Jersey College LifeSpan Final Review questions
with correct answers 2025
ages of middle childhood - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔6 to 12 years old
(kindergarten to sixth grade)
physical growth in middle childhood - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔grow 2 inches in
height per and gain 5-7 pounds in weight per year; boys are slightly heavier and taller than
girls through age 9 or 10 until girls begin their adolescent growth spurt and surpass boys in
height and weight until about 13 or 14; girls develop more fat; boys develop more muscle
childhood obesity - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔heredity, sedentary habits, and
environmental factors play a role in obesity and foster weight gain; overweight children
usually do not outgrow baby fat
growth spurt - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔a period during which growth advances at
a dramatically rapid rate compared with other periods
motor development in middle childhood - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔gross and fine
motor development, such as speed, strength, agility, and balance *increase* as pathways that
connect the cerebellum to the cortex become more myelinated
what happens to reaction time in through childhood? - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔it
improves from early childhood to about age 18
describe gross motor skills in middle childhood: - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔gain
balance, coordination, and strength; muscles grow stronger; neural pathways that connect
the cerebellum to the cortex are more myelinated
,describe fine motor skills in middle childhood: - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS....
✔✔performance of basic chores improves by the age of 6 to 7
describe gender differences in motor activities: - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔boys and
girls perform similarly in most motor activities; boys have more forearm strength, aids them
in throwing a ball or swinging a bat; girls have greater limb coordination and overall
flexibility, aids them in dancing, gymnastics, and balancing
t/f: children in middle childhood should not be given chores - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS....
t/f: by age six or seven, children are usually capable of pedaling and balancing on a bicycle
- ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔true
sensorimotor abilities - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔refined by experience; there are
also inborn differences (some people have better visual acuity, depth perception, or
coordination that others)
gender differences in physical activities during middle childhood - ....🔰VERIFIED
ANSWERS.... ✔✔become increasingly stereotyped by children as being masculine or
feminine; boys have slightly greater overall strength; girls have better coordination and
t/f: most U.S. children are not physically fit, in part because of the amount of time spent
watching TV - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔true
reaction time - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔the amount of time required to respond to
a stimulus; in middle childhood, it decreases and improves
learning disorders in middle childhood - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ADHD and
dyslexia; both are genetic in families
,ADHD causes and treatment - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔child shows excessive
inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity; impairs the ability to function at school; brain
damage might be involved; lack of executive control of the brain over motor and more
primitive functions; often treated with stimulants, such as scents and oils because they
stimulate the cerebral cortex to inhibit more primitive areas of the brain; drugs promote the
activity of the brain chemicals dopamine and noradrenaline, as well as stimulate the
executive center of the brain to control primitive areas of the brain
dyslexia origins and treatment - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔inadequate development
of specific academic, language, and speech skills; usually diagnosed when children are
performing below the level expected for their age and intelligence and have no evidence of
other handicaps such as vision or hearing problems, intellectual disability, or socioeconomic
disadvantage; some profit from mainstream classrooms, while others find them
overwhelming; sensory and neurological problems may contribute to reading problems;
genetic factors may cause neurological problems or circulation problems in the left
hemisphere of the brain; problems in the angular gyrus; phonological processing impairs
reading ability; treatment focuses on remediation, aka highly structured exercises help
children become aware of how to blend sounds to form words
t/f: most studies show that dyslexia is much more common in girls than in boys - ....🔰
angular gyrus - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔the part of the brain that "translates"
visual information, such as written words, into auditory information (sounds); may give rise
to reading problems by making it difficult for the reader to associate letters with sounds
phonological processing - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔belief that dyslexic children
may not discriminate sounds as accurately as other children; b's, d's, and p's may be hard to
tell apart, creating confusion that impairs reading ability
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔a
disorder characterized by excessive inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity
, hyperactivity - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔excessive restlessness and overactivity; a
characteristic of ADHD
stimulants - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔drugs that increase the activity of the
nervous system
dyslexia - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔a reading disorder characterized by letter
reversals, mirror reading, slow reading, and reduced comprehension
learning disabilities - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔disorders characterized by
inadequate development of specific academic, language, and speech skills
mainstreaming - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔places disabled children in classrooms
with non-disabled children
cognitive development in middle childhood - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔by the age
of 11, many children begin to recognize ambiguities in grammar and their thought processes
become more logical and complex; piaget and kohlberg both presumed that moral reasoning
in children was related to overall cognitive development; children progress in terms of their
cognitive development during middle childhood; thought processes and language become
more logical and complex
piaget's concrete-operational stage - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔characterized by
children in middle childhood who begin to think in logical terms but focus on tangible
objects rather than abstract ideas; characterized by flexible and reversible thought; children
show traces of adult logic but focus on tangible objects; children are less egocentric and are
able to engage in decentration; at age 7, children understand laws of conservation
concrete operations - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔the third stage in piaget's scheme,
characterized by flexible, reversible thought concerning tangible objects and events