What does low serotonin plus low norepinephrine equal? - Answer-Depression
What does low serotonin plus high norepinephrine equal. - Answer-Mania
Explain some of the treatments for bipolar disorder - Answer-Mood stabilizing drugs ,
Lithium, anti-seizure medication an antipsychotic drugs have been proven to be
effective in the treatment of bipolar disorders, although they are more typically effective
in the treatment and prevention of manic episodes of depressive episodes patients tend
to fair better when the lithium anti-seizure, an antipsychotic drugs are combined with
psychotherapy. CBT can be helpful and can reduce the chances of relapse and
symptoms. Return. anti-depressants can trigger mania
What are the goals of CBT when treating bipolar disorder - Answer-To assist in
identifying stress related triggers to help develop self management, skills and coping
strategies to help make sense of the illness to help acceptance of a long-term
medication regime. Discuss planning and strategies to keep stable, given vulnerability to
future episodes and help maintain stable, social rhythms, and lifestyle, as well as
improve medication adherence
What is the difference between mania and depression? - Answer-Mania equals the
state of breathless euphoria or frenzied energy
Depression is a low sad state in which life seems dark and its challenges, overwhelming
What is state anxiety? - Answer-Sense of threat in a specific situation
What is trait anxiety? - Answer-General level of anxiety that someone has
What is the biggest difference between ptsd and asd - Answer-Onset and duration of
ASD= present immediately and last up to a month
PTSD =present slower and last longer up to several years
ASD differs from PTSD and that it includes greater emphasis on dissociative symptoms.
ASD diagnosis requires that a person experience three symptoms of disassociation
numbing, reduced awareness, depersonalization or amnesia PTSD diagnosis not as
specific about dissociative symptoms. ASD is also a shorter duration.
, What is the treatement for stress disorders - Answer-Traditional CBT model, writing an
impact statement identifying stuck points from the PAC statement ABC worksheets,
which means connection between events, thoughts and emotions, recognizing
problematic patterns of thinking that keep the client stock, challenging questions,
worksheet, challenging, problematic, thoughts, understanding, fundamental struggles.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) dsm 5 criteria - Answer-Criterion a direct
exposure, witnessing trauma learning there a relative, or close friend, was exposed to
trauma or indirect exposure to adverse details of trauma, such as first responders. Only
one of the following is required re-experiencing symptoms through intrusive thoughts,
nightmares, flashbacks, emotional distress, and physical reactivity. One of the following
is required, avoidance of trauma related stimuli through trauma related thoughts or
feelings, trauma related reminders Two of the following required negative thoughts to
begin or worsen after the trauma in ability to recall, key features of the trauma,
exaggerated self blame, or blame of others negative affect, decreased interest in
activities, feeling isolated. Two of the following required, irritability or aggression arousal
that began or worsened after the trauma, riskier, destructive behavior, hypervigilance
heightened, startle response, difficulty concentrating difficulty sleepin g. Lastly, the
symptoms mess last for more than one month symptoms must create distress, and or
functional impairment and symptoms not due to medication, substances, or symptoms
not better explained by another diagnosis
What are some fundamental struggles of people with PTSD and stress disorders? -
Answer-Lack of feeling safe, lack of trust, lack of power/control, and lack of self-esteem
Bipolar disorder 1 DSM diagnostic criteria - Answer-Criteria one manic episode
Period of elevated expensive or irritable mood lasting at least one week and present
most of the day nearly every day . Must experience three or more of the following
symptoms, inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative
than usual or pressure to keep talking flight of ideas or racing thoughts, distractibility
increase in goal, directed activity, excessive involvement in activities with high potential
for painful consequences.
More depression than mania over the years
Difference between bipolar, one and bipolar two - Answer-The DSM-5 distinguishes two
kinds of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar, one full manic and major depressive episodes. Some experience an alternation
of episodes others have mixed episodes.
Bipolar two hypo maniac episodes, alternate with major depressive episodes, less in
duration, not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational
functioning, and does not necessitate hospitalization