Administrative Medical Assisting
Linda L. French
8th Edition
,Table of Contents
Chapter 01 A Career as an Administrative Medical Assistant 1
Chapter 02 The Healthcare Environment Past Present and Future 13
Chapter 03 Medicolegal and Ethical Responsibilities 24
Chapter 04 The Art of Communication 38
Chapter 05 Receptionist and the Medical Office Environment 52
Chapter 06 Telephone Procedures 67
Chapter 07 Appointments 80
Chapter 08 Filing Procedures 92
Chapter 09 Medical Records 104
Chapter 10 Drug and Prescription Records 119
Chapter 11 Written Correspondence 132
Chapter 12 Processing Mail and Telecommunications 145
Chapter 13 Fees Credit and Collection 156
Chapter 14 Banking 169
Chapter 15 Bookkeeping 180
Chapter 16 Procedure Coding 191
Chapter 17 Diagnostic Coding 202
Chapter 18 Health Insurance Systems and Claims Submission 211
Chapter 19 Office Managerial Responsibilities 231
Chapter 20 Financial Management of the Medical Practice 245
Chapter 21 Seeking a Position as an Administrative Medical Assistant 254
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
Chapter 1: A Career as an Administrative Medical Assistant
True / False
1. Job responsibilities of the medical assistant may include executing banking responsibilities.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.b - Compare and contrast the allied health processions and
understand their relation to medical assisting
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
CAAHEP: X.C.2 - Compare and contrast provider and medical assistant roles in terms of
standard of care
2. The medical assistant is the one responsible for following directions if an emergency arises.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.b - Compare and contrast the allied health processions and
understand their relation to medical assisting
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
CAAHEP: X.C.2 - Compare and contrast provider and medical assistant roles in terms of
standard of care
3. Assertiveness involves being pushy and overbearing.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.C.14 - Relate the following behaviors to professional communication:
assertive, aggressive, passive
4. Tasks required of the administrative medical assistant may include preparing manuscripts.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.P.11 - Report relevant information concisely and accurately
CAAHEP: V.P.8 - Compose professional correspondence utilizing electronic technology
5. The most important personality traits for a medical assistant are to like people and to want to make a great deal of
a. True
b. False
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
CAAHEP: X.C.2 - Compare and contrast provider and medical assistant roles in terms of
standard of care
6. People facing death may have extreme responses to the situation.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.5.d - Adapt care to address the developmental stages of life
CAAHEP: V.C.17 - Discuss the theories of: (a) Maslow (b) Erikson (c) Kubler-Ross
7. A hospice program offers medical care and support to patients and family members dealing with a terminal illness and
loss of a loved one.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.5.d - Adapt care to address the developmental stages of life
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.C.17 - Discuss the theories of: (a) Maslow (b) Erikson (c) Kubler-Ross
CAAHEP: V.P.10 - Facilitate referrals to community resources in the role of a patient
8. A career in health care is desirable because there is a very low level of stress.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
CAAHEP: X.C.1 - Differentiate between scope of practice and standards of care for
medical assistants
9. Certification for any health care professional is controlled by government agencies.
a. True
b. False
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.c - Describe and comprehend medical assistant credentialing
requirements, the process to obtain the credential and the importance of credentialing
CAAHEP: X.C.1 - Differentiate between scope of practice and standards of care for
medical assistants
CAAHEP: X.C.5 - Discuss licensure and certification as they apply to healthcare
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
Multiple Choice
10. A professional attitude involves
a. confidence. b. responsibility.
c. empathy. d. all of the above.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
11. The heart of the health care professional involves
a. putting yourself first. b. empathy and service.
c. good computer skills. d. skill and education.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
12. One job responsibility of the administrative medical assistant would be
a. sterilizing equipment.
b. assisting with diagnostic procedures.
c. updating and maintaining patient records.
d. administering medications and giving injections.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.7 - Administrative procedures
CAAHEP: VI.P.3 - Create a patient's medical record
CAAHEP: VI.p.4 - Organize a patient's medical record
CAAHEP: VI.P.5 - File patient medical records
13. All of the following are job responsibilities of the medical assistant except:
a. Understanding medical terminology b. Giving medical advice
c. Maintaining confidentiality d. Educating patients
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.3 - Medical Terminology
ABHES: MA.A.1.9.h - Patient education
CAAHEP: I.P.8 - Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or treatment
CAAHEP: V.P.4 - Coach patients regarding: (b) health maintenance, (c) disease
prevention, (d) treatment plan
CAAHEP: X.P.2 - Apply HIPAA rules in regard to (a) privacy and (b) release of
14. The projected faster-than-average growth in health care employment opportunities is due to
a. the rise in career training programs.
b. rapid expansion of health insurance coverage.
c. advances in clinical research.
d. technological advances and an aging population.
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.a - Describe the current employment outlook for the medical
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
CAAHEP: V.C.8 - Discuss applications of electronic technology in professional
15. Being able to put yourself in the patient’s situation and understand his or her viewpoint is an important skill known as
a. empathy. b. demeanor.
c. sympathy. d. integrity.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
16. At which stage of dying does a patient with a terminal illness reach a point of feeling at peace?
a. Bargaining b. Anger
c. Acceptance d. Denial
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.C.17 - Discuss the theories of: (a) Maslow (b) Erikson (c) Kubler-Ross
17. Which stage of dying appears to be a defense mechanism that happens initially and may recur at other times during
the dying process?
a. Anger b. Depression
c. Denial d. Bargaining
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.C.17 - Discuss the theories of: (a) Maslow (b) Erikson (c) Kubler-Ross
18. During which stage of dying may the patient ask himself, “Why me?”
a. Anger b. Depression
c. Denial d. Acceptance
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.C.17 - Discuss the theories of: (a) Maslow (b) Erikson (c) Kubler-Ross
19. During which stage of dying may the patient tend to hide information from others and negotiate the outcome of the
a. Acceptance b. Depression
c. Denial d. Bargaining
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.5.b - Provide support for terminally ill patients 1) Use empathy when
communicating with terminally ill patients 2) Identify common stages that terminally ill
patients experience
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.C.17 - Discuss the theories of: (a) Maslow (b) Erikson (c) Kubler-Ross
20. Credentialing that is sanctioned by a state government and required for professional practice is
a. certification. b. accreditation.
c. registration. d. licensure.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.c - Describe and comprehend medical assistant credentialing
requirements, the process to obtain the credential and the importance of credentialing
CAAHEP: X.C.1 - Differentiate between scope of practice and standards of care for
medical assistants
CAAHEP: X.C.2 - Compare and contrast provider and medical assistant roles in terms of
standard of care
CAAHEP: X.C.5 - Discuss licensure and certification as they apply to healthcare
21. Which type of knowledge is vital in avoiding medical professional liability suits?
a. Medicolegal b. Computer
c. Technical d. Interpersonal
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.b - Compare and contrast the allied health processions and
understand their relation to medical assisting
ABHES: MA.A.1.4 - Medical Law and Ethics
CAAHEP: X.C.13 - Define the following medical legal terms (a) informed consent, (b)
implied consent, (c) expressed consent, (d) patient incompetence, (e) emancipated minor,
(f) mature minor, (g) subpoena duces tecum, (h) respondeat superior, (i) res ipsa loquitur,
(j) locum tenens, (k) defendant–plaintiff, (l) deposition, (m) arbitration-mediation, (n)
Good Samaritan laws
CAAHEP: X.C.6 - Compare criminal and civil law as it applies to the practicing medical
CAAHEP: X.C.7 - Define: (a) negligence (b) malpractice (c) statute of limitations (d)
Good Samaritan Act(s) (e) Uniform and Anatomical Gift Act (f) living will/advanced
directives (g) medical durable power of attorney (h) Patient Self Determination Act
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
(PSDA) (i) risk management
CAAHEP: X.C.8 - Describe the following types of insurance: (a) liability (b) professional
(malpractice) (c) personal injury
CAAHEP: X.P.2 - Apply HIPAA rules in regard to (a) privacy and (b) release of
22. What are two indicators of job satisfaction?
a. Empathy and sympathy b. Initiative and motivation
c. Pessimism and aggression d. Wages and benefits
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.a - Describe the current employment outlook for the medical
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
23. To counteract the effects of stress and burnout, the medical assistant should
a. avoid interpersonal communication.
b. treat patients in a methodical manner.
c. keep to the same office duties.
d. exercise regularly.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.a - Describe the current employment outlook for the medical
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
24. What are two important tools in evaluating a patient’s behavior?
a. Speaking slowly and taking detailed notes
b. Listening and observing
c. Researching and comparing a patient to other cases
d. Observing and focusing
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.A.3 - Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: (a) gender (b)
race (c) religion (d) age (e) economic status (f) appearance
CAAHEP: V.C.1 - Identify styles and types of verbal communication
CAAHEP: V.C.2 - Identify types of nonverbal communication
CAAHEP: V.C.3 - Recognize barriers to communication
CAAHEP: V.P.1 - Use feedback techniques to obtain patient information including: (a)
reflection (b) restatement, and (c) clarification
25. Being friendly, sensitive, warm, genuine, courteous, and positive are signs of a medical assistant with good
a. organizational skills. b. clinical skills.
c. interpersonal skills. d. technical skills.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.A.3 - Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: (a) gender (b)
race (c) religion (d) age (e) economic status (f) appearance
CAAHEP: V.P.1 - Use feedback techniques to obtain patient information including: (a)
reflection (b) restatement, and (c) clarification
26. Which type of work schedule may permit working different hours on different days within an available range of
a. Swing shift b. Flextime
c. Job sharing d. Staggered hours
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.11.a - Describe the current employment outlook for the medical
27. The main purpose of the health care reform legislation enacted in 2010 was to
a. place a cap on physician salaries.
b. increase the number of insurance companies allowed to operate in a given state.
c. switch to a single-payer system.
d. extend health insurance coverage to uninsured Americans.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.4.f - Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
as they relate to healthcare settings
28. In a health care setting, how is effective customer service demonstrated?
a. By placing the patient’s needs first
b. By not scheduling too many patients in a day
c. By getting along with coworkers
d. By referring patients to community agencies when appropriate
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
ABHES: MA.A.1.7.g - Display professionalism through written and verbal
CAAHEP: X.A.1 - Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rights
29. Which of the following is a goal of patient education?
a. To ensure that patients have adequate information about their condition and treatment
b. To extend the reach and effectiveness of the physician
c. To motivate patients to take an active role in their medical care and health status
d. All of the above
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.9.h - Patient education
CAAHEP: V.C.6 - Define coaching a patient as it relates to: (a) health maintenance, (b)
disease prevention, (c) compliance with treatment plan, (d) community resources, and (e)
adaptations relevant to individual patient needs
, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Bank - Administrative Medical Assisting, 8th Edition (French, 2018)
CAAHEP: V.P.4 - Coach patients regarding: (b) health maintenance, (c) disease
prevention, (d) treatment plan
30. Which of the following is a professional specialty that an administrative medical assistant can choose to pursue?
a. Medical coding b. Medical transcription
c. Medical billing d. All of the above
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.a - Describe the current employment outlook for the medical
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.7 - Administrative procedures
CAAHEP: IX.C.1 - Describe how to use the most current procedural coding system
CAAHEP: IX.C.2 - Describe how to use the most current diagnostic coding classification
CAAHEP: IX.C.3 - Describe how to use the most current HCPCS level II coding system
31. Customer service in a medical practice should be demonstrated by
a. the physician. b. the management team.
c. all employees. d. all of the above.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
CAAHEP: V.A.1 - Demonstrate (a) empathy (b) active listening (c) nonverbal
CAAHEP: V.A.3 - Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: (a) gender (b)
race (c) religion (d) age (e) economic status (f) appearance
32. Employment opportunities for an administrative medical assistant include working in a(n)
a. physician’s office. b. insurance company.
c. Medicare agency. d. all of the above.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.a - Describe the current employment outlook for the medical
ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
33. Using a team interaction approach, the administrative medical assistant
a. views every task as important.
b. only does what is in the job description.
c. reports all ineffective behavior by coworkers.
d. focuses on the most important job.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.1.d - List the general responsibilities of the medical assistant
ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior
34. A medical assistant should exemplify health and physical fitness.
ACCREDITING STANDARDS: ABHES: MA.A.1.10.b - Demonstrate professional behavior