Essentials of Human Anatomy &
Physiology 11th edition Chapter 1
Cephalic - ANS - Head
\Cervical - ANS - Neck
\Thoracic - ANS - Chest
\Abdominal - ANS - Anterior body trunk inferior to ribs
\Pelvic - ANS - Area overlying the pelvis anteriorly
\Brachial - ANS - Arm
\Antecubital - ANS - Anterior surface of elbow
\Digital - ANS - Fingers, toes
\Femoral - ANS - Thigh
\Popliteal - ANS - Posterior knee area
\Pedal - ANS - Foot
\Plantar - ANS - Bottom of foot
\Vertebral - ANS - Area of spinal column
\Lumbar - ANS - Area of back between ribs and hips: the loin
\Gluteal - ANS - Buttocks
\Axillary - ANS - Armpit
\Inguinal - ANS - Area where thigh meets body trunk; groin
\Oral - ANS - Mouth
\Umbilical - ANS - Navel
\Cranial - ANS - Head
\Spinal - ANS - Spine
\Epigastric - ANS - Above the stomach
\RUQ - ANS - Liver, right kidney, gall bladder, colon, pancreas
\RLQ - ANS - Appendix, colon, small intestines, ureter, major vein, artery to right leg
\LUQ - ANS - Stomach, left kidney, spleen, colon, pancreas
\LLQ - ANS - Colon, small intestine, ureter, major vein, artery to left leg.
\Mediastinum - ANS - Separates the lungs into right and left cavities in the thoracic cavity
\Orbital - ANS - Houses the eyes
\Sternal - ANS - Breastbone area
\Anatomy - ANS - Study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts and their
relationships to one another
\Integumentary system - ANS - The external covering of the body or the skin. Waterproof the
body and cushions and protects the deeper tissues from injury. Makes vitamin D.
\Skeletal system - ANS - Consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints. Supports the body
and provides a framework that the skeletal muscles use to cause movement. Blood cells.
\Muscular system - ANS - To contract, or shorten. Large fleshy muscles attached to bones.
Muscles contract so you can stand erect, walk, Leap, grasp, throw a ball, or smile. Produces