingoo doses
3. Increaseoo theoo lengthoo ofoo timeoo aoo drugoo isoo availableoo andoo active
4. Areoo mostoo commonoo inoo collagenoo tissues
o o o o 5.oo Theoo NPoochoosesoo tooo giveoo cephalexinoo everyoo 8oo hoursoo basedoo onoo knowledgeoo ofoo theo o drug’s:
1. Propensityootooo gooo tooo theoo targetoo receptor
2. Biologicaloohalf-life
3. Pharmacodynamics
4. Safetyoo andoo sideoo effects
, o o 6.oo Azithromycinoo dosingoo requiresoo thatoo theoo firstoo day’soo dosageoo beoo twiceoo thoseoo ofoo theoo oth
eroo 4oodaysoo ofootheoo prescription.oo Thisoo isoo consideredoo aoo loadingoo dose.oo Aoo loadingoo dose:
1. Rapidlyoo achievesoo drugoo levelsoo inoo theoo therapeuticoo range
2. Requiresoo four- oo tooo five-half- livesoo tooo attain
3. Isoo influencedoo byoo renaloo function
4. Isoo directlyoo relatedoo tooo theoo drugoo circulatingoo tooo theoo targetoo tissues
oo 7.oo Theoo pointoo inoo timeoo onoo theoo drugoo concentrationoo curveoo thatoo indicatesoo theoo firstoo signoo ofoo a
oo therapeuticoo effectoo isoo the:
1. Minimumoo adverseoo effectoo level
2. Peakoo ofoo action