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Test Bank For Lewis's MedicalSurgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Debra Hagler Chapter 1-69 $17.99
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Test Bank For Lewis's MedicalSurgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Debra Hagler Chapter 1-69

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Test Bank For Lewis's MedicalSurgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Debra Hagler Chapter 1-69

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  • December 22, 2024
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  • Lewis's Medical
  • Lewis's Medical
Test Bank For M M

M Lewis\'s Medical- M

M Surgical Nursing, M

M 12th Edition by

M Mariann M. M

M Harding, Jeffrey M

M Kwong, Debra M

M Hagler
Chapter 1-69 M

,Chapter 01: Professional Nursing

Harding: Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition


1. The Mnurse Mcompletes Man Madmission Mdatabase Mand Mexplains Mthat Mthe Mplan Mof Mcare Mand
Mdischarge Mgoals Mwill Mbe Mdeveloped Mwith Mthe Mpatient‘s Minput. MThe Mpatient Masks, M“How
Mis Mthis Mdifferent Mfrom Mwhat Mthe Mphysician Mdoes?” MWhich Mresponse Mwould Mthe Mnurse

a. “The Mrole Mof Mthe Mnurse Mis Mto Madminister Mmedications Mand Mother Mtreatments
Mprescribed Mby Myour Mphysician.”

b. “In Maddition Mto Mcaring Mfor Myou Mwhile Myou Mare Msick, Mthe Mnurses Mwill Mhelp
Myou Mplan Mto Mmaintain Myour Mhealth.”

c. “The Mnurse‘s Mjob Mis Mto Mcollect Minformation Mand Mcommunicate Many
Mproblems Mthat Moccur Mto Mthe Mphysician.”

d. “Nurses Mperform Mmany Mof Mthe Msame Mprocedures Mas Mthe Mphysician, Mbut
Mnurses Mare Mwith Mthe Mpatients Mfor Ma Mlonger Mtime Mthan Mthe Mphysician.”

The MAmerican MNurses MAssociation M(ANA) Mdefinition Mof Mnursing Mdescribes Mthe Mrole Mof Mnurses
Min Mpromoting Mhealth. MThe Mother Mresponses Mdescribe Mdependent Mand Mcollaborative Mfunctions

Mof Mthe Mnursing Mrole Mbut Mdo Mnot Maccurately Mdescribe Mthe Mnurse‘s Munique Mrole Min Mthe Mhealth

Mcare Msystem.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MAnalyze M(Analysis)
TOP: M Nursing MProcess: MImplementation MSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

2. Which Mstatement Mby Mthe Mnurse Maccurately Mdescribes Mthe Muse Mof Mevidence-based Mpractice
a. “Patient Mcare Mis Mbased Mon Mclinical Mjudgment, Mexperience, Mand Mtraditions.”
b. “Data Mare Manalyzed Mlater Mto Mshow Mthat Mthe Mpatient Moutcomes Mare Mconsistently Mmet.”
c. “Research Mfrom Mall Mpublished Marticles Mare Mused Mas Ma Mguide Mfor Mplanning Mpatient Mcare.”
d. “Recommendations Mare Mbased Mon Mresearch, Mclinical Mexpertise, Mand
Mpatient Mpreferences.”

Evidence-based Mpractice M(EBP) Mis Mthe Muse Mof Mthe Mbest Mresearch-based Mevidence
Mcombined Mwith Mclinician Mexpertise Mand Mconsideration Mof Mpatient Mpreferences. MClinical

Mjudgment Mbased Mon Mthe Mnurse‘s Mclinical Mexperience Mis Mpart Mof MEBP, Mbut Mclinical

Mdecision Mmaking Mshould Malso Mincorporate Mcurrent Mresearch Mand Mresearch-based

Mguidelines. MEvaluation Mof Mpatient Moutcomes Mis Mimportant, Mbut Mdata Manalysis Mis Mnot

Mrequired Mto Muse MEBP. MAll Mpublished Marticles Mdo Mnot Mprovide Mresearch Mevidence;

Minterventions Mshould Mbe Mbased Mon Mcredible Mresearch, Mpreferably Mrandomized Mcontrolled

Mstudies Mwith Ma Mlarge Mnumber Mof Msubjects.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MUnderstand M(Comprehension) TOP: MNursing MProcess:
MPlanning MMSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

3. Which Mstatement Mby Mthe Mnurse Mprovides Ma Mclear Mexplanation Mof Mthe Mnursing Mprocess?
a. “The Mnursing Mprocess Mis Ma Mresearch Mmethod Mof Mdiagnosing Mthe Mpatient‘s
M health Mcare Mproblems.”
b. “The Mnursing Mprocess Mis Mused Mprimarily Mto Mexplain Mnursing Minterventions Mto
M other Mhealth Mcare Mprofessionals.”
c. “The Mnursing Mprocess Mis Ma Mproblem-solving Mtool Mused Mto Midentify Mand Mmanage Mthe

, patients‘ Mhealth Mcare Mneeds.”
d. “The Mnursing Mprocess Mis Mbased Mon Mnursing Mtheory Mthat
incorporates Mthe Mbiopsychosocial Mnature Mof Mhumans.”

The Mnursing Mprocess Mis Ma Mproblem-solving Mapproach Mto Mthe Midentification Mand
Mtreatment Mof Mpatients‘ Mproblems. MNursing Mprocess Mdoes Mnot Mrequire Mresearch Mmethods

Mfor Mdiagnosis. MThe Mprimary Muse Mof Mthe Mnursing Mprocess Mis Min Mpatient Mcare, Mnot Mto

Mestablish Mnursing Mtheory Mor Mexplain Mnursing Minterventions Mto Mother Mhealth Mcare


DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MUnderstand M(Comprehension) TOP: MNursing MProcess:
MEvaluation MMSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

4. A Mpatient Madmitted Mto Mthe Mhospital Mfor Msurgery Mtells Mthe Mnurse, M“I Mdo Mnot Mfeel
Mcomfortable Mleaving Mmy Mchildren Mwith Mmy Mparents.” MWhich Maction Mwould Mthe
Mnurse Mtake Mnext?
a. Reassure Mthe Mpatient Mthat Mthese Mfeelings Mare Mcommon Mfor Mparents.
b. Have Mthe Mpatient Mcall Mthe Mchildren Mto Mensure Mthat Mthey Mare Mdoing Mwell.
c. Gather Minformation Mon Mthe Mpatient‘s Mconcerns Mabout Mthe Mchild Mcare Marrangements.
d. Call Mthe Mpatient‘s Mparents Mto Mdetermine Mwhether Madequate Mchild Mcare
Mis Mbeing Mprovided.

Because Ma Mcomplete Massessment Mis Mnecessary Min Morder Mto Midentify Ma Mproblem Mand
Mchoose Man Mappropriate Mintervention, Mthe Mnurse‘s Mfirst Maction Mshould Mbe Mto Mobtain

Mmore Minformation. MThe Mother Mactions Mmay Mbe Mappropriate, Mbut Mmore Massessment Mis

Mneeded Mbefore Mthe Mbest Mintervention Mcan Mbe Mchosen.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MAnalyze M(Analysis)
TOP: M Nursing MProcess: MAssessment MSC: M NCLEX: MPsychosocial MIntegrity

5. A Mpatient Mwith Ma Mbacterial Minfection Mis Mhypovolemic Mdue Mto Ma Mfever Mand Mexcessive
Mdiaphoresis. MWhich Mexpected Moutcome Mwould Mthe Mnurse Mselect Mfor Mthis Mpatient?
a. Patient Mhas Ma Mbalanced Mintake Mand Moutput.
b. Patient‘s Mbedding Mis Mkept Mclean Mand Mfree Mof Mmoisture.
c. Patient Munderstands Mthe Mneed Mfor Mincreased Mfluid Mintake.
d. Patient‘s Mskin Mremains Mcool Mand Mdry Mthroughout Mhospitalization.
Balanced Mintake Mand Moutput Mgives Mmeasurable Mdata Mshowing Mresolution Mof Mthe Mproblem
Mof Mdeficient Mfluid Mvolume. MThe Mother Mstatements Mwould Mnot Mindicate Mthat Mthe

Mproblem Mof Mhypovolemia Mwas Mresolved.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MApply M(Application) TOP: MNursing MProcess:
MPlanning MMSC: M NCLEX: MPhysiological MIntegrity

6. Which Mstatement Mdescribes Mthe Mpurpose Mof Mthe Mevaluation Mphase Mof Mthe Mnursing Mprocess?
a. To Mdocument Mthe Mnursing Mcare Mplan Min Mthe Mprogress Mnotes Mof Mthe Mhealth Mrecord
b. To Mdetermine Mif Minterventions Mhave Mbeen Meffective Min Mmeeting Mpatient Moutcomes
c. To Mdecide Mwhether Mthe Mpatient‘s Mhealth Mproblems Mhave Mbeen Mcompletely Mresolved
d. To Mestablish Mif Mthe Mpatient Magrees Mthat Mthe Mnursing Mcare Mprovided Mwas Msatisfactory

, Evaluation Mconsists Mof Mdetermining Mwhether Mthe Mdesired Mpatient Moutcomes Mhave Mbeen
Mmet Mand Mwhether Mthe Mnursing Minterventions Mwere Mappropriate. MThe Mother Mresponses

Mdo Mnot Mdescribe Mthe Mevaluation Mphase.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MUnderstand M(Comprehension) TOP: MNursing MProcess:
MEvaluation MMSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

7. Which Mstatement Mdescribes Mthe Mpurpose Mof Mthe Massessment Mphase Mof Mthe Mnursing Mprocess?
a. To Mteach Minterventions Mthat Mrelieve Mhealth Mproblems
b. To Muse Mpatient Mdata Mto Mevaluate Mpatient Mcare Moutcomes
c. To Mobtain Mdata Mto Mdiagnose Mpatient Mstrengths Mand Mproblems
d. To Mhelp Mthe Mpatient Midentify Mrealistic Moutcomes Mfor Mhealth Mproblems
During Mthe Massessment Mphase, Mthe Mnurse Mgathers Minformation Mabout Mthe Mpatient Mto
Mdiagnose Mpatient Mstrengths Mand Mproblems. MThe Mother Mresponses Mare Mexamples Mof

Mthe Mplanning, Mintervention, Mand Mevaluation Mphases Mof Mthe Mnursing Mprocess.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MUnderstand M(Comprehension)
TOP: M Nursing MProcess: MAssessment MSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

8. When Mdeveloping Mthe Mplan Mof Mcare, Mwhich Mcomponents Mwould Mthe Mnurse Minclude Min
Mthe Mclinical Mproblem Mstatement?
a. The Mproblem Mand Mthe Msuggested Mpatient Mgoals Mor Moutcomes
b. The Mproblem, Mits Mcauses, Mand Mthe Msigns Mand Msymptoms Mof Mthe Mproblem
c. The Mproblem Mwith Mthe Mpossible Metiology Mand Mthe Mplanned Minterventions
d. The Mproblem, Mits Mpathophysiology, Mand Mthe Mexpected Moutcome
When Mwriting Mclinical Mproblems Mor Mnursing Mdiagnoses, Mthe Msubjective Mas Mwell Mas
Mobjective Mdata Mto Msupport Mthe Mproblem‘s Mexistence Mshould Mbe Mincluded. MGoals,

Moutcomes, Mand Minterventions Mare Mnot Mincluded Min Mthe Mproblem Mstatement.

DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MUnderstand M(Comprehension) TOP: MNursing MProcess:
MDiagnosis MMSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

9. Which Mpatient Mcare Mtask Mwould Mthe Mnurse Mdelegate Mto Mexperienced Massistive Mpersonnel M(AP)?
a. Instruct Mthe Mpatient Mabout Mthe Mneed Mto Malternate Mactivity Mand Mrest.
b. Monitor Mlevel Mof Mshortness Mof Mbreath Mor Mfatigue Mafter Mambulation.
c. Obtain Mthe Mpatient‘s Mblood Mpressure Mand Mpulse Mrate Mafter Mambulation.
d. Determine Mwhether Mthe Mpatient Mis Mready Mto Mincrease Mthe Mactivity Mlevel.
AP Meducation Mincludes Maccurate Mvital Msign Mmeasurement. MAssessment Mand Mpatient
Mteaching Mrequire Mregistered Mnurse Meducation Mand Mscope Mof Mpractice Mand Mcannot Mbe


DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MApply M(Application) TOP: MNursing MProcess:
MPlanning MMSC: M NCLEX: MSafe Mand MEffective MCare MEnvironment

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