Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17th Edition
x x x x x x x
by F. Robert Jacobs and Richard Chase
x x x x x x
Chapters 1 - 22 | Complete
x x x x x x x
Chapter x1: xIntroduction
Chapter x2: xStrategy
Chapter x3: xDesign xof xProducts xand xServices
Chapter x4: xProjects
Chapter x5: xStrategic xCapacity xManagement
Chapter x6: xLearning xCurves
Chapter x7: xManufacturing xProcesses
Chapter x8: xFacility xLayout
Chapter x9: xService xProcesses
Chapter x10: xWaiting xLine xAnalysis xand xSimulation
Chapter x11: xProcess xDesign xand xAnalysis
Chapter x12: xQuality xManagement
Chapter x13: xStatistical xQuality xControl
Chapter x14: xLean xSupply xChains
Chapter x15: xLogistics xand xDistribution xManagement
Chapter x16: xGlobal xSourcing xand xProcurement
Chapter x17: xThe xInternet xof xThings xand xERP
Chapter x18: xForecasting
Chapter x19: xSales xand xOperations xPlanning
Chapter x20: xInventory xManagement
Chapter x21: xMaterial xRequirements xPlanning
Chapter x22: xWorkcenter xScheduling
x x x x
Discussion xQuestions
1. Using xExhibit x1.3 xas xa xmodel, xdescribe xthe xsource-make-deliver-return
xrelationships xin xthexfollowing xsystems:
a. An xairline
Source: x Aircraft xmanufacturer, xin-flight xfood, xrepair xparts, xcomputer xsystems
Make: xAircraft xand xflight xcrew xscheduling, xground xservices xprovided xat xairports,
xaircraftxmaintenance xand xrepair
Deliver: xOutbound xand xarriving xpassenger xservice, xbaggage
xhandling xReturn: xResolve xany xpost-service xissues xsuch xas xlost xor
xdamaged xluggage
b. An xautomobile xmanufacturer
Source: x Suppliers xof xcomponents xand xraw xmaterials
Make: xManufacturing xof xvehicles xand xcomponents xor xsubassemblies xto xbe xsold xas
Deliver: xDelivery xto xand xsales xfrom xdealerships, xdelivery xof xspare xparts xto xthe
Return: x Warranty xand xrecall xrepairs, xtrade-ins
c. A xhospital
Source: xMedical xsupplies, xcleaning xservices, xdisposal xservices, xfood xservices,
Make: x Inpatient xrooms, xoutpatient xclinics, xemergency xroom, xoperating xrooms
Deliver: xScheduling xpatients, xproviding xtreatment, xambulance xservice, xfamily
xcounselingxReturn: xBilling xerrors, xfollow xup xvisits
d. An xinsurance xcompany
Source: x Supplies xneeded xfor xthe xoffice, xunderwriters, xlegal xauthority xto xoperate
, Make: xEstablish xpolicy xguidelines xand xpricing, xfield xagent/representative xand
xfacility xnetwork, xdevelop xInternet xservice xcapabilities, xestablish xpreferred xvehicle
xrepair xservicexnetwork
Deliver: xMeet xwith xand xadvise xclients, xwrite xpolicies, xprocess xand xpay
xclaimsxReturn: x refund xof xoverpayments
2. Define xthe xservice xpackage xof xyour xcollege xor xuniversity. xWhat xis xits xstrongest
xelement? xWhat xisxits xweakest xone?
The xcategories xwith xexamples xare:
Supporting xfacility x- xlocation, xbuildings, xlabs, xparking
xFacilitating xgoods x– xclass xschedules, xcomputers, xbooks,
Explicit xservices x– xclasses xwith xqualified xinstructors, xplacement
xofficesxImplicit xservices x– xstatus xand xreputation x(e.g., xIvy xLeague
At xIndiana xUniversity xand xthe xUniversity xof xSouthern xCalifornia, xamong xtheir
xstrongest xelements xare xtheir xbusiness xschools xand xtheir xOperations xManagement
xprograms x(of xcourse).xBoth xalso xhave xvery xdedicated xalumni xnetworks. xA xweak
xelement xof xIndiana xUniversity xis xits xweak xfootball xprogram; xfor xUSC, xweak xelements
xare xon-campus xparking xand xhousing.
3. What xservice xindustry xhas ximpressed xyou xthe xmost xwith xits xinnovativeness?
Our xvote xgoes xto xcruise xlines xwhich xhave xintroduced xsuch xonboard xinnovations xas
xwave xmachines xfor xbelly xboarding xand xrock xclimbing xwalls, xas xwell xas xall xsorts xof
xother xamenities xtoxkeep xcruisers xinvolved. x The xindustry xis xdoing xrecord xbusiness xas
Some xof xthe xstandout xcompanies xin xless xinnovative xindustries xare xBank xof xAmerica x(has
xa xformalized xresearch xprogram xto xtry xout xnew xcustomer xservices/amenities xsuch xas
xvideo xscreensxin xnext xto xteller xlines), xIntuit x(e.g., xputting xQuicken xmoney xmanagement
xsoftware xonline), xIkea,xJetBlue xAirlines, xand xProgressive xInsurance x(discussed xlater xin xthe
4. What xis xproduct-service xbundling xand xwhat xare xthe xbenefits xto xcustomers?
Product-service xbundling xis xadding xValue-added xservices xto xa xfirm’s xproduct xofferings
xto xcreatexmore xvalue xfor xthe xcustomer. xThis xprovides xbenefits xin xtwo xareas. xFirst, xthis
xdifferentiates xthexorganization xfrom xthe xcompetition. xSecondly, xthese xservices xtie
xcustomers xto xthe xorganizationxin xa xpositive xway. xAlternatively, xbundling xcan xalso
xinvolve xadding xproducts xto xa xservice, xfor xexample, xadding xthe xsale xof xconvenience
xitems xand xsnacks xat xa xhotel.
5. What xis xthe xdifference xbetween xa xservice xand xa xgood?
A xservice xis xan xintangible xprocess x(you xcan’t xhold xit xin xyour xhands), xwhile xa xgood xis
xthe xphysicalxoutput xof xa xprocess.
6. Look xat xthe xjob xpostings xat x xand xevaluate xthe