Court Interpreter Written Exam Version A
Questions and Answers 100% Pass
misogynist - ANSWER ✔✔-misógino (hates women)
misanthrope - ANSWER ✔✔-misántropo (hate human kind)
purport - ANSWER ✔✔-pretend (pretender)
contemptuous - ANSWER ✔✔-disparaging, snubby (despectivo, desdeñoso)
easement - ANSWER ✔✔-a right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specified purpose
(servidumbre, derecho de paso)
peruse - ANSWER ✔✔-to read very carefully (leer detenidamente)
recuse (challenge) - ANSWER ✔✔-reject, to challenge (recusar, rechazar)
recidivism - ANSWER ✔✔-relapse (relapsar)
obdurate - ANSWER ✔✔-stubborn (obstinado)
counterpart - ANSWER ✔✔-match, identical thing (homólogo/contrapartida)
constrained - ANSWER ✔✔-restrained, restricted (restringido)
extenuate - ANSWER ✔✔-mitigate (extenuar, mitigar)
condone - ANSWER ✔✔-approve, excuse ( aprobar, consentir)
correlate - ANSWER ✔✔-match, relate, associate (correlacionar)
surreptitious - ANSWER ✔✔-secret (a escondidas, en secreto)
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deleterious - ANSWER ✔✔-harmful, bad (dañino, nocivo)
rousing - ANSWER ✔✔-exciting (excitante, emocionante)
furtive - ANSWER ✔✔-secret (furtivo, a escondidas)
protracted - ANSWER ✔✔-to postpone, deffear, extend delay (alargado, extendido)
foremost - ANSWER ✔✔-fist in place, order, rank (llider, mas importante)
ravish - ANSWER ✔✔-to captivate, to rape( cautivar, embelesar/violar, forzar)
induce - ANSWER ✔✔-persuade, convince, provoke, cause (inducir, provocar, causar)
prevailing - ANSWER ✔✔-dominant (prevaleciente, dominante/actual)
shrewd - ANSWER ✔✔-clever, smart, intelligent, sharp, quick, perceptive (listo, astuto, inteligente)
engrossed - ANSWER ✔✔-fascinated, ravished, absorbed (absorto, ensimismado)
enraptured - ANSWER ✔✔-enchanted, charmed, fascinated, (embelesado)
specious - ANSWER ✔✔-deceptive, pleasing to the eye but deceptive (engañoso)
toppled - ANSWER ✔✔-to fall forward, as from having too heavy a top; pitch; tumble down.(depuesto,
rattled - ANSWER ✔✔-to talk rapidly; chatter (traqueteado, tembloroso, hablar sin parar)
leveled - ANSWER ✔✔-make it flat (nivelado, arrasado)
preponderance - ANSWER ✔✔-predominance, majority, mass, bulk (premonderancia/predominio)
distraught - ANSWER ✔✔-distracted; deeply (agitated.desconsolado. turbado)
doleful - ANSWER ✔✔-sorrowful; mournful; melancholy (dolido, triste)
Created by Grace Amelia © 2025, All Rights Reserved.