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Test Bank - Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider, 4th Edition (Edmunds, 2014), Chapter 1-73 | All Chapters
Pharmacology For The Primary Care Provider, 4e
Pharmacology For The Primary Care Provider, 4e
Test Bank - Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider, 4th Edition (Edmunds, 2014), Chapter 1-73 | All Chapters
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Pharmacology For The Primary Care Provider, 4e
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Test Bank -
for the Primary
Care Provider,
4th Edition
2014), Chapter
1-73 | All
gl gl
gl gl
gl gl
gl gl
,Chapter 01: Prescriptive Authority and Role Implementation: Tradition vs.
gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl
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gl gl gl
1. Which glof glthe glfollowing glhas glinfluenced glan glemphasis glon glprimary glcare gleducation glin
medical glschools?
a. Changes glin glMedicare glreimbursement
glmethods glrecommended glin gl1992
b. Competition glfrom glnonphysicians gldesiring
glto glmeet glprimary glcare glshortages
c. The glneed glfor glmonopolistic glcontrol glin glthe
glmarketplace glof glprimary gloutpatient glcare
d. The glrecognition glthat glnonphysicians glhave
glvariable glsuccess glproviding glprimary
ANS: g l A
The glPhysician glPayment glReview glCommission glin gl1992 gldirectly glincreased glfinancial
glreimbursement glto glclinicians glwho glprovide glprimary glcare. glCoupled glwith gla glshortage glof
glprimary glcare glproviders, glthis glincentive glled glmedical glschools glto glplace glgreater glemphasis
glon glpreparing glprimary glcare glphysicians. glCompetition glfrom glnonphysicians glincreased
glcoincidentally glas glprofessionals glfrom glother gldisciplines glstepped glup glto glmeet glthe glneeds.
Nonphysicians glhave glhad glincreasing glsuccess glat glproviding glprimary glcare gland glhave
glbeen glshown glto glbe glsafe gland gleffective.
DIF: Cognitive glLevel: glRemembering gl(Knowledge) REF: g l 2
2. Which glof glthe glfollowing glstatements glis gltrue glabout glthe glprescribing glpractices glof glphysicians?
a. Older glphysicians gltend glto glprescribe glmore
glappropriate glmedications glthan gl younger
b. Antibiotic glmedications glremain glin glthe gltop
glfive glclassifications glof glmedications
c. Most glphysicians glrely glon gla gl―therapeutic
glarmamentarium‖ glthat glconsists glof glless
100 gldrug glpreparations glper glphysician.
d. The gldominant glform glof gldrug glinformation
glused glby glprimary glcare glphysicians
glcontinues glto glbe glthat glprovided glby
glpharmaceutical glcompanies.
ANS: g l D
Even glthough glmost glphysicians glclaim glto glplace gllittle glweight glon gldrug gladvertisements,
, pharmaceutical glrepresentatives, gland glpatient glpreference gland glstate glthat glthey glrely glon
glacademic glsources glfor gldrug glinformation, gla glstudy glshowed glthat glcommercial glrather glthan
glscientific glsources glof gldrug glinformation gldominated gltheir gldrug glinformation glmaterials.
glYounger glphysicians gltend glto glprescribe glfewer gland glmore glappropriate gldrugs. glAntibiotics
glhave gldropped glout glof glthe gltop glfive glclassifications glof gldrugs glprescribed. glMost
glphysicians glhave gla gltherapeutic glarmamentarium glof glabout gl144 gldrugs.
DIF: Cognitive glLevel: glRemembering gl(Knowledge) REF: g l 3
3. As glprimary glcare glnurse glpractitioners gl(NPs) glcontinue glto gldevelop gltheir glrole glas
gl prescribers glof glmedications, glit glwill glbe glimportant glto:
a. attain glthe glsame gllevel glof glexpertise glas
physicians glwho glcurrently glprescribe
b. learn glfrom glthe glexperiences glof
glphysicians gland gldevelop glexpertise glbased
glon glevidence- glbased glpractice.
c. maintain glcollaborative gland glsupervisorial
glrelationships glwith glphysicians glwho glwill
gloversee glprescribing glpractices.
d. develop glrelationships glwith glpharmaceutical
glrepresentatives glto gllearn glabout glnew
glmedications glas glthey glare gldeveloped.
ANS: g l B
As glnonphysicians gldevelop glthe glroles glassociated glwith glprescriptive glauthority, glit glwill glbe
glimportant glto gllearn glfrom glthe glpast glexperiences glof glphysicians gland glto gldevelop
glprescribing glpractices glbased glon glevidence-based glmedicine. gl It glis glhoped glthat glall
glprescribers, glincluding glphysicians gland glnurse glpractitioners, glwill glstrive glto gldo glbetter
glthan glin glthe glpast. glNPs glshould glwork gltoward glprescriptive glauthority gland glfor glpractice
glthat glis glnot glsupervised glby glanother glprofessional. glPharmaceutical glrepresentatives
glprovide glinformation glthat glcarries glsome glbias. glAcademic glsources glare glbetter.
DIF: Cognitive glLevel: glApplying gl(Application) REF: g l 4
Chapter 02: Historical Review of Prescriptive Authority: The Role of Nurses
gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl
(NPs, CNMs, CRNAs, and CNSs) and Physician Assistants
gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl
Test Bank
1. A glprimary glcare glNP glwill glbegin glpracticing glin gla glstate glin glwhich glthe glgovernor glhas glopted
glout glof glthe glfederal glfacility glreimbursement glrequirement. glThe glNP glshould glbe glaware glthat
glthis gldefines glhow glNPs glmay glwrite glprescriptions: