, Anatomy vof v Orofacial vStructures v8th vEdition vBrand
Chapter 01: Oral Cavity
v v v
Brand/Isselhard: Anatomy of Orofacial Structures, 8th Edition
v v v v v v
1. A vdiastema vis va vspace vbetween vtwo vteeth vin vthe vsame varch. vWhen vthis voccurs vbetween
the vmaxillary vcentral vincisors, vit vis voften vthe vresult vof va vpronounced vlabial vfrenum.
a. Both vstatements vare vtrue.
b. The vfirst vstatement vis vtrue; vthe vsecond vstatement vis vfalse.
c. The vfirst vstatement vis vfalse; vthe vsecond vstatement vis vtrue.
d. Both vstatements vare vfalse.
ANS: v A
A vspace, vor vlack vof vcontact varea, vbetween vany vtwo vteeth vin vthe vsame varch vis vcalled va
vdiastema. vWhen va vdiastema voccurs vbetween vthe vmaxillary vcentral vincisors, vit vis voften vthe
vresult vof va vpronounced vlabial vfrenum vextending vto vthe vcrest vof vthe valveolar vridge vand
vpossibly vover vthe vridge. vThis vband vof vfirm vconnective vtissue vcauses vthe verupting vincisors vto
vbe vpushed vaside vresulting vin va vdiastema, vor vspace. vCorrection vof va vdiastema vusually vinvolves
vsurgical vremoval, vor vcutting, vof vthe vfrenal vtissue vbetween vteeth.
REF: vp. v3
OBJ: v To vdescribe vthe vboundaries vand vsub-boundaries vof vthe voral vcavity vand vthe vstructures vin veach varea
NAT: vCDA: vGC vI.A.6. vIdentify vbasic voral vanatomy vand vphysiology, vincluding vbut vnot vlimited vto:
voral vcavity. vTOP: BLOOM: vRemembering
2. Torus vpalatinus vis vseen von vthe
a. soft vpalate
b. hard vpalate
c. alveolar vridge
d. oral vpharynx
ANS: v B
Torus vpalatinus vis vexcess vbone vgrowth vand voccurs vin vthe vmidline vof vthe vhard vpalate. vIt vmay
vgrow vto vvarying vsizes vand vis vgenerally vonly va vproblem vwhen vthe vconstruction vof va vmaxillary
vdenture vis vnecessary. vIn vhealth, vsuch vbony vprotuberances, vor vexcess vbone vgrowths, vdo vnot
voccur von vthe vsoft vpalate, valveolar vridge, vor voral vpharynx.
REF: vp. v5
OBJ: vTo vdefine vthe vterms vvestibule, voral vcavity vproper, vmucobuccal vfold, vfrenum, valveolar vmucosa,
vgingiva, vexostoses, vtorus vpalatinus, vand vtorus vmandibularis
NAT: vCDA: vGC vI.A.2. vIdentify vbasic voral vanatomy vand vphysiology, vincluding vbut vnot vlimited
vto: vbones. vTOP: BLOOM: vRemembering
3. Contraction vof vwhich vmuscle vraises vthe vtongue vupward?
a. Mylohyoid
b. Palatopharyngeal
c. Palatoglossal
d. Levator vglossal
ANS: v A
, Anatomy vof v Orofacial vStructures v8th vEdition vBrand
Contraction vof vthe vmylohyoid vmuscle vraises vthe vtongue. vThe vpalatopharyngeal vmuscle vand
vthe vpalatoglossal vmuscle vform vthe vposterolateral vborders vof vthe voral vcavity. vThere vis vnot va
vmuscle vby vthe vname vof vlevator vglossal.
REF: vp. v7
OBJ: vTo vdefine vthe vlandmarks vin vthe vfloor vof vthe vmouth vand vthe vhard vand vsoft vpalate vand vthe
vstructures vthat vform vthem
NAT: vCDA: vGC vI.A.4. vIdentify vbasic voral vanatomy vand vphysiology, vincluding vbut vnot vlimited
vto: vmuscles. TOP: v BLOOM: vRemembering
4. The voral vvestibule vis vpartially vbordered vby vthe vlips vand vcheeks. vThe voral vcavity vproper
extends vposteriorly vto vthe vsoft vpalate.
a. Both vstatements vare vtrue.
b. The vfirst vstatement vis vtrue; vthe vsecond vstatement vis vfalse.
c. The vfirst vstatement vis vfalse; vthe vsecond vstatement vis vtrue.
d. Both vstatements vare vfalse.
ANS: v B
The voral vvestibule vis vthe vspace vor vpotential vspace vthat vexists vbetween vthe vlips vor vcheeks vand
vteeth. vIn van vedentulous vperson, vthe vvestibule vwould vextend vbetween vthe vlips vor vcheeks vand
vthe valveolar vridges. vThe voral vcavity vproper vis vsurrounded vby vteeth vor valveolar vridges vand
vextends vall vthe vway vback vto vthe vpalatine vtonsils. vThis vincludes vthe vregion vfrom vthe vfloor vof
vthe vmouth vupward vto vthe vhard vand vsoft vpalates.
REF: vp. v2
OBJ: v To vdescribe vthe vboundaries vand vsub-boundaries vof vthe voral vcavity vand vthe vstructures vin veach varea
NAT: v CDA: vGC vI.A.6. vIdentifyNbasR
voral vcavity. vTOP:
BLOOM: vRememberingNral vaGnatoBm.y CandMphysiology, vincludingvbutvnotvlimitedvto:
5. Each vof vthe vfollowing vis vtrue vof vthe vuvula vEXCEPT vone. vWhich vone vis vthe vEXCEPTION?
a. It vis vlocated vat vthe vmost vposterior vportion vof vthe vhard vpalate.
b. It vis vlocated vat vthe vmidline.
c. It vis va vdownwardly vprojecting vmuscle.
d. It vis vnecessary vfor vswallowing.
ANS: v D
The vuvula vis va vdownwardly vprojecting vmuscular vtissue vlocated vat vthe vmidline vof vthe vmost
vposterior vportion vof vthe vhard vpalate. vIt vis vNOT vnecessary vfor vswallowing.
REF: vp. v6
OBJ: vTo vdefine vthe vlandmarks vin vthe vfloor vof vthe vmouth vand vthe vhard vand vsoft vpalate vand vthe
vstructures vthat vform vthem
NAT: vCDA: vGC vI.A.6. vIdentify vbasic voral vanatomy vand vphysiology, vincluding vbut vnot vlimited vto:
voral vcavity. vTOP: BLOOM: vRemembering
6. The vcircumvallate vpapillae vare vlocated von vthe vhard vpalate, vbuccal vmucosa, vand vfloor vof
vthe vmouth. vThe vpapillae vfound von vthe vtongue vare vthe vfiliform, vfungiform, vvallate,
vfoliate, vand vincisive.
a. Both vstatements vare vtrue.
b. The vfirst vstatement vis vtrue; vthe vsecond vstatement vis vfalse.
c. The vfirst vstatement vis vfalse; vthe vsecond vstatement vis vtrue.
, Anatomy vof v Orofacial vStructures v8th vEdition vBrand
d. Both vstatements vare vfalse.
ANS: v D
All vpapillae vlisted vin vboth vstatements vare vlocated von vthe vtongue vwith vthe vexception vof vthe
vincisive vpapilla, vwhich vis vlocated von vthe vhard vpalate. vNote vthat vthe vincisive vpapilla vis va
vsingular vstructure, vthus vthe vdifferent vspelling. vThere vare vno vpapillae vlocated von veither vthe
vbuccal vmucosa vor vthe vfloor vof vthe vmouth.
REF: vp. v7
OBJ: vTo vdefine vthe vlandmarks vin vthe vfloor vof vthe vmouth vand vthe vhard vand vsoft vpalate vand vthe
vstructures vthat vform vthem
NAT: vCDA: vGC vI.A.6. vIdentify vbasic voral vanatomy vand vphysiology, vincluding vbut vnot vlimited vto:
voral vcavity. vTOP: BLOOM: vRemembering
7. Each vof vthe vfollowing vstructures vcan vreadily vbe vviewed vwhen vexamining vthe voral
vcavity vEXCEPT vone. vWhich vone vis vthe vEXCEPTION?
a. Fovea vpalatinae
b. Tonsillar vpillars
c. Laryngeal vpharynx
d. Sublingual vfold
ANS: v C
The vlaryngeal vpharynx vis vlocated vbelow vthe voral vpharynx vand vcannot vbe vseen vwhile
vexamining vthe voral vcavity. vThe vfovea vpalatinae, vthe vtonsillar vpillars, vand vthe vsublingual vfold
vcan vbe vseen vwhen vexamining vthe voral vcavity. vFovea vpalatinae vare vsmall vdepressions vin
vmucosa von veither vside vof vthe vposterior vnasal vspine vindicating vthe vjunction vof vthe vhard vand
vsoft vpalate. vTonsillar vpillars vare vfolds vof vtissue vthat vpartially vsurround vthe vtonsils. vThe
vsublingual vfold vextends
backward von veither vside vof vt hNe vfloRor vI
U vS vN G B.C M
of vt h e vmouth va n d vis vsituated vjust vsuperior vto vthe
vsubmandibular vgland.
REF: vp. v2 v| vpp. v6-7
OBJ: v To vdescribe vthe vboundaries vand vsub-boundaries vof vthe voral vcavity vand vthe vstructures vin veach varea
NAT: vCDA: vGC vI.A.6. vIdentify vbasic voral vanatomy vand vphysiology, vincluding vbut vnot vlimited vto:
voral vcavity. vTOP: BLOOM: vRemembering
8. Each vof vthe vfollowing vstructures vis vlocated vwithin vthe vhard vpalate vEXCEPT vone. vWhich vone
vis vthe vEXCEPTION?
a. Incisive vpapilla
b. Rugae
c. Greater vpalatine vforamina
d. The vanterior vand vposterior vpillars
ANS: v D
The vanterior vand vposterior vpillars vare vlocated vposterior vto vthe vsoft vpalate. vThe vposterior vpillar
vis valso vcalled vthe vpalatopharyngeal varch vor vfold. vThe vanterior vpillar vis valso vcalled vthe
vpalatoglossal varch vor vfold. vThe vtonsils vlie vbetween vthe vanterior vand vposterior vpillars.
The vincisive vpapilla vand vrugae vare vlocated von vthe vanterior vportion vof vthe vhard vpalate. vThe
vgreater vpalatine vforamina vare vlocated vin vthe vposterior vportions vof vthe vhard vpalate vlingual vto
vthe vsecond vand vthird vmaxillary vmolars.
REF: vpp. v5-6