, ACCESS Test Bank for Essentials of MIS 15th Edition Laudon
s s s s s s s s s
Laudon_Emis, sEssentials sof sManagement sInformation sSystems, s15th sedition
Instructor’s s Manual
Chapter 1 s
Business Information Systems in Your Career
s s s s s
Using MyLab Resources
s s
My sLab sResources sincluding sInstructor sResources, sFigure sVideos, sHands son sMIS sApplication
sData sFiles, sDirt sBikes sCase sData sFiles, sand sMyLab sMIS sare slocated sat sthis slink s- sInstructor
sResources s(https://media.pearsoncmg.com/ph/bp/bridgepages/teamsite/laudon/#mis s).
This sInstructor sManual s(IM) sresource shas scategory sheaders sviewable sin sWord sand sPPT sto sassist
sin susing sthe stext sresources. sThis sIM shas sresources srelated sto sLearning sObjectives, sChapter
sOutline, sKey sTerms swith spage snumbers, sSection sSummaries, sVideo sCase, sand sthe send sof schapter
sproblems s(Discussion sQuestions, send sMIS sProjects, sCollaboration sand sTeamwork sProject).
Any sother smaterials sneeded sfor sinstructing sthis scourse swill sbe slocated sat sthe sabove slink sfor
sInstructor sResources sfor sthis stext.
Learning sCatalytics
is sa s“bring syour sown sdevice” sstudent sengagement, sassessment, sand sclassroom sintelligence
ssystem. sIt sallows sinstructors sto sengage sstudents sin sclass swith sreal-time sdiagnostics. sStudents scan
suse sany smodern, sweb-enabled sdevice s(smartphone, stablet, sor slaptop) sto saccess sit. sFor smore
sinformation son susing sLearning sCatalytics sin syour scourse, scontact syour sPearson sRepresentative.
Learning Objectives
1-1 Understand swhy sinformation ssystems sare sessential sfor srunning sand smanaging sa sbusiness.
1-2 Define san sinformation ssystem, sexplain show sit sworks, sand sidentify sits speople, sorganizational, sand
stechnology scomponents.
1-3 Apply sa sfour-step smethod sfor sbusiness sproblem ssolving sto ssolve sinformation ssystem-related
1-4 Describe sthe sinformation ssystems sskills sand sknowledge sthat sare sessential sfor sbusiness scareers.
1-5 Understand show sMIS scan shelp syour scareer.
Chapter Outline
1-1 Understand swhy sinformation ssystems sare sessential sfor srunning sand smanaging sa sbusiness.
How sInformation sSystems sAre sTransforming sBusiness
sKey sChallenges sin sManagement sInformation sSystems
Globalization sChallenges sand sOpportunities: sA sFlattened sWorld
sBusiness sDrivers sof sInformation sSystems
1-2 Define san sinformation ssystem, sexplain show sit sworks, sand sidentify sits speople, sorganizational,
sand stechnology scomponents.
What sIs san sInformation sSystem?
It sIsn’t sSimply sTechnology: sThe sRole sof sPeople sand sOrganizations
sDimensions sof sInformation sSystems
Copyright © 2023 Pearson Education, Inc.
, ACCESS Test Bank for Essentials of MIS 15th Edition Laudon
s s s s s s s s s
Laudon_Emis, sEssentials sof sManagement sInformation sSystems, s15th sedition
Instructor’s s Manual
1-3 Apply sa sfour-step smethod sfor sbusiness sproblem ssolving sto ssolve sinformation ssystem-related
The sProblem-Solving sApproach
A sModel sof sthe sProblem-Solving sProcess
The sRole sof sCritical sThinking sin sProblem sSolving
The sConnections sBetween sBusiness sObjectives, sProblems, sand sSolutions
1-4 Describe sthe sinformation ssystems sskills sand sknowledge sthat sare sessential sfor sbusiness
How sInformation sSystems sWill sAffect sBusiness sCareers
sInformation sSystems sand sBusiness sCareers: sWrap-Up
sHow sThis sBook sPrepares sYou sfor sthe sFuture
1-5 Understand show sMIS scan shelp syour scareer.
Key Terms
The sfollowing salphabetical slist sidentifies sthe skey sterms sdiscussed sin sthis schapter. sThe spage snumber sfor
seach skey sterm sis sprovided.
Big sdata,16 Information ssystem s(IS), s11
Business smodel, s09 Information ssystems sliteracy, s14
Business sprocesses, s14 Information stechnology s(IT), s11
Change smanagement, s22 Information stechnology s(IT) sinfrastructure, s16
Cloud scomputing, s16 Input, s12
Computer shardware, s15 Internet, s16
Computer sliteracy, s14 Internet sof sthings s(IoT), s16
Computer ssoftware, s15 Intranets, s16
Critical sthinking, s23 Management sinformation ssystems s(MIS), s14
Culture, s15 Network, s16
Data, s12 Networking sand stelecommunications stechnology, s16
Data smanagement stechnology, s16 Output, s12
Extranets, s16 Processing, s12
Feedback, s12 World sWide sWeb, s16
Information, s11
Teaching Suggestions
You sare sprobably smeeting sin sthe sfirst sclass ssession sto sintroduce syourself, sthe scourse, sand sto smeet
sthe sstudents sif syou sare susing sa straditional sclassroom sor sonline smeeting ssystem ssuch sas sZoom.
After sgoing sover sany srequirements syou smay shave sfor sthe scourse, stry sto sgive san soverview sof
sthe scourse, sstressing sthat sthis sis snot sa sheavily stechnical scourse. sUsually, syou scan’t sdo senough sto
sput snon-technical stypes sat sease.
Opening sCase
The sopening scase, s“Smart sStores sReinvent sthe sRetail sSpace,” sshows sstudents sthat seven sthe smost
ssuccessful sbusinesses smust scontinually sembrace stechnology supgrades sand simprovements sas sa
Copyright © 2023 Pearson Education, Inc.
, ACCESS Test Bank for Essentials of MIS 15th Edition Laudon
s s s s s s s s s
Laudon_Emis, sEssentials sof sManagement sInformation sSystems, s15th sedition
Instructor’s s Manual
way sto senhance scustomer svalue sand sincrease sa sbusiness’s scompetitive sadvantage. sStudents swill
sbecome sfamiliar swith sthe sidea sthat sdifferent skinds sof sbusinesses shave shad sto schange sthe sway sthey
The scase sintroduces sterms sof sinnovative sinformation stechnologies ssuch sas scomputer svision, sfacial
srecognition, sartificial sintelligence, sBig sData sanalysis, sand sthe sInternet sof sThings s(IoT). sStore
sshelves shave sbecome smore sthan sjust sa ssurface sfor sstoring sand sdisplaying sobjects. sNew ssystems
sfor s“smart” sshelves suse sproximity ssensors, s3D scameras, smicrophones, sRFID sreaders, sand sweight
ssensors sto senable sinteractions sbetween sshoppers sin sphysical sstores sand sthe sshelves sthey sare
sstanding sin sfront sof. sThese ssystems scan screate sa shighly spersonalized sshopping sexperience sthat
sfundamentally simproves sthe sway sshoppers smove sinside sphysical sstores. sFor sexample, sif sa
scustomer spicks sup sa sbox sof scookies sand sthen sputs sit sback, sthe sretailer scan suse sthe ssystem sto
soffer sa sdiscount son sthe sshelf sbeneath sthat sitem sthe snext stime sthe sshopper sencounters sit sin sthe
Retailers ssuch sas sWalmart, sShopRite, sand sStop s& sShop sand sbrands ssuch sas sPepsi, sHasbro, sand
sHershey sare susing sSmart sShelf sby sAWM sto sreplicate sthe sbenefits sof sthe sonline sexperience sin
sphysical sretail senvironments. sUsing ssuper-wide-angle slow-light sHD scameras, sretailers sdeploying
sSmart sShelf scan sview sand strack stheir sproducts sin sreal-time. sThe ssolution simproves soperational
sefficiencies sby shighlighting sspecific sshelves sthat sneed sproduct sstocking sand sallows sfor sreal-
time son-shelf smarketing sto sconsumers. sWhen sretailers sconnect sSmart sShelf sto stheir smobile sapps,
sthey scan shelp sshoppers slocate sproducts sthemselves sthrough stheir ssmartphones sand stablets.
Section Summaries
Section s1-1: sUnderstand swhy sinformation ssystems sare sessential sfor srunning sand smanaging sa
This ssection sgives sstudents sa sfeel sfor sthe simportance sof sinformation ssystems sin sbusiness stoday
sand show sthey shave stransformed sbusinesses son sthe sworld sstage. sA sgood sdiscussion sof sthe ssix
simportant sbusiness sobjectives soutlined sin sthis ssection sallows sthe sinstructor sand sstudents sto sdiscuss
swhy sbusinesses shave sbecome sso sdependent son sinformation ssystems stoday sand sthe simportance sof
sthese ssystems sfor sthe ssurvival sof sa sfirm. sStress sto sstudents sthat sinformation ssystems sare snot sa
sluxury. sIn smost sbusinesses sthey sare sthe score sto ssurvival. sThis swould sbe sa sgood stime sto sask
sstudents sto sdiscuss show stheir sown sschools sare susing sinformation ssystems sto senhance stheir sproduct
Table s1-1 s(Page s7) sis sa sgreat sway sto sintroduce sstudents sto smuch sof sthe snew sIT sjargon sthat shas
sdeveloped sover sthe slast sseveral s years: scloud scomputing, sBig sData sand sthe sInternet sof sThings, sand
sAI. sMost sof sthe stechnologies swill sbe sdiscussed sin sfuture schapters. sAsk sstudents show smuch shands-
son sexperience sthey’ve shad swith ssome sof sthe snew sbusiness stools sas seither san semployee sor sa
Globalization sis saffecting svirtually severy scountry sin sthe sworld. sThe smost sstriking sevidence sof sthis
strend sis sthe sincreasing spresence sof scell sphones sin svery ssmall svillages sof sAfrica. sAs stechnology
sbecomes smore spervasive sand, sin ssome scases seasier sto suse, sglobalization swill scontinue sits ssteady
smarch. sChina, sSingapore, sand sRussia sare sgood sexamples sof show sglobalization shas sflattened sthe
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