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TEST BANK BRUNNER & SUDDARTH’S TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING 15TH Edition. 2024|25 | ultimate guide graded A+ ,guaranteed pass!!
Medical Surgical Nursing 15th
Medical Surgical Nursing 15th
TEST BANK BRUNNER & SUDDARTH’S TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING 15TH Edition. 2024|25 | ultimate guide graded A+ ,guaranteed pass!!
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Medical Surgical Nursing 15th
Medical Surgical Nursing 15th
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Test wrBank wrfor wrBrunner wr& wrSuddarth's wrTextbook wrof wrMedical-Surgical wrNursing, wr15th
Test Bank wr
Brunner & Suddarth's
wr wr wr
Textbook of Medical-Surgical wr wr
Nursing, 15th Edition
wr wr wr
,Test wrBank wrfor wrBrunner wr& wrSuddarth's wrTextbook wrof wrMedical-Surgical wrNursing, wr15th
Chapter 1: Professional Nursing Practice
wr wr wr wr
1. A wrnurse wrhas wrbeen wroffered wra wrposition wron wran wrobstetric wrunit wrand wrhas wrlearned
that wrthe wrunit wroffers wrtherapeutic wrabortions, wra wrprocedure wrthat wrcontradicts wrthe
wr nurse's wrpersonal wrbeliefs. wrWhat wris wrthe wrnurse's wrethical wrobligation wrto wrthese
wr clients?
A. The wrnurse wrshould wradhere wrto wrprofessional wrstandards wrof wrpractice wrand wroffer
wr service wrto wrthese wrclients.
B. The wrnurse wrshould wrmake wrthe wrchoice wrto wrdecline wrthis wrposition wrand wrpursue wra
wr different wrnursing wrrole.
C. The wrnurse wrshould wrdecline wrto wrcare wrfor wrthe wrclients wrconsidering wrabortion.
D. The wrnurse wrshould wrexpress wralternatives wrto wrwomen wrconsidering wrterminating
wr their wrpregnancy.
ANS: wrB
Rationale: wrTo wravoid wrfacing wrthe wrethical wrdilemma wrof wrproviding wrcare wrthat wrcontradicts
the wrnurse’s wrpersonal wrbeliefs, wrthe wrnurse wrshould wrconsider wrworking wrin wran
wr area wrof wrnursing wrthat wrwould wrnot wrpose wrthis wrdilemma. wrThe wrnurse wrshould wrnot
wr provide wrcare wrto wrthe wrclient wrbecause writ wris wra wrconflict wrof wrpersonal wrvalues. wrThe
wr nurse wrshould wrnot wrdeny wrcare wrto wrthese wrclients wras wrthis wrwould wrbe wra wrbreach wrin
the wrCode wrof wrEthics wrfor wrnurses. wrIf wrthe wrclient wris wrnot wrrequesting wrinformation wrfor
wr alternatives wrto wrabortions, wrthen wrthe wrnurse wrshould wrnot wrbe wrproviding wrthis
wr information.
PTS: wr1 wrREF: wrp. wr27
NAT: wrClient wrNeeds: wrSafe, wrEffective wrCare wrEnvironment: wrManagement wrof
wr Care wrTOP: wrChapter wr1: wrProfessional wrNursing wrPractice KEY: wrIntegrated
Process: wrCaring wrBLM: wrCognitive wrLevel: wrApply wrNOT: wrMultiple wrChoice
2. An wr80-year-old wrclient wris wradmitted wrwith wra wrdiagnosis wrof wrcommunity-
acquired wrpneumonia. wrDuring wradmission wrthe wrclient wrstates, wr"I wrhave wra
wr living wrwill." wrWhat wrimplication wrof wrthis wrshould wrthe wrnurse wrrecognize?
A. This wrdocument wris wralways wrhonored, wrregardless wrof wrcircumstances.
B. This wrdocument wrspecifies wrthe wrclient's wrwishes wrbefore wrhospitalization.
,Test wrBank wrfor wrBrunner wr& wrSuddarth's wrTextbook wrof wrMedical-Surgical wrNursing, wr15th
EditionC. This wrdocument wris wrbinding wrfor wrthe wrduration wrof wrthe wrclient's wrlife.
, Test wrBank wrfor wrBrunner wr& wrSuddarth's wrTextbook wrof wrMedical-Surgical wrNursing, wr15th
D. This wrdocument wrhas wrbeen wrdrawn wrup wrby wrthe wrclient's wrfamily wrto
wr determine wrDNR wrstatus.
ANS: wrB
Rationale: wrA wrliving wrwill wris wrone wrtype wrof wradvance wrdirective. wrIn wrmost
wr situations, wrliving wrwills wrare wrlimited wrto wrsituations wrin wrwhich wrthe wrclient's
wr medical wrcondition wris wrdeemed wrterminal. wrThe wrother wranswers wrare wrincorrect
wr because wrliving wrwills wrare wrnot wralways wrhonored wrin wrevery wrcircumstance, wrthey
are wrnot wrbinding wrfor wrthe wrduration wrof wrthe wrclient's wrlife, wrand wrthey wrare wrnot
wr drawn wrup wrby wrthe wrclient's wrfamily.
PTS: wr1 wrREF: wrp. wr29
NAT: wrClient wrNeeds: wrSafe, wrEffective wrCare wrEnvironment: wrManagement wrof
Care wrTOP: wrChapter wr1: wrProfessional wrNursing wrPractice
KEY: wrIntegrated wrProcess: wrCommunication wrand wrDocumentation wrBLM:
Cognitive wrLevel: wrAnalyze
NOT: wrMultiple wrChoice
3. A wrnurse wrhas wrbeen wrproviding wrethical wrcare wrfor wrmany wryears wrand wris wraware wrof
the wrneed wrto wrmaintain wrthe wrethical wrprinciple wrof wrnonmaleficence. wrWhich wrof
wr the wrfollowing wractions wrwould wrbe wrconsidered wra wrviolation wrof wrthis wrprinciple?
A. Discussing wra wrDNR wrorder wrwith wra wrterminally wrill wrclient
B. Assisting wra wrsemi-independent wrclient wrwith wrADLs
C. Refusing wrto wradminister wrpain wrmedication wras wrprescribed
D. Providing wrmore wrcare wrfor wrone wrclient wrthan wrfor
wr another wrANS: wrC
Rationale: wrThe wrduty wrnot wrto wrinflict wras wrwell wras wrprevent wrand wrremove wrharm wris
wr termed wrnonmaleficence. wrDiscussing wra wrDNR wrorder wrwith wra wrterminally wrill wrclient
wr and wrassisting wra wrclient wrwith wrADLs wrwould wrnot wrbe wrconsidered wrcontradictions wrto
wr the wrnurse's wrduty wrof wrnonmaleficence. wrSome wrclients wrjustifiably wrrequire wrmore
wr care wrthan wrothers.