Unit x1 xUnderstanding x Health xCare xIssues
1. Critical xThinking x and xthe xNursing xProcess
2. Evidence-Based x Practice
3. Issues xin xNursing xPractice
4. Cultural xInfluences xon xNursing xCare
5. Complementary xand xAlternative xModalities
Unit x2 xUnderstanding xHealth xand xIllness
6. NursingxCare xof xPatients xwith xFluid, xElectrolyte, xand xAcid-Base xImbalances
7. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xReceiving xIntravenous xTherapy
8. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xwith xInfections
9. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xin xShock
10. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xin xPain
11. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xCancer
12. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xHaving xSurgery
13. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xwith xEmergent xConditions xand xDisaster/Bioterrorism x Response
Unit x3 xUnderstanding xLife xSpan xInfluences xon xHealth xand xIllness
14. Developmental xConsiderations xand xChronic xIllness xin xthe xNursing xCare x of xAdults
15. Nursing xCare xof xOlder xAdult xPatients
16. Patient xCare xSettings
17. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xat xthe xEnd xof xLife
Unit x4 xUnderstanding xthe xImmune xSystem
18. Immune xSystem xFunction, xAssessment xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
19. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xImmune xDisorders
20. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xHIV xDisease xand xAIDS
Unit x 5 xUnderstanding xthe xCardiovascular xSystem
21. Cardiovascular xSystem xFunction, xAssessment xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
22. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xHypertension
23. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xValvular, xInflammatory xand xInfectious xCardiac xor xVenous xDisorders
24. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xOcclusive xCardiovascular xDisorders
25. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xCardiac xArrhythmias
26. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xHeart xFailure
Unit x 6 xUnderstanding xthe xHematologic x and xLymphatic xSystems
27. Hematologic xand xLymphatic xSystem xFunction, xAssessment, xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
28. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xHematologic xand xLymphatic xDisorders
Unit x7 xUnderstanding x the xRespiratory xSystem
29. Respiratory xSystem xFunction, xAssessment, xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
30. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xUpper xRespiratory xTract xDisorders
31. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xLower xRespiratory xTract xDisorders
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x x x x x
Unit x8 xUnderstanding xthe xGastrointestinal, x Hepatic, xand xPancreatic xSystems
32. Gastrointestinal, xHepatobiliary, xand xPancreatic xSystems xFunction, xAssessment xand
xTherapeutic xMeasures
33. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xUpper xGastrointestinal xDisorders
34. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xLower xGastrointestinal xDisorders
35. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xLiver, xPancreatic, xand xGallbladder xDisorders
Unit x9 xUnderstanding x the xUrinary xSystem
36. Urinary xSystem xFunction, xAssessment, xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
37. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xDisorders xof xthe xUrinary xSystem
Unit x 10 xUnderstanding x the xEndocrine xSystem
38. Endocrine xSystem xFunction x and xAssessment
39. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xEndocrine xDisorders
40. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xDisorders xof xthe xEndocrine xPancreas
Unit x 11 xUnderstanding x the xGenitourinary x and xReproductive x System
41. Genitourinary xand xReproductive xSystem xFunction xand xAssessment
42. Nursing xCare xof xWomen xWith xReproductive xSystem xDisorders
43. Nursing xCare xof xMale xPatients xWith xGenitourinary xDisorders
44. Nursing x Care xof xPatients xWith xSexually xTransmitted xInfections
Unit x 12 xUnderstanding x the xMusculoskeletal x System
45. Musculoskeletal xFunction xand xAssessment
46. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xMusculoskeletal xand xConnective xTissue xDisorders
Unit x 13 x Understanding x the xNeurologic xSystem
47. Neurologic xSystem xFunction, xAssessment, xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
48. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xCentral xNervous xSystem xDisorders
49. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xCerebrovascular xDisorders
50. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xPeripheral xNervous xSystem xDisorders
Unit x14 xUnderstanding x the xSensory x System
51. SensoryxSystem xFunction, xAssessment, xand xTherapeutic xMeasures: xVision xand xHearing
52. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xSensory xDisorders: xVision xand xHearing
Unit x15 xUnderstanding xthe xIntegumentary xSystem
53. Integumentary xSystem xFunction, xAssessment xand xTherapeutic xMeasures
54. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xSkin xDisorders
55. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xBurns
Unit x 16 x Understanding x Mental x Health x Care
56. Mental xHealth xFunction, xAssessment, x and xTherapeutic x Measures
57. Nursing xCare xof xPatients xWith xMental xHealth xDisorders
, Chapter 1. Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process
x x x x x x x
1. The xnurse xis xcaring xfor xa xgroup xof xpatients xon xa xmedical-surgical xunit. xWhich
xpatient xshouldthe xlicensed xpractical xnurse/licensed xvocational xnurse x(LPN/LVN)
xassess xfirst?
1. A xpatient xwith xa xblood xglucose xof x42 xmg/dL
2. A xpatient xwho xreports xa xpain xlevel xof x2
3. A xpatient xwho xhas xjust xreceived xa xdiagnosis xof xcancer
4. A xpatient xwho xhas xa xrespiratory xrate xof x22
ANS: x 1
Chapter: xChapter x1 xCritical xThinking xand xthe xNursing xProcess
Objective: x7. xPrioritize xpatient xcare xactivities xbased xon xthe xMaslow xhierarchy xof
Pages: x6–7
Heading: xPrioritize xCare
Integrated xProcess: xClinical xProblem-Solving xProcess x(Nursing xProcess)Client
xNeed: xSECE—Coordinated xCare
Cognitive xLevel: xApplication x[Applying]
xConcept: xPatient-Centered xCare
xDifficulty: xDifficult
1 This xpatient xhas xa xdangerously xlow xblood xglucose xlevel xand xrequires ximmediate
2 This xpatient xwill xneed xto xbe xassessed, xbut xis xnot xas xhigh xa xpriority.
3 According xto xMaslow, xpsychosocial xneeds xare xnot xas xhigh xof xa xpriority xas
physiological xneeds.
4 A xrespiratory xrate xof x22 xis xwithin xnormal xrange.
PTS: 1 CON: x Patient-Centered xCare
2. The xLPN/LVN xenters xthe xroom xof xa xpatient xwho xis xangry xand xyells, x―I xasked x5 xminutes
xago xfor xmy xpain xmedication. xI’m xgoing xto xcall xthe xCEO xof xthe xhospital xif xyou xdon’t xget xit
xfor xme xnow.‖ xWhich xstatement xby xthe xnurse xdemonstrates xintellectual xempathy?
1. ―We xare xshort-staffed xtoday, xso xit xwill xtake xme xlonger xto xmeet xyour xneeds.‖
2. ―I xam xsorry xyou xhad xto xwait, xI xknow xyou xmust xbe xin xa xlot xof xpain.‖
3. ―I xhad xanother xpatient xwho xhad xsevere xpain, xand xI xhad xto xget xto xthem xfirst.‖
4. ―I xwill xget xyou xthe xnumber xfor xthe xCEO, xbut xhe xis xaware xof xhow xbusy xwe xare.‖
ANS: x 2
Chapter: xChapter x1 xCritical xThinking xand xthe xNursing xProcess
Objective: x2. xDescribe xattitudes xand xskills xthat xpromote xgood xcritical xthinking
xPage: x2
Heading: xIntellectual xEmpathy
Integrated xProcess: xCommunication xand xDocumentation
xClient xNeed: xPsychosocial xIntegrity