Test Bank - Understanding Anatomy and Physiology, Thompson,
x x x x x x x
3rd Edition (Thompson, 2020),
x x x x x
Chapter 1 - 25 | All Chapters
x x x x x x
, CHAPTER 1: Orientation to the Human Body
x x x x x x
Match xthe xname xof xeach xorgan xsystem xto xits xkey
xcomponents. xa.xintegumentary xsystem
b. skeletal xsystem
c. muscular xsystem
d. lymphatic xsystem
e. respiratory xsystem
f. urinary xsystem
g. nervous xsystem
h. endocrine xsystem
i. circulatory xsystem
j. digestive xsystem
k. male xreproductive xsystem
l. female xreproductive xsystem
x 1. xConsists xof xstomach, xsmall xand xlarge xintestines, xliver, xand xpancreas
x 2. xConsists xof xskin, xhair, xand xnails
x 3. xConsists xof xkidneys, xureters, xurinary xbladder, xand xurethra
x 4. xConsists xprimarily xof xskeletal xmuscles
x 5. xConsists xof xheart, xarteries, xveins, xand xcapillaries
x 6. xConsists xof xbrain, xspinal xcord, xnerves, xand xsense xorgans
x 7. xConsists xof xovaries, xfallopian xtubes, xuterus, xvagina, xand xbreasts
x 8. xConsists xof xpituitary xgland, xadrenals, xpancreas, xand xthyroid
x 9. xConsists xof xlymph xnodes, xlymphatic xvessels, xlymph, xthymus, xand xspleen
, x x x 10. xConsists xof xthe xnose, xpharynx, xlarynx, xtrachea, xbronchi, xand xlungs
Match xeach xterm xto xits
xdefinition. xa.xdistal
b. proximal
c. medial
d. lateral
e. superior
f. inferior
g. anterior
h. posterior
i. superficial
j. deep
x x x 11. xToward xthe xback xof xthe xbody
x x x 12. xFarthest xfrom xthe xpoint xof xorigin
x x x 13. xAbove