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Test Bank for Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 8th Edition $17.99
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Test Bank for Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 8th Edition

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  • Success In Practical Vocational Nursing

Test Bank for Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 8th Edition

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  • December 20, 2024
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  • Exam (elaborations)
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  • nursing test bank
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  • Success In Practical Vocational Nursing
  • Success In Practical Vocational Nursing
Chapter 01: Personal Resources of an Adult Learner
fr fr fr fr fr fr fr

Knecht: Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing, 8th
fr fr fr fr fr fr



1. Which frindividual frin fra frpractical/vocational frnursing frclass frwould frbe fridentified fras fra
fr traditional fradult frlearner?
a. One frwho frhas frbeen frout frof frschool frfor frmany fryears
b. One frwho frhas frchildren frand frgrandchildren
c. One frwho frknows frthe frroutine frof freducation
d. One frwho fris frin frhis fror frher frearly fr20s
ANS: f r D
Traditional fradult frlearners frare frindividuals frwho frcome frto frthe freducational frprogram frdirectly
frfrom frhigh frschool fror franother frprogram frof frstudy. frThey frare frusually frin frtheir frlate frteens fror frearly

fr20s. frThe frlearner frwho frhas frbeen frout frof frschool frfor frmany fr years frand frthe fr learner frwho frhas

frchildren frand frgrandchildren frwould frbe fridentified fras fra frreturning fradult frlearner. frThe frlearner

frwho frknows frthe frroutine frof freducation frdoes frnot frprovide frsufficient frinformation frfor


DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication REF: f r p. fr3 OBJ: f r 1
frTOP: f r Adult frLearner KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

2. A frstudent frenrolled frin fran frLPN/LVN frprogram frstates, fr“I‟m frfresh frout frof frhigh frschool frand
frliving fralone frfor frthe frfirst frtime frin frmy frlife. frI‟m frlearning frhow frto frtake frcare frof frmyself fras frwell
fras frlearning frto frcare frfor frmy frpatients.” frThis frstatement fridentifies frthe frstudent fras

a. a frtraditional fradult frlearner.
b. a frreturning fradult frlearner.
c. someone frin frneed frof frcounseling.
d. someone frwho fris frnot fraccustomed frto frformal freducation.
ANS: f r A
Traditional fradult frlearners frare frindividuals frwho frare frin frtheir frlate frteens fror frearly fr20s frwho
frhave frcome frto frthe frpractical/vocational frprogram frdirectly frfrom frhigh frschool fror franother

frprogram frof frstudy. frA frreturning fradult frlearner fris frsomeone frwho frhas frbeen frout frof frschool frfor

frseveral fr years. frA frperson frin frneeded frof frcounseling fris frcommonly fra frstudent frwho frhas frbeen

frevaluated frby frthe frinstructor fras frhaving frareas frthat frneed frimprovement. frThis frstudent fris fra

frtraditional fradult frlearner, frand frtraditional fradult frlearners frare fraccustomed fr to frformal


DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frAnalysis REF: f r p. fr3 OBJ: f r 1
frTOP: f r Adult frLearner KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

3. A frnursing frstudent frstates, fr“I frhave frtaken fradvantage frof frinformal frlearning frexperiences.”
Another frstudent frasks, fr“Could fryou frgive frme fran frexample?” frThe frbest frexample frof fran

informal frlearning frexperience fris

a. caring frfor fra frdisabled frfamily frmember.
b. taking fra frcontinuing freducation frcourse.
c. enrolling frin fran fracademic frprogram.
d. attending frcredit frclasses frat frthe frmall.

, ANS: f r A
Informal frlearning frexperiences frare frthose frthat frtake frplace froutside fra frformal freducational frsetting.
frA frperson frwho frcares frfor fra frdisabled frfamily frmember frwould frgain frknowledge frand frskill frin

frproviding frpersonal frcare. frAn freducation frcourse, fracademic frprogram, frand frcredited frclasses frall

frtake frplace frin fra frformal freducational frsetting.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frComprehension REF: f r p. fr3 OBJ: f r 2
frTOP: f r Informal freducational frexperience KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:

frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

4. What frstrategy frcan frbe frused frby fra frnursing frstudent frto freffectively frcombat fra frfear frof frfailure?
a. Picture frin fryour frmind frthe frrewards frof frsucceeding
b. Positive frself-talk
c. Create fra frmental frscript frof frpositive frthoughts
d. All frof frthe frabove
ANS: f r D
Picturing frthe frrewards frof frsucceeding, frpositive frself-talk, frand fra frmental frscript frof frpositive
frthoughts frall frcontribute fra frpositive frmental frattitude frand frare frall frways frto frcombat frthe frfear frof


DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frComprehension REF: f r f r p. fr4 OBJ: f r f r 2
TOP: f r Promoting frsuccess frin frthe frprogram frof frstudy KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

5. An frexample frof fra frself-talk fr“script” frthat frpromotes frsuccess frin fra frpractical/vocational
nursing frprogram fris

a. “I frget frsick frfrom frsmelling frbad frodors.”
b. “What frif frI‟m fr„all frthumbs‟ frin frpractice frlab?”
c. “I frdon‟t frthink frthe frinstructor frlikes frme.”
d. “I frwork frwell frwith frmy frhands.”
ANS: f r D
The frstatement fr“I frwork frwell frwith frmy frhands” fris fra frpositive frthought. frIt frfocuses fron fra frstrength
frand frpromotes frthe fr expectation frthat frthe frindividual frwill frsucceed. frAll frother froptions frare

frexamples frof frnegative frthinking frthat frcreate frexpectations frfor frproblems frand frfailure.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frAnalysis REF: f r p. fr3 OBJ: f r 2
frTOP: f r Hidden frdangers KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

6. Select frthe frfactor frcommon frto frALL frtypes frof fradult frlearners frthat frpredisposes frthem frto frsuccess
in fra frnursing frprogram.

a. They frhave frfew frresponsibilities frat frhome.
b. They frhave frthe frmotivation frto frsucceed.
c. They frautomatically frqualify frfor frfinancial fraid.
d. They frhave frfew frdaily frdistractions.
ANS: f r B
The fronly frstatement frapplicable frto frall frtypes frof fradult frlearners fris frthat frthe frmajority fris
frmotivated frto frsucceed. frThe frother frfactors frmay frbe frapplicable frto frone fror frtwo frclassifications

frof frlearners frbut frnot frto frall frthree.

, DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frComprehension REF: f r p. fr4 OBJ: f r 2
frTOP: f r Factors frpredisposing frto frsuccess KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

7. When fra frclass frof frnursing frstudents frdiscusses frtheir frconcerns frabout frtheir frprogram, frthe
concern frshared frby frmost frlearners fris frgenerally frthe frfear frof

a. succeeding.
b. economic frproblems.
c. failure.
d. ridicule.
ANS: f r C
Some frdegree frof frfear frof frfailure fris frnearly fruniversal frand froften frrelates frto frearlier frfailures fror
frsetbacks frthe frlearner frhas frexperienced frin frother freducational frsettings. frFew frindividuals frare

frafraid frof frsucceeding. frUncertainty frabout freconomic frissues fris frcommon framong frstudents frbut

fris frnot fras fruniversal fras frfear frof frfailure. frFear frof frridicule fris frrarely fra frconcern; frif frpresent, frit

fris frusually frsuperseded frby frfear frof frfailure.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frAnalysis REF: f r p. fr4 OBJ: f r 2
frTOP: f r Hidden frdangers KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

8. The frFirst frAmendment frof frthe frU.S. frConstitution frguarantees frstudents frthe frright frto
a. graduate frfrom fra frprogram.
b. fail fran fracademic frprogram.
c. express froneself frin frclass.
d. have frunlimited frabsences.
ANS: f r C
The frFirst frAmendment frprovides frfor frfreedom frof frexpression fras frlong fras frwhat fris frexpressed
frdoes frnot frdisrupt frclass fror frinfringe fron frthe frrights frof frpeers. frThe frremaining froptions frare

frtopics frthat frare frnot fraddressed frby frthis framendment.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frKnowledge REF: f r p. fr6 OBJ: f r 6
frTOP: f r Learner frrights KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

9. Which framendment frto frthe frU.S. frConstitution frprotects frthe frlearner frfrom frbeing frasked frto frleave
fr an freducational frprogram frwithout frdue frprocess?
a. Eleventh
b. Twelfth
c. Thirteenth
d. Fourteenth
ANS: f r D
The frFourteenth frAmendment frguarantees frdue frprocess. frThe frlearner frhas frthe frright frto frdefend
frhim- fror frherself frif frcharged frwith fra frviolation frof frpolicy fror frrules. frThe frEleventh, frTwelfth, frand

frThirteenth framendments frdo frnot fraddress frdue frprocess.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frKnowledge REF: f r p. fr6 OBJ: f r 6
frTOP: f r Learner frrights KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:

, MSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

10. When fra frnursing frstudent frexpresses frconcern frabout frbeing frdismissed frunfairly frfrom frthe
program, frthe frmost freffective frpeer frresponse frwould frbe

a. “Better frget frover frbeing frso frnegative.”
b. “You frhave frrights frunder frthe frFourteenth frAmendment.”
c. “Watch frwhat fryou frsay frin frclass frto frreduce frthis frpossibility.”
d. “Instructors frreally frdo frhave frcontrol frover frwhat frhappens.”
ANS: f r B
The frFourteenth frAmendment frguarantees frdue frprocess frto frthe frstudent. frThe frlearner frhas frthe
frright frto frdefend frhim- fror frherself frif frcharged frwith fra frviolation frof frprogram frpolicy fror frrules.

frThe frother frstatements frare frnot frthe frmost freffective frresponses frto frgive fra frstudent frconcerned frwith

frbeing frunfairly frdismissed.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication REF: f r p. fr6 OBJ: f r 6
frTOP: f r Learner frrights KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

11. A frnursing frstudent frmonopolizes frclass frdiscussions. frWhich frstatement frabout frthe frsituation fris
fr most fraccurate?
a. The frstudent fris frviolating frthe frrights frof frothers frto frparticipate frin frclass.
b. The frstudent fris frdemonstrating frinterdependency frwith frthe frinstructor.
c. The frstudent fris frdemonstrating frpassive frlearning frstrategies.
d. The frstudent fris frat frrisk frfor frbeing frimmediately frterminated.
ANS: f r A
The frFirst frAmendment frprovides frthe frright frto frfreedom frof frspeech fras frlong fras frwhat fris frsaid frdoes
frnot frdisrupt frthe frclass fror frinfringe fron frthe frrights frof frother frstudents. fr In frthis frcase, frthe frstudent

frwho frmonopolizes frdiscussion fris frviolating frthe frright frof frfree frexpression frby frothers frin frthe


Interdependency frinvolves fra frstudent frwho fris fractively frinvolved frin frhis fror frher frown frlearning
frand frwho frhas fra frcollaborative frrelationship frwith frthe frinstructor. frA frpassive frlearner fris frsomeone

frwho fris frnot fractively frinvolved frin frhis fror frher frown frlearning. frThe frFourteenth frAmendment

frassures frthe frstudent frdue frprocess, frmeaning frthat frfirst frthe frstudent frmust frbe frcharged frwith fra

frviolation frand frpresented frwith frevidence frof frmisconduct. frThe frstudent frwill frbe frentitled frto frstate

frhis fror frher frcase.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frAnalysis REF: f r p. fr6 OBJ: f r 6
frTOP: f r Learner frrights KEY: f r Nursing frProcess frStep:
frN/A frMSC: f r NCLEX: frN/A

12. Which frremark frby fra frstudent frin fra frnursing frprogram frverbalizes fra frstrategy frthat frpromotes
fr success frin frthe frprogram?
a. “I frset frgoals frand frwork frto frachieve frthem.”
b. “I fravoid frinteracting frwith frinstructors.”
c. “I frspend fr2 frto fr3 frhours frdaily frsurfing frthe frnet.”
d. “I frlimit frmy frpartying frto fr3 frto fr4 frnights fra frweek.”
ANS: f r A
Setting frgoals frand frworking frto frimplement frthem fris fra frstrategy frassociated frwith fractive, frself-
directed frlearning frand frwill frpromote frsuccess. frThe frother frresponses frrefer frto frbehaviors frthat frare
frnot frconducive frto fr success, frsuch fras fravoiding frthe frfacilitators frof fr your frlearning fr(instructors)

frand frdemonstrating frpoor frtime frmanagement frskills.

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