Test bank for gl gl
n s and
gl gl
Disease 8th
gl gl
,Chapter 01: The Patient Interview
gl gl gl gl
Des Jardins: Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease, 8th
gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl
1. The glrespiratory glcare glpractitioner glis glconducting gla glpatient glinterview. glThe glmain glpurpose glof
glthis glinterview glis glto:
a. review gldata glwith glthe glpatient.
b. gather glsubjective gldata glfrom glthe glpatient.
c. gather globjective gldata glfrom glthe glpatient.
d. fill glout glthe glhistory glform glor glchecklist.
ANS: g l B
The glinterview glis gla glmeeting glbetween glthe glrespiratory glcare glpractitioner gland glthe glpatient. glIt glallows glthe
glcollection glof glsubjective gldata glabout glthe glpatient’s glfeelings glregarding glhis/her
condition. glThe glhistory glshould glbe gldone glbefore glthe glinterview. glAlthough gldata glcan glbe
glreviewed, glthat glis glnot glthe glprimary glpurpose glof glthe glinterview.
2. For glthere glto glbe gla glsuccessful glinterview, glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glmust:
a. provide glleading glquestions glto glguide glthe glpatient.
b. reassure glthe glpatient.
c. be glan glactive gllistener.
d. use glmedical glterminology glto glshow glknowledge glof glthe glsubject glmatter.
ANS: g l C
U therapist
S N Tmust have
gl gl gl gl gl
gl gl gl
The glpersonal glqualities glthat gl gl
a respiratory gl gl gl glto glconduct gla glsuccessful glinterview glinclude
being glan glactive gllistener, glhaving gla glgenuine glconcern glfor glthe glpatient, gland glhaving glempathy.
gl Leading glquestions glmust glbe glavoided. glReassurance glmay glprovide gla glfalse glsense glof glcomfort glto glthe
glpatient. glMedical gljargon glcan glsound glexclusionary gland glpaternalistic glto gla glpatient.
3. Which glof glthe glfollowing glwould glbe glfound glon gla glhistory glform?
1. Age
2. Chief glcomplaint
3. Present glhealth
4. Family glhistory
5. Health glinsurance glprovider
a. 1, g l 4
b. 2, gl3
c. 3, gl4, gl5
d. 1, gl2, gl3, gl4
ANS: g l D
Age, glchief glcomplaint, glpresent glhealth, gland glfamily glhistory glare gltypically glfound glon gla glhealth
glhistory glform glbecause gleach glcan glimpact glthe glpatient’s glhealth. glHealth glinsurance glprovider
glinformation, glwhile glneeded glfor glbilling glpurposes, glwould glnot glbe glfound glon glthe glhistory glform.
, 4. External glfactors glthe glrespiratory glcare glpractitioner glshould glmake glefforts glto glprovide
glduring glan glinterview glinclude glwhich glof glthe glfollowing?
1. Minimize glor glprevent glinterruptions.
2. Ensure glprivacy glduring gldiscussions.
3. Interviewer glis glthe glsame glsex glas glthe glpatient glto glprevent glbias.
4. Be glcomfortable glfor glthe glpatient gland glinterviewer.
a. 1, g l 4
b. 2, gl3
c. 1, gl2, g l 4
d. 2, gl3, gl4
ANS: g l g l C
External glfactors, glsuch glas gla glgood glphysical glsetting, glenhance glthe glinterviewing glprocess. glRegardless
glof glthe glinterview glsetting gl(the glpatient’s glbedside, gla glcrowded glemergency glroom, glan gloffice glin glthe
glhospital glor glclinic, glor glthe glpatient’s glhome), glefforts glshould glbe glmade glto gl(1) glensure glprivacy, gl(2)
glprevent glinterruptions, gland gl(3) glsecure gla glcomfortable glphysical glenvironment gl(e.g., glcomfortable
glroom gltemperature, glsufficient gllighting, glabsence glof glnoise). glAn glinterviewer glof gleither glgender, glwho
glacts glprofessionally, glshould glbe glable glto glinterview gla glpatient glof gleither glgender.
5. The glrespiratory gltherapist glis glconducting gla glpatient glinterview. glThe gltherapist glchooses glto
gluse glopen-ended glquestions. glOpen-ended glquestions glallow glthe gltherapist glto gldo glwhich
glof glthe glfollowing?
1. Gather glinformation glwhen gla glpatient glintroduces gla glnew gltopic.
2. Introduce gla glnew glsubject glarea.
3. Begin glthe glinterview glprocess.
4. Gather glspecific glinformation.
b. 1, gl3
c. 1, gl2,
d. 2, gl3,
ANS: g l
An glopen-ended glquestion glshould glbe glused glto glstart glthe glinterview, glintroduce gla glnew glsection glof
glquestions, gland glgather glmore glinformation glfrom gla glpatient’s gltopic. glClosed glor gldirect glquestions glare
glused glto glgather glspecific glinformation.
6. The gldirect glquestion glinterview glformat glis glused glto:
1. speed glup glthe glinterview.
2. let glthe glpatient glfully glexplain glhis/her glsituation.
3. help glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glshow glempathy.
4. gather glspecific glinformation.
a. 1, g l 4
b. 2, gl3
c. 3, g l 4
d. 1, gl2, gl3
ANS: g l g l A
Direct glor glclosed glquestions glare glbest glto glgather glspecific glinformation gland glspeed glup glthe glinterview.
glOpen- glended glquestions glare glbest glsuited glto gllet glthe glpatient glfully glexplain glhis/her glsituation gland
glpossibly glhelp glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glshow glempathy.
, 7. During glthe glinterview glthe glpatient glstates, gl―Every gltime glI glclimb glthe glstairs glI glhave glto glstop glto
glcatch glmy glbreath.‖ glHearing glthis, glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glreplies, gl―So, glit glsounds gllike
gl you glget glshort glof glbreath glclimbing glstairs.‖ glThis glinterviewing gltechnique glis glcalled:
a. clarification.
b. modeling.
c. empathy.
d. reflection.
ANS: g l D
With glreflection, glpart glof glthe glpatient’s glstatement glis glrepeated. glThis gllets glthe glpatient glknow glthat
glwhat glhe/she glsaid glwas glheard. gl It glalso glencourages glthe glpatient glto glelaborate glon glthe gltopic.
Clarification, glmodeling, gland glempathy glare glother glcommunication gltechniques.
8. The glrespiratory gltherapist glmay glchoose glto gluse glthe glpatient glinterview gltechnique glof
glsilence glin glwhich glof glthe glfollowing glsituations?
a. To glprompt glthe glpatient glto glask gla glquestion
b. After gla gldirect glquestion
c. After glan glopen-ended glquestion
d. To glallow glthe glpatient glto glreview glhis/her glhistory
ANS: g l C
After gla glpatient glhas glanswered glan glopen-ended glquestion, glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glshould glpause
gl(use glsilence) glbefore glasking glthe glnext glquestion. glThis glpause glallows glthe glpatient glto gladd glsomething
glelse glbefore glmoving glon. glThe glpatient glmay glalso glchoose glto glask gla glquestion.
9. To glhave glthe glmost glproductive glinterviewing glsession, glwhich glof glthe glfollowing gltypes glof
N glR glI glG glB.
glresponses glto glassist glin glthe glinterview glshouUld gltShe glrNespTiratory gltOherapist glavoid?
a. Confrontation
b. Reflection
c. Facilitation
d. Distancing
ANS: g l D
With glconfrontation, glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glfocuses glthe glpatient’s glattention glon glan glaction, glfeeling,
glor glstatement glmade glby glthe glpatient. glThis glmay glprompt gla glfurther gldiscussion. glReflection glhelps glthe
glpatient glfocus glon glspecific glareas gland glcontinues glin glhis/her glown glway. glFacilitation glencourages
glpatients glto glsay glmore, glto glcontinue glwith glthe glstory. glThe glrespiratory gltherapist glshould glavoid glgiving
gladvice, glusing glavoidance gllanguage, gland glusing gldistancing gllanguage.
10. When glclosing glthe glinterview, glthe glrespiratory gltherapist glshould gldo glwhich glof glthe glfollowing?
1. Recheck glthe glpatient’s glvital glsigns.
2. Thank glthe glpatient.
3. Ask glif glthe glpatient glhas glany glquestions.
4. Close glthe gldoor glbehind glhimself/herself glfor glpatient glprivacy.
a. 2
b. 2, gl3
c. 1, gl3, gl4
d. 1, gl2, gl4 glANS: g l B