Test Bank For Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques
b b b b b b b b
11th Edition by Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia A. Potter
b b b b b b b b b
b Chapter 1 - 43 Complete
b b b b
,Test Bank For Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques 11th Edition by Anne Griffin
b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Perry, Patricia A. Potter Chapter 1-43 Complete Guide
b b b b b b b b
Table bOf bContent
Chapter b1. bUsing bEvidence bin bNursing bPractice
bChapter b2. bCommunication band bCollaboration
bChapter b3. bAdmitting, bTransfer, band bDischarge
bChapter b4. bDocumentation band bInformatics
bChapter b5. bVital bSigns
Chapter b6. bHealth bAssessment
bChapter b7. bSpecimen
bCollection bChapter b8.
bDiagnostic bProcedures bChapter
b9. bMedical bAsepsis bChapter
b10. bSterile bTechnique
Chapter b11. bSafe bPatient bHandling band bMobility b(SPHM)
bChapter b12. bExercise band bMobility
Chapter b13. bSupport bSurfaces band bSpecial bBeds
bChapter b14. bPatient bSafety
Chapter b15. bDisaster
bPreparedness bChapter b16. bPain
bManagement bChapter b17. bEnd-
of-Life bCare
Chapter b18. bPersonal bHygiene band bBed bMaking
bChapter b19. bCare bof bthe bEye band bEar
Chapter b20. bSafe bMedication bPreparation
bChapter b21. bNonparenteral
bMedications bChapter b22. bParenteral
bMedications bChapter b23. bOxygen
Chapter b24. bPerforming bChest bPhysiotherapy
bChapter b25. bAirway bManagement
Chapter b26. bCardiac bCare
Chapter b27. bClosed bChest bDrainage bSystems
bChapter b28. bEmergency bMeasures bfor bLife
Chapter b29. bIntravenous band bVascular bAccess bTherapy
bChapter b30. bBlood bTherapy
Chapter b31. bOral bNutrition
bChapter b32. bEnteral bNutrition
bChapter b33. bParenteral
bNutrition bChapter b34. bUrinary
Chapter b35. bBowel bElimination band bGastric bIntubation
bChapter b36. bOstomy bCare
Chapter b37. bPreoperative band bPostoperative bCare
bChapter b38. bIntraoperative bCare
Chapter b39. bWound bCare band bIrrigations
Chapter b40. bImpaired bSkin bIntegrity bPrevention band bCare
bChapter b41. bDressings, bBandages, band bBinders
Chapter b42. bHome bCare bSafety
bChapter b43. bHome bCare
,Chapter 01: Using Evidence in Nursing Practice
b b b b b b
Perry et al.: Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 11th Edition
b b b b b b b b b
1. Evidence-based bpractice bis ba bproblem-solving bapproach bto bmaking bdecisions babout bpatient
b care bthat bis bgrounded bin:
a. the blatest binformation bfound bin btextbooks.
b. systematically bconducted bresearch bstudies.
c. tradition bin bclinical bpractice.
d. quality bimprovement band brisk-management bdata.
The bbest bevidence bcomes bfrom bwell-designed, bsystematically bconducted bresearch bstudies
bdescribed bin bscientific bjournals. bPortions bof ba btextbook boften bbecome boutdated bby bthe
btime bit bis bpublished. bMany bhealth bcare bsettings bdo bnot bhave ba bprocess bto bhelp bstaff badopt
bnew bevidence bin bpractice, band bnurses bin bpractice bsettings black beasy baccess bto brisk-
management bdata, brelying binstead bon btradition bor bconvenience. bSome bsources bof bevidence
bdo bnot boriginate bfrom bresearch. bThese binclude bquality bimprovement band brisk-management
bdata; binfection bcontrol bdata; bretrospective bor bconcurrent bchart breviews; band bclinicians‘
bexpertise. bAlthough
non–research-based bevidence bis boften bvery bvaluable, bit bis bimportant bthat byou blearn bto brely
bmore bon bresearch-based bevidence.
DIF: CognitiveLevel: bComprehension OBJ: bDiscuss bthe bbenefits bof bevidence-based
bpractice. bTOP: b Evidence-Based bPractice KEY: bNursing bProcess bStep: bAssessment
MSC: b NCLEX: bSafe band bEffective bCare bEnvironment b(management bof bcare)
2. When bevidence-based bpractice bis bused, bpatient bcare bwill bbe:
a. standardized bfor ball.
b. unhampered bby bpatient b culture.
c. variable baccording bto bthe bsituation.
d. safe bfrom bthe bhazards bof bcritical bthinking.
Using byour bclinical bexpertise band bconsidering bpatients‘ bcultures, bvalues, band
bpreferences bensures bthat byou bwill bapply bavailable bevidence bin bpractice bethically band
bappropriately. bEven bwhen byou buse bthe bbest bevidence bavailable, bapplication band
boutcomes bwill bdiffer; bas ba bnurse, byou bwill bdevelop bcritical bthinking bskills bto bdetermine
bwhether bevidence bis brelevant band bappropriate.
DIF: CognitiveLevel: bApplication OBJ: bDiscuss bthe bbenefits bof bevidence-based
bpractice. bTOP: b Evidence-Based bPractice KEY: bNursing bProcess bStep: bAssessment
MSC: b NCLEX: bSafe band bEffective bCare bEnvironment b(management bof bcare)
3. When ba bPICOT bquestion bis bdeveloped, bthe bletter bthat bcorresponds bwith bthe busual
bstandard bof bcare bis:
a. P.
b. I.
d. O.
C b= bComparison bof binterest. bWhat bstandard bof bcare bor bcurrent bintervention bdo byou busually
buse bnow bin bpractice?
P b= bPatient bpopulation bof binterest. bIdentify byour bpatient bby bage, bgender, bethnicity, bdisease,
bor bhealth bproblem.
I b= bIntervention bof binterest. bWhat bintervention b(e.g., btreatment, bdiagnostic btest, band
bprognostic bfactor) bdo byou bthink bis bworthwhile bto buse bin bpractice?
O b= bOutcome. bWhat bresult b(e.g., bchange bin bpatient‘s bbehavior, bphysical bfinding, band bchange
bin bpatient‘s bperception) bdo byou bwish bto bachieve bor bobserve bas bthe bresult bof ban
DIF: CognitiveLevel: bKnowledge OBJ: bDevelop ba bPICO
bquestion. bTOP: b PICO KEY: bNursing bProcess bStep:
MSC: b NCLEX: bSafe band bEffective bCare bEnvironment b(management bof bcare)
4. A bwell-developed bPICOT bquestion bhelps bthe bnurse:
a. search bfor bevidence.
b. include ball bfive belements bof bthe bsequence.
c. find bas bmany barticles bas bpossible b in ba bliterature bsearch.
d. accept bstandard bclinical broutines.
The bmore bfocused ba bquestion bthat byou bask bis, bthe beasier bit bis bto bsearch bfor bevidence bin
bthe bscientific bliterature. bA bwell-designed bPICOT bquestion bdoes bnot bhave bto binclude ball
bfive belements, bnor bdoes bit bhave bto bfollow bthe bPICOT bsequence. bDo bnot bbe bsatisfied bwith
bclinical broutines. bAlways bquestion band buse bcritical bthinking bto bconsider bbetter bways bto
bprovide bpatient bcare.
DIF: CognitiveLevel: bAnalysis OBJ: bDescribe bthe bsix bsteps bof bevidence-based
bpractice. bTOP: b Evidence-Based bPractice KEY: bNursing bProcess bStep: bImplementation
MSC: b NCLEX: bSafe band bEffective bCare bEnvironment b(management bof bcare)
5. The bnurse bis bnot bsure bthat bthe bprocedure bthe bpatient brequires bis bthe bbest bpossible bfor
bthe bsituation. bUtilizing bwhich bof bthe bfollowing bresources bwould bbe bthe bquickest bway bto
breview bresearch bon bthe btopic?
b. PubMed
d. The bCochrane bDatabase
The bCochrane bCommunity bDatabase bof bSystematic bReviews bis ba bvaluable bsource bof
bsynthesized bevidence b(i.e., bpre-appraised bevidence). bThe bCochrane bDatabase bincludes bthe
bfull btext bof bregularly bupdated bsystematic breviews band bprotocols bfor breviews bcurrently
bhappening. bMEDLINE, bCINAHL, band bPubMed bare bamong bthe bmost bcomprehensive
bdatabases band brepresent bthe bscientific bknowledge bbase bof bhealth bcare.
DIF: CognitiveLevel: bSynthesis OBJ: bDescribe bthe bsix bsteps bof bevidence-based
bpractice. bTOP: b Evidence-Based bPractice KEY: bNursing bProcess bStep: bImplementation
MSC: b NCLEX: bSafe band bEffective bCare bEnvironment b(management bof bcare)