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test bank introduction to critical care nursing 8th edition by sole ().
Transcultural Concepts in Nursing
Transcultural Concepts In Nursing
test bank introduction to critical care nursing 8th edition by sole ().
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lOMoAR cPSD| 11700591
, lOMoAR cPSD| 11700591
Chapter j01: jOverview jof jCritical jCare jNursing
Sole: jIntroduction jto jCritical jCare jNursing, j8th jEdition
1. Which jof jthe jfollowing jprofessional jorganizations jbest jsupports jcritical jcare jnursing jpractice?
a. American jAssociation jof jCritical-Care jNurses
b. American jHeart jAssociation
c. American jNurses jAssociation
d. Society jof jCritical jCare jMedicine
The jAmerican jAssociation jof jCritical-Care jNurses jis jthe jOrganization jthat jsupports jand jrepresents
jcritical jcare jnurses. jThe jAmerican jHeart jAssociation jsupports jcardiovascular jinitiatives. jThe
jAmerican jNurses jAssociation jsupports jall jnurses. jThe jSociety jof jCritical jCare jMedicine jrepresents
jthe jmulti jprofessional jcritical jcare jteam junder jthe jdirection jof jan
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jKnowledge
OBJ: j Discuss jthe jpurposes jand jfunctions jof jthe jprofessional jOrgnization jthat jsupport jcritical
jcare jpractice. TOP: jNursing jProcess jStep: jN/A
MSC: jNCLEX: jSafe jand jEffective jCare jEnvironment
2. A jnurse jhas jbeen jworking jas ja jstaff jnurse jin jthe jsurgical jinabteirbn.scoivme/tecsat jre junit
jfor j2 jyears jand jis jinterested jin jcertification. jWhich jcredential jwould jbe jmost japplicable jfor jher jto
The jCCRN jcertification jis jappropriate jfor jnurses jin jbedside jpractice jwho jcare jfor jcritically jill
jpatients. jThe jACNPC jcertification jis jfor jacute jcare jnurse jpractitioners. jThe jCCNS jcertification jis
jfor jcritical jcare jclinical jnurse jspecialists. jThe jPCCN jcertification jis jfor jstaff jnurses jworking jin
jprogressive jcare, jintermediate jcare, jor jsatbeiprb-.cdoomw/tenstunit jsettings.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jApplication
OBJ: j Explain jcertification joptions jfor jcritical jcare jnurses. j TOP: jNursing jProcess jStep: jN/A
jMSC: jNCLEX: jSafe jand jEffective jCare jEnvironment
3. What jis jthe jmain jpurpose jof jcertification jfor jcritical jcare jnursing?
a. To jassure jthe jconsumer jthat jcritical jnurses jwill jnot jmaakbeirba.commi/tsetsatke.
b. To jhelp jprepare jthe jcritical jcare jnurse jfor jgraduate jschool.
c. To jassist jin jpromoting jmagnet jstatus jfor ja jfacility.
d. To jvalidate ja jnurse’s jknowledge jof jcritical jcare jnursing.
Certification jassists jin jvalidating jknowledge jof jthe jfield, jpromotes jexcellence jin jthe jprofession, jand
jhelps jnurses jto jmaintain jtheir jknowledge jof jcritical jcare jnursing. jCertification jhelps jto jassure jthe
jconsumer jthat jthe jnurse jhas ja jminimumablirebv.ceolmo/tefskt jnowledge; jhowever, jit jdoes jnot
jensure jthat jcare jwill jbe jmistake-free. jCertification jdoes jnot jprepare jone jfor jgraduate jschool;
jhowever, jachieving jcertification jdemonstrates jmotivation jfor jachievement jand jprofessionalism.
jMagnet jfacilities jare jrated jon jthe jnumber jof jcertified jnurses; jhowever, jthat jis jnot jthe jpurpose jof
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jAnalysis
OBJ: jExplain jcertification joptions jfor jcritical jcare jnurses. jMSC: jNCLEX: jSafe jand jEffective jCare
4. What jis jthe jfocus jof jthe jsynergy jmodel jof jpractice?
a. Allowing junrestricted jvisiting jfor jthe jpatient j24 jhours jaebaircbh.codma/tyes.t
b. Providing jholistic jand jalternative jtherapies.
, lOMoAR cPSD| 11700591
c. Considering jthe jneeds jof jpatients jand jtheir jfamilies, jwhich jdrives
jnursing jcompetency.
d. Addressing jthe jpatients’ jneeds jfor jenergy jand jsupport.
The jsynergy jmodel jof jpractice jstates jthat jthe jneeds jof jpatiaebnirtbs.caomnd/tefsat jmilies jinfluence
jand jdrive jcompetencies jof jnurses. jNursing jpractice jbased jon jthe jsynergy jmodel jwould jinvolve
jtailored jvisiting jto jmeet jthe jpatient’s jand jfamily’s jneeds jand japplication jof jalternative jtherapies jif
jdesired jby jthe jpatient, jbut jthat jis jnot jthe jprimary jfocus jof jthe jmodel.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jApplication
OBJ: jDescribe jstandards jof jprofessional jpractice jfor jcritical jcare jnursing.
TOP: jNursing jProcess jStep: jN/A MSC: jNCLEX: jSafe jand jEffective jCare jEnvironment
5. The jfamily jof jyour jcritically jill jpatient jtells jyou jthat jthey jhave jnot jspoken jwith jthe
jphysician jin jover j24 jhours jand jthey jhave jsome jquestions jthat jthey jwant jclarified. jDuring jmorning
jrounds, jyou jconvey jthis jconcern jto jthe jattending jintensivisatbiarbn.cdoma/rtersatnge jfor jher jto jmeet
jwith jthe jfamily jat j4:00 jPM jin jthe jconference jroom. jWhich jcompetency jof jcritical jcare jnursing
jdoes jthis jrepresent?
a. Advocacy jand jmoral jagency jin jsolving jethical jissues
b. Clinical jjudgment jand jclinical jreasoning jskills
c. Collaboration jwith jpatients, jfamilies, jand jteam jmembers
d. Facilitation jof jlearning jfor jpatients, jfamilies, jand jteam jmembers
Although jone jmight jconsider jthat jall jof jthese jcompetencies jare jbeing jaddressed, jcommunication jand
jcollaboration jwith jthe jfamily jand jphysician jbest jexemplify jthe jcompetency jof jcollaboration.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jAnalysis
OBJ: jDescribe jstandards jof jprofessional jpractice jfor jcritical jcare jnursing.
TOP: j Nursing jProcess jStep: jN/A MSC: j NCLEX: jSaafbeirba.ncodmE/teffset jctive
jCare jEnvironment
6. The jAACN jStandards jfor jAcute jand jCritical jCare jNursing jPractice juses jwhat jframework
jto jguide jcritical jcare jnursing jpractice?
a. Evidence-based jpractice
b. Healthy jwork jenvironment
c. National jPatient jSafety jGoals
d. Nursing jprocess
The jAACN jStandards jfor jAcute jand jCritical jCare jNursing jPractice jdelineate jthe jnursing jprocess jas
japplied jto jcritically jill jpatients: jcollect jdata, jdetaebrirmb.cionme/tdesiat j gnoses, jidentify jexpected
joutcomes, jdevelop ja jplan jof jcare, jimplement jinterventions, jand jevaluate jcare. jAACN jpromotes ja
jhealthy jwork jenvironment, jbut jthis jis jnot jincluded jin jthe jStandards. jThe jJoint jCommission jhas
jestablished jNational jPatient jSafety jGoals, jbut jthese jare jnot jthe jAACN
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstand
OBJ: j Describe jstandards jof jprofessional jpractice jfor jcritical jcaarbeirbn.cuormsi/tnegst.
jTOP: jNursing jProcess jStep: jN/A MSC: jNCLEX: jSafe jand jEffective jCare
7. The jcharge jnurse jis jresponsible jfor jmaking jthe jpatient jassignments jon jthe jcritical jcare junit.
jShe jassigns jthe jexperienced, jcertified jnurse jto jcare jfor jtheaabicrbu.cteomly/teisltl jpatient jdiagnosed
jwith jsepsis jwho jalso jrequires jcontinuous jrenal jreplacement jtherapy jand jmechanical jventilation.
jShe jassigns jthe jnurse jwith jless jthan j1 jyear jof jexperience jto jtwo jpatients jwho jare jmore jstable.
jThis jassignment jreflects jimplementation jof jwhat jguiding jfarbairmb.ceowm/oterskt j?
a. Crew jresource jmanagement jmodel
b. National jPatient jSafety jGoals
c. Quality jand jSafety jEducation jfor jNurses j(QSEN) jmodel
d. Synergy jmodel jof jpractice
, lOMoAR cPSD| 11700591
This jassignment jdemonstrates jnursing jcare jto jmeet jthe jneeds jof jthe jpatient. jThe jsynergy jmodel
jnotes jthat jthe jnurse jcompetencies jare jmatched jto jthaebiprba.ctoiemn/tet jsct jharacteristics. jCrew