Project Management, The Managerial Process,
x x x x
8th Edition by Erik W. Larson, Clifford F. Gray
x x x x x x x x
All Chapters 1 - 16
x x x x
x x
Ch. 1 Modern Project Management
x x x x
Ch. 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection
x x x x x x
Ch. 3 Organization: Structure and Culture
x x x x x
Ch. 4 Defining the Project
x x x x
Ch. 5 Estimating Project Times and Costs
x x x x x x
Ch. 6 Developing a Project Schedule
x x x x x
Ch. 7 Managing Risk
x x x
Ch. 8 Scheduling Resources and Costs
x x x x x
Ch. 9 Reducing Project Duration
x x x x
Ch. 10 Being an Effective Project Manager
x x x x x x
Ch. 11 Managing Project Teams
x x x x
Ch. 12 Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations
x x x x x
Ch. 13 Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation
x x x x x x x
Ch. 14 Project Closure
x x x
Ch. 15 Agile Project Management
x x x x
Ch. 16 International Projects
x x x
, Chapter 1 x
Modern Project Management
x x
Chapter Outline
1. What xIs xa xProject?
A. What xa xProject xIs xNot
B. Program xversus xProject
C. The xProject xLife xCycle
D. The xProject xManager
E. Being xPart xof xa xProject xTeam
2. Agile xProject xManagement
3. Current xDrivers xof xProject xManagement
A. Compression xof xthe xProduct xLife xCycle
B. Knowledge xExplosion
C. Triple xBottom xLine x(Planet, xPeople, xProfit)
D. Increased xCustomer xFocus
E. Small xProjects xRepresent xBig xProblems
4. Project xManagement xToday: xA xSocio-Technical xApproach
5. Summary
6. Text xOverview
7. Key xTerms
8. Review xQuestions
9. Snapshot xfrom xPractice: xDiscussion xQuestions
10. Exercises
11. Case x1.1: xA xDay xin xthe xLife—2019
12. Case x1.2: xThe xHokies xLunch xGroup
, Chapter Learning Objectives
x x
After xreading xthis xchapter xyou xshould xbe xable xto:
LO x1-1 Understand xwhy xproject xmanagement xis xcrucial xin xtoday’s xworld.
LO x1-2 Distinguish xa xproject xfrom xroutine xoperations.
LO x1-3 Identify xthe xdifferent xstages xof xa xproject xlife xcycle.
LO x1-4 Describe xhow xAgile xPM xis xdifferent xfrom xtraditional xPM.
LO x1-5 Understand xthat xmanaging xprojects xinvolves xbalancing xthe xtechnical xand
xsociocultural xdimensions xof xthe xproject.
Review Questions
1. Define xa xproject. xWhat xare xfive xcharacteristics xwhich xhelp xdifferentiate
from xother xfunctions xcarried xout xin xthe xdaily xoperations xof xthe
A xproject xis xa xcomplex, xnon-routine, xone-time xeffort xlimited xby xtime, xbudget,
xresource,xand xspecifications. xDifferentiating xcharacteristics xof xprojects xfrom xroutine,
xrepetitive xdaily xwork xare xbelow:
a. A xdefined xlifespan
b. A xwell-defined xobjective
c. Typically xinvolves xpeople xfrom xseveral xdisciplines
d. A xproject xlife xcycle
e. Specific xtime, xcost, xand xperformance xrequirements.
2. What xare xsome xof xthe xkey xenvironmental xforces xthat xhave xchanged xthe
xwayxprojects xare xmanaged? xWhat xhas xbeen xthe xeffect xof xthese xforces xon
xthe xmanagement xof xprojects?
Some xenvironmental xforces xthat xhave xchanged xthe xway xwe xmanage xprojects xare xthe
xproduct xlife xcycle, xknowledge xgrowth, xglobal xcompetition, xorganization xdownsizing,
xtechnology xchanges, xtime-to-market. xThe ximpact xof xthese xforces xis xmore xprojects
xperxorganization, xproject xteams xresponsible xfor ximplementing xprojects,
xaccountability, xchanging xorganization xstructures, xneed xfor xrapid xcompletion xof
xprojects, xlinking xprojects xto xorganization xstrategy xand xcustomers, xprioritizing
xprojects xto xconserve xorganization xresources, x alliances xwith xexternal xorganizations,
x and xso xon.
3. Describe xthe xfour xphases xof xthe xtraditional xproject xlife xcycle. xWhich xphase xdo
think xwould xbe xmost xthe xdifficult x one xto xcomplete?