RWP1-1 EDGAR Nike (ticker: NKE)
Requirement 1
a. $23,717 million
b. $9,040 million
c. Total liabilities = Total assets – total shareholder’s equity
$23,717 – $9,040 = $14,677 million
Requirement 2
a. $39,117 million. Revenue increased from the previous year.
b. $4,029 million. Net income increased from the previous year.
Requirement 3
a. Operating cash flow = $5,903 million. Operating cash flow was more positive
than the previous year.
b. Investing cash flow = −$264 million. Investing cash flow went from positive to
negative from the previous year.
c. Financing cash flow = −$5,293 million. Financing cash flow was more negative
than the previous year.
RWP1-2 EDGAR Netflix Inc (ticker: NFLX)
Requirement 1
a. Average paying membership increased by 23% and average monthly revenue per
paying membership increased by 5%.
b. $2,795,434 / $20,156,447 = 13.9%
c. $2,652,462, 13% of revenues
Requirement 2
a. $9,801,215 / $24,504,567 = 40%
b. $33,141 million
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Solutions Manual, Chapter 5 5-1
, Requirement 3
a. $20,723,441. Long-term debt went up from the previous year.
b. $736,969
Requirement 4
Requirement 5
a. Ernst & Young LLP
b. Yes
RWP1-3 EDGAR General Mills Inc. (ticker: GIS)
Requirement 1
First Quarter.
Requirement 2
August 26, 2018. The same quarter of last year is used as the comparison quarter.
Requirement 3
The quarterly report includes 15 notes.
RWP1-4 EDGAR Nordstrom Inc. (ticker: JWN)
Requirement 1
The COVID-19 pandemic.
Requirement 2
On March 23, 2020, the Company announced that it would be taking several steps in an abundance
of caution to proactively strengthen its financial flexibility and navigate through this unprecedented
situation. Specifically, the Company suspended its quarterly dividend beginning in the second
quarter of 2020, drew down $800 million on its Revolving Credit Facility, targeted further
reductions of more than $500 million in operating expenses, capital expenditures, and working
capital, and suspended share repurchases.
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5-2 Financial Accounting for Managers
,RWP1-5 Financial Analysis: American Eagle
($ in thousands)
Requirement 1
Total assets = $3,328,679
Total liabilities = $2,080,826
Stockholders’ equity = $1,247,853
Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity
$3,328,679 = $2,080,826 + $1,247,853
Requirement 2
Consolidated Statements of Operations
Requirement 3
Net sales = $4,308,212
Net income = $191,257
Requirement 4
Inflows Outflows
Investing activities Sale of available-for-sale Capital expenditures for
investments property and equipment
Financing activities Net proceeds from stock Repurchase of common stock
options exercised
Requirement p 5
The p company’s p auditor p is p Ernst p & p Young p LLP.
The p auditor p states, p ―We p have p audited p the p accompanying p consolidated p balance p sheets p of p
American p Eagle p Outfitters, p Inc. p (the p Company) p as p of p February p 1, p 2020 p and p February p 2,
p 2019, p the p related p consolidated p statements p of p operations, p comprehensive p income, p
stockholders’ p equity p and p cash p flows p for p each p of p the p three p years p in p the p period p ended p
February p 1, p 2020, p and p the p related p notes p (collectively p referred p to p as p the p ―consolidated p
financial p statements‖). p In p our p opinion, p the p consolidated p financial p statements p present p fairly,
p in p all p material p respects, p the p financial p position p of p the p Company p at p February p 1, p 2020 p
and p February p 2, p 2019, p and p the p results p of p its p operations p and p its p cash p flows p for p each p of p
the p threepyears p in p the p period p ended p February p 1, p 2020, p in p conformity p with p U.S. p generally
p accepted p accounting p principles.‖
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Solutions Manual, Chapter 5 5-3
, RWP1-6 p Financial p Analysis p Case: p The p Buckle, p Inc.
($ p in p thousands)
Requirement p 1
Total p assets = p $867,890
Total p liabilities =p
$478,742pStockholders’ p equity =
p $389,148
Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ p
$867,890 = $478,742 + $389,148
Requirement p 2
Consolidated p Statements p of p Income
Requirement p 3
Net p sales = p $900,254
Net p income = p $104,429
Requirement p 4
Inflows Outflows
Investing p activities Proceeds p from p Purchases p of p
sales/maturities investments
of p investments
Financing p activities There p are p none Payment p of p dividends
Requirement p 5
The p company’s p auditor p is p Deloitte p & p Touche p LLP.
The p auditor p states, p ―We p have p audited p the p accompanying p consolidated p balance p sheets p of p
The p Buckle, p Inc. p and p subsidiary p (the p "Company") p as p of p February p 1, p 2020 p and p February
p 2, p 2019, p the p related p consolidated p statements p of p income, p comprehensive p income, p
stockholders’ p equity, p and p cash p flows, p forpeach p of p the p three p fiscal p years p in p the p period p
ended p February p 1, p 2020, p and p the p related p notes p and p the p schedule p listed p in p the p Index p at p
Item p 15 p (collectively p referred p to p as p the p "financial p statements"). p In p our p opinion, p the p
financial p statements p present p fairly, p in p all p material p respects, p the p financial p position p of p the p
Company p as p of p February p 1, p 2020 p and p February p 2, p 2019, p and p the p results p of p its p
operations p and p its p cash p flows p for p each p of p the p three p fiscal p years p in p the p period p ended p
February p 1, p 2020, p in p conformity p with p accounting p principles p generally p accepted p in p the p
United p States p of p America.‖
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5-4 Financial Accounting for Managers